Competition and Strays

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While you were noting things down, you couldn't help but feel the need to drink, so you went out and got a bottle of 80% Stroh Rum, then snuck that back on campus. Luckily everyone was sleeping and you had your own room to yourself so it was pretty easy. Luckily the bottle came with a shot glass over the cap, so you immediately got you work, taking half a shot each time so you don't pass out in the first ten minutes. A few minutes went by, and you were still slugging them back until you heard a familiar voice by the door.

"Y/N?" Qrow called, and you immediately ducked the beverage and the conclusions you came up with.

"Come in." You said as Qrow opened the door and saw you hide something.

"What've you got there?" He asked curiously.

"Nothing, just finished a reminder to get things from town tomorrow, you know, food is starting to run low." You said, not that Qrow believed you very much.

"You know that Beacon has its own food supply? Why not get something there?" He asked, cocking his eyebrows in suspicion.

"I heard there's a new restaurant in the city I want to try out. That's where I'm headed tomorrow." You said with a chuckle.

(Cue song: Was It A Dream? by 30 Seconds To Mars)

"Busted, there are no new restaurants in the city. So what you hiding?" He asked again.

"Nothing. Seriously." You said defensively.

Qrow wasn't buying it so he went over there and looked under the table to find the Stroh Rum and notes.

"Dude? You trying to kill yourself? Whats wrong, I want to help." He said in concern.

"Nothings wrong, I just decided to try out Stroh Rum. It is very bloody strong." You said defensively.

As you answered, the rain started coming down.

"And these notes?" He asked, taking a look through them.


Where Raven could have gone:

Left me because she got tired of me.
Simply hated me to begin with.
Left for unsettling reasons.
Left for someone else other than Tai.

Why she left I have no clue, but I am probably to blame. That's right. I was not good enough. I never was good enough. That's why everything is against me!

"Why? You know this is not true. Buddy, we have been friends for so long." He began as you took another shot. "You know you can come talk to me about anything. Please, put the bottle away." He said with desperation.

"Why else would she leave me!? I have been trying to figure that out for so long! Now I am suffering, and my daughter is suffering because I am not good enough! I almost lost everything after she left, and not knowing where she went is hard and I just can't get it!" You snapped, and staggered to your feet in a drunken state.

"Y/N. Trust me, I know this is hard, it's hard for me to, but you don't have to drink. We can get through this together. How would Yang feel if she found out her father, the only one who is there for her, is drinking himself to death!? You are better than this!" Qrow shouted, and then he noticed something on your bedside table, a picture of team STRQ, but it has a bottle stain and tears stains on and around Raven.

"How would Yang feel if she saw you, or knew you were in this state? Tell me that." He said in desperation.

"I- You're right… I have failed yet again because my stupid past got in the way." You dropped to your knees and lazily grabbed the picture, staring at it and then tears fell again.

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