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"You don't have to worry. Everything will be fine, I will most likely be the same, just with extra powers. Nothing to worry about." She said with sympathy.

"Okay." You said bluntly.

"You not mad at me are you?" Raven asked with a worried expression, which caused you to perk up.

"No, I'm not mad at you, I just wish it couldn't be like this." You said with concern.

"I know. I wish it could be the way I imagined it too. But just know that things will not change between us." She said with a smile, hugging you out of worry. Then your teammates rushed in from emergency.

"What's wrong!?" You asked with a dire tone.

"Roman's gone! He disappeared." They said with worry.

"Where was he last seen!?" You asked in a state of worry and shock.

"By a Dust shop, downtown Vale. The place was robbed. I hope he is not the one behind it. I mean, how coincidental must it be for Roman to disappear at the exact time a Dust shop robbery takes place?" Clyde said with panic in his voice.

"Dammit Roman, what did you do now?" You asked with disappointment.

"Shouldn't we look for him!?" They asked.

"No. If he is behind it and he knows we coming for him, then he will do anything to set up an alibi for himself. The only way to find out is to wait and see surveillance footage." You said reasonably.

"You make a great point. What about the Vytal Festival? It starts in two hours and we can't be a three-man team?" They asked. Then Ozpin again, came out of nowhere, causing you to scream from the fright.

"Not necessarily." Ozpin said.

"GAH SHIT! Sorry… you kinda startled me." You said sheepishly.

"No worries, but you can be a three-man team in the festival if you're up for the challenge. After all, it won't always be a fair fight. Plus with Y/Ns capabilities, it does even the odds." Professor Ozpin said casually.

"Any idea on what happened to Roman?" You asked.

"Yes. I know where he is." He said.

He then pulled out his scroll and showed you something shocking, but not surprising.

"I regret to inform you about this." He said as the video showed Roman walk into the Dust store with henchmen, and rob the store. "But Roman is no longer a part of this team or associated with this school."

"Roman… what happened to you?" You asked with disappointment.

"I'm sorry. Please, if it makes you feel better then your team is up first for the festival." He said with empathy.

"Right." You said with a downcast tone, walking into your dorm and slowly closing the door behind you.

One hour later:

"Attention, please? Can team G_C please report to the coliseum for the opening round?" Port and Oobleck announced over the P.A system.

"Looks like we're up." Clyde said with confidence.

Timeskip ten minutes.

"The first match is team G_C of Beacon vs WNTR of Atlas! For the first time in decades, we have a three-man team in the competition!" Port announced, while Ozpin watched from his tower.

"I see we have a Schnee in the competition, ha! So predictable!" You said, from what you learnt, the Schnee family were proper and had a perfect form- type fighting style, so that made them predictable. The landscape changed to something similar to Mount Glenn on one side, and then forest on the other side.

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