Unworthy: Oswald Imagined

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"Oswald Cobblepot is behind bars, in Arkham Asylum." You heard a police officer say.
"What?" You turn to Jim. "You put my boyfriend behind bars?"
"It wasn't my choice. He owned up to the murder of Theo Galivan." Jim said.
"But you were there too! I was there!" You yelled. Jim hushed you and whispered
"Do you wanna be thrown in there?" You frowned and walked over to your desk.
"I need to visit him!" You said.
"What?" Jim asked.
"Hey! If it was Lee there you'd go to her." You spat. "And I'd back you up!" You stomped out of the GCPD, all the way to your car.
"Wait... let me take you." Ed's voice called. You turned and saw him running towards you.
"Thanks Eddie." You replied. You got into Ed's car and drove off to the Asylum. You got out quickly and ran in.
"GCPD, here to see mr Cobblepot." You said holding your badge up, "He's with me." You nodded towards Ed. They led you in. You sat at a table, clear glass between you, so you could talk to Ozzy. A guard came and pulled him out. You smiled sadly and put your hand to the glass, he reached out and did the same.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"Why wouldn't I come and see you?" You asked.
"You have to go! If they see you that use you against me." He said.
"What?" You asked.
"Torture Y/N, torture." Oswald whisper yelled looking around.
"What?! Oswald, I won't let them hurt you! Who's doing this, let me talk to them." You yelled.
"Shh! Y/N. You shouldn't be here! Leave me." Oswald said. "Leave me I'm... unworthy of your love."
"No! Oswald no! I love you... so much! I don't care what you have or haven't done." You yelled.
"But you shouldn't! Be with someone good." Oswald said. "Someone like Jim Gordon."
"NO! I don't want someone like him, I want someone like you, I want you." You yelled.
"Ed, please look after her." Oswald said turning away from you. "And make sure she finds someone good for her."
"OSWALD!" You yelled as he stood up. "OSWALD!" You yelled again, as he turned his back. He turned back, crying he said.
"I love you." And with that he turned back. You started to bang on the glass. Ed grabbed you and pulled you back.
"Come back!" You yelled, "Please come back!" You sank on to the floor. Ed grabbed your arms and pulled you back. After a bit of thrashing around you stopped and stood up.
"Take me to the man who runs this place!" You snapped to the guard. He walked the two of you to an office. You knocked on the door.
"GCPD!" You yelled. The door opened to show a short bold man with pink glasses.
"Yes?" He asked.
"Hi I'm detective Y/N  Y/L/N." you said.
"Hugo Strange." He replied.
"I'm here to tell you that whatever torture you do here I don't care, but whatever you do to Oswald Cobblepot... oho then I care! Don't you dare lay a finger on him!"
"You have no right to come in here." He yelled. "You have no right to tell me how to run my Asylum, and have no right to accuse me of torture."
"Well I mean she has every-" Ed started.
"Shh!" Hugo interrupted. "Now I bid you adieu." He opened the door and shoved you two out.
"Look I think we got off on the wrong foot." You said.
"Don't care, get out." He yelled and slammed the door shut. Ed grabbed your elbow and pulled you out.

"Mr Cobblepot." Hugo said. "I just had a detective come in and tell me that you should be spared from your... treatment."
"Well whoever they were are wrong! I need this." Oswald said.
"You do." Hugo said. "But she seemed... fond of you."
"Well I uh... don't know why that would be?" Oswald said.
"Would you like to me to get you to forget her?" Hugo asked
"NO! I uh mean I don't r really care about them." Oswald said. Hugo chuckled.

"Jim they tortured him!" You yelled at Jim.
"What can we do?" Jim asked
"I don't know." You replied. "But we're gonna do something, Gordon."

Word count- 721

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