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"Y/N!" You can't sleep buddy! Look at me!" A medic shouted.

You gave no response, so the medics gave you some painkillers and adrenaline.

"Y/N! Your daughter needs you! Do not sleep!" Qrow said to you, no response. "If you survive then I am so going to kill you" he mumbled to himself.

"Hmph." You muttered in the commotion.

Timeskip 1 hour.

"Is he going to be okay?" Ozpin asked the nurse.

"He is stable, though it is too early to tell if he will pull through. He is in the ICU, but even if he makes it there is a high chance he will have major brain damage." The nurse said bluntly.

"Okay. Thank you, ma'am." He said to the nurse who nodded and walked out.

A few days later:

Qrow, Yang and Ozpin came in to visit you.

"Hey, dad. Please... you have to pull through. I need you. I can't begin to think of how hard it must be for you... but you can do this. P-please." Yang sobbed.

After a few minutes, she was just about to walk out, when you started coughing. The doctors came in and removed your breathing tube.

"Y/N. Can you feel this?" The doctor asked while lightly pinching your arm, then your leg.

"Ouch! Yes. I feel that." You whined.

"Very good. Can you squeeze my hand for me?" He asked, and you did that.

"Please hold still for me. I just need to take a look at your eyes." He said as he covered your face and held a flashlight in front of your eyes, individually.

"Pupils seem normal. You seem fine, considering taking a gunshot to the head." The doctor said with suprise.

"Am I good to go?" You asked with a hoarse throat.

"Yes. You should be fine. But please, if you experience any nausea, or loss of balance then come back." He said as you nodded in reply.

"Thank you doc." You said.

"Can you give your father and I a minute?" Qrow asked Yang and Ozpin while the doctor signed the release papers.

"Okay." They said. After making sure it was clear, Qrow begun by gripping you by the collar.

"Do you have any idea how worried we were about you!?" He growled.

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't take it anymore. The pain from Raven leaving got too much. I swear it won't happen again!" You said with a letdown tone.

"You can start your apology by staying not dead, so that Yang knows she is not alone. If you go out this way, how do you think Yang would feel if she knew her biological father for a few months before he commits suicide?" He said sternly

"Understood." You said as you and him left the hospital.

"Y/N?" A familiar voice called you.

"Tai?" You asked.

"I want to start by apologising. What I said to you... back at the prison. I shouldn't have said that. You were right." He said bluntly.

"It's cool dude. You're still my friend." You said casually. "After all, if I were in your shoes, I would have done the same thing." You added.

Tai knew about your attempted suicide, but didn't want to say anything in case it makes the situation worse for everyone.

"Dad?" Yang called you.

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