No Walk In The Park

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After you finished all your classes for today, you decided to head out to get some fresh air, you were exhausted so you planned to just go outside for a few minutes and then go to sleep. However while you were taking in the sights around you, a girl came up to you.

"Professor L/N?" She asked with a bit of shyness in her voice.

"Yeah Weiss?" You asked in an upbeat tone.

"I… I think I should have been the leader of team RWBY." She said with jealousy.

"What makes you say that?" You asked inquisitively.

"Well, I am a better fighter, I think professor Ozpin made a mistake." She said with her chin up.

"Well, your exceptional skill in the battlefield is only matched by that attitude you have going on, I have known Ozpin for many years and he has never let me down once." You replied bluntly.

"What! How dare you!" She snapped back.

"My point exactly. Weiss. Sometimes the odds aren't always in your favour, but complaining about it like this won't change anyone's mind. Sometimes we have to take it as it comes, trust me, I can tell you all about that." You said, getting straight to the point.

"Ugh. Alright, you have a point." She said in defeat.

"Leadership isn't about how much skill you have on the battleground, but about how you influence and affect those around you. There is a reason as to why ms Rose was chosen as leader, why not give her a chance and see how she acts three months from now, and I guarantee that you will change your mind. And please, try to make amends with her. She is trying her best after all." You said persuasively.

"Perhaps you are right. Thank you Professor." She said with a half-smile.

"Have a good night ms, Schnee." You said while turning around to look back to the horizon.

With that, Weiss headed back to the dorms and went to find Ruby, who was sleeping on her notes with an empty coffee mug next to her.
Weiss decided to nudge her awake,  which resulted in Ruby jolting awake and begging for Weiss to not murder her with words.

"How do you like your coffee?" Weiss asked.

"I-I." Ruby begun.

"Answer the question!" Weiss pushed.

"Aah, cream and five sugars!" Ruby said in a hurry to not keep Weiss waiting for too long.

"Done." She said as she disappeared and returned a few seconds later with a cup of coffee. "You know, I always wanted bunk beds as a kid." Weiss said graciously as she walked out of the dorm.

Though Ruby had many questions, she would rather not question anything in case she never sees this side of Weiss again.


You were sitting in your classroom in deep thought, trying to figure out what it was that Roman meant, for the words still haunted you.

"What are you planning?" You mouthed to yourself, when Yang came in.

"Hi, professor." She said casually. "Mind if I come in?" She asked afterwards.

"Yeah, sure. What's up?" You asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just came to see if we could… patch things up?" She asked again. Not wanting to be a nuisance.

"Uh… now wouldn't exactly be the best time. But I am sure that tomorrow will work out better." You said reluctantly.

"Oh… okay. Sorry to disturb you." She said while making her way to the door.

"You not disturbing me, it's just a little busy right now, but you could stay and chat to me while I get this paperwork done. I could always use the company." You said light-heartedly.

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