New Beginnings

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"Okay. Bring the challenge." You said with slightly more confidence.

"Alright. Do you have a weapon schematic in mind as it is mandatory for school entry? It can be a hybrid weapon if you want." Ozpin asked sternly.

"I do. I was thinking a Desert Eagle with a secondary handgun mode being a 4570 magnum. Then as a side weapon, I will take dual machetes that can phase into one machete." You stated with confidence. You've seen enough anime to know about hybrid weaponry, and you like where this is going. Then you remembered one thing. "Oh yeah, and if possible, could you integrate my switchblade into this design. I bought it for myself for Christmas so it has meaning to me."

"Of course. I will have the blacksmith get the weapon to you as soon as possible." Ozpin said with a smile.

"Thanks. Anything else?" You asked, still slightly defensive about not knowing a soul except the guy you stabbed half an hour ago.

"I will have a student, Qrow Branwen meet you outside my office. He will lead you to the dorm where you will be staying until we can get an open dorm available for you." Ozpin said, looking at you over his glasses.

"Okay, thanks." You said as you left.

"The pleasure is all mine." Ozpin replied as the elevator doors closed.

While you went down, you decided to play some music, not caring what people thought, you played a song on your phone, luckily you always carried a spare charger in your pocket in case of emergency, as your battery was low. Now you just had to hope the plug sockets were the same in this place.

(Cue song: Wild Wild Love- Pitbull ft G.R.L)

As you took a ride down the elevator, you started singing and nodding your head to the music. As the elevators opened up, you saw one person standing there looking at you funny.

"I guess you're Qrow Branwen?" You asked without a care.

"Yeah. Why… would you sing with female vocalists? That's weird." He said in an almost childlike manner.

"Don't judge. That song is close to my heart." You chuckled while saying so.

"Alright. Well, it's great to meet you. Just know if you stab someone else I will stab you." He said menacingly.

"Alright. That was self-defence though." You said casually as you were not scared of someone who you did not know the skill of.

You and Qrow started walking to the dorm, when he realised something.

"So, you not easily scared, huh?" He asked upon realising you did not even flinch from what he said.

"Nope. If I don't think a person can fight well, then I have no reason to fear the threat." You said in a mellow tone, lighting a cigarette in the process.

"Hey, kid. Smoking is not allowed here." Qrow said strictly.

"Nothing stopped me back where I come from." You said in a carefree manner.

"Eh, consequences are on you then." He said, trying to warn you.

"So they are." You fired back, killing the cigarette as you reached the dormatory building.

Upon reaching the dorm where you are supposed to stay, you opened it to find two girls, and a guy. You did recognise the one as the girl who broke up the fight between you and the principle.

"Hi ladies and gentleman. I'm your friendly neighbourhood Y/N L/N here. I was assigned to this dorm until Ozpin finds an open dorm available." You said in a comical tone, causing all the girls to laugh, all but the white hooded girl.

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