Obsession Pt three

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"What you wanna take her away!" Y/n's stepfather yelled. Y/n quickly pulled clothes out of her small wardrobe. Lee took each piece and folded them.
"You know, we could go shopping for some more clothes." Lee said. Y/n smiled to her and shrugged.
"I know I don't have many clothes, but you don't have to do that for me." Lee smiled at her talking the shirt from her hand.
"I can't wait." Lee smiled. Y/n held her smile as she turned back to her wardrobe and pulled out the last thing. A hoodie, it was black and large. Y/n pulled it off the hanger and held it against herself in the mirror. It was overly large, around her body and went down to her mid-thigh.
"Y/n did you want- oh, was that... his?" Lee asked. She nodded and turned back to her.
"It sounds weird but I miss him! But I'm scared of him too!" Y/n said.
"Love is hard, and when you have love for someone you shouldn't it's harder." Lee said. Y/n handed her the hoodie to fold.
"Thanks Lee." Y/n smiled, quickly she hugged her before pulling away. Lee was shocked for a second but squeezed her back.
"You wanna take her fine! That stupid little brat can be your problem now!" He yelled.
"I'll arrest you right now!" Jim yelled back. Y/n ran out quickly.
"Jim! Donnie! Stop!" She yelled.
"What you call me?" Donnie snapped.
"I c called you d Donnie." She replied trying to sound strong, but her words came out softly. Jim stood between her and Donnie. Lee ran out now, holding onto Y/n's hand.
"Nah uh! What's my name little girl!" Donnie asked, pushing pass Jim, he pushed him back. Donnie punched Jim across the face.
"Stop! Donnie! STOP!" Jim punched back, Lee pulled Y/n backwards. Jim quickly pinned him down.
"You're not gonna sleep at night!" Donnie snapped. "You're gonna remember what's happened in this apartment!" Y/n turned to Lee and hid her face in her shoulder.
"Please stop." She mumbled. Jim quickly hit Donnie in the back of the head with his gun, knocking him out cold. He breathed heavily as he looked over at the two of them.

She was settled into her new home.
"Thank you both so much for what you have done for me. If there's anyway I can help you please let me know." Y/n said.
"Look, we just want you to not visit him." Jim said.
"What?" Y/n asked.
"It would be best for the both of you not to see each other." Jim said.
"Not once?" She asked. Jim sighed and looked at her with a small, sad smile.
"Okay. Once!" He said. "And when you turn 18 you can decide what to do." She smiled happily.
"Thank you Jim!" She said gratefully.
"Get in the car." He replied with a smile. She jogged to the car. Jim followed with Lee.

They drove through asylum gates. They walked in together.
"Jim Gordon, GCPD. We'd like to visit a cell mate you have here." Jim said, holding his badge up to the guard. "For questioning of course." The guard shrugged and allowed them in, walking them to a hall where the cell mates say behind bars. Jerome said watching everyone, when he looked up he gasped before smiling at the sight of her.
"Y/n." He smiled. Jerome leaped up and ran to the cold, metal bars. "Oh it's good to see you." Another guard was opening the door, Jerome quickly ran out.
"You too." Y/n answered before she realised what he was doing. The guard couldn't grab him, Jim grabbed his gun and Lee gasped. Y/n stood still. He grabbed her face and kissed her lips softly.
"I missed you doll." Jerome said.
"I missed you too." She mumbled into his chest as he hugged her. The guard quickly grabbed him and shoved him back into the cell.
"H how is it?" She asked. He smirked at her.
"Well no mother so I'm fine." He said. "But crazy cause there's no you." Y/n opened her mouth to speak, but the footsteps approaching were loud. Five guards and a short man with pink glass walked forward.
"You have no business being here! Out!" He shouted, the guards grabbed them and pulled them out.
"NO!" Jerome yelled. "Y/N I LOVE YOU! I'LL GET TO YOU." It was like time slowed down as she was being dragged out. His sad eyes watched her leave, her arms hurt from how hard she was being held. Her feet tingle from the feeling of being dragged against tiled floor against their will. The drive home was silent. Except for an apology Y/n gave that was shut down. Jim explained how it wasn't her fault, she was not to blame. They reached the apartment and walked up. All eating together as a family.

For the next few weeks life for Y/n was just about settling in. Jim and Lee adored her, she definitely appreciated them. She felt a lot happy now that her step father was gone. Life was for once normal. Until she got home from school one day and turned on the news.
"How was school?" Lee asked from the kitchen.
"Pretty good." Y/n said. "Today in history we learnt about- oh my..." She turned on the news as she was speaking, but fell silent at what she saw.
"What's the matter hunny?" Lee asked walking to her. She looked at the TV and gasped. The lady on the new spoke.
"Arkham Asylum escapee Jerome Valeska has started to wreak havoc all across Gotham. Reportedly there are seven dead. No once knows how many more there are if any or will be. The GCPD is looking for the teen boy and his group of friends, but something like this definitely sparks many questions. Is my family safe? My town safe? Am I safe? Is anyone safe?
Suddenly the phone rung, causing Lee and Y/n to jump slightly.
"He's going after Y/n!" Y/n heard Jim's voice yell from the phone. "Make sure she's safe!"
"Jim what do we-
There was a knock at the door.
"Jim someone just knocked on the door." Lee whispered. Y/n stood up in front of Lee. And all of a sudden the door flew off its hinges, cause the two to yelp, an extremely tall and muscly man stood in the door frame. A cloud of dust arose causing a small chorus of coughs to sound from the door. The man was pushed out of the way by a red headed man. They knew instantly who it was.
"Jerome." Y/n whispered.
"Y/n!" Jerome called. "I told you I'd come for you." He ran to her and spun her around. "Alright let's go."
"Don't touch her!" Lee snapped.
"Oh so you're living here with them now." Jerome said. "Love what you've done with this place, but could be nicer. Boys!" Two men of the group walked in and started to destroy what was inside.
"Jerome please stop." Y/n said.
"Ah isn't that better." He said when they stopped.
"Jerome I'll go with you. But you can't hurt Lee." Y/n said.
"Y/N NO!" Lee shouted.
"Anything for you doll." Jerome said and caressed her cheek. "Let's go." He grabbed her hand and pulled her out. The rest of the group followed. Y/n looked back at Lee, sending her a smile, mouthing a thank you to her.
"Where are we going?" She asked.
"Back to where we belong." Jerome smiled. He kissed her lips softly and smiled. "Home."

Jerome POV.
I'm gong to get her! She is mine! She belongs to only me! Jerome thought to himself as he was in his own cell. Seeing her today sparked a plan for him.
"I'm breaking out of here for Y/n." Jerome said to himself.
"I'm in." A voice interrupted him. Barbra Keen.
"You'll help me get her?" Jerome asked evilly.
"Shut up about this girl! You sound obsessed." Barbra complained.
"She's mine!" Jerome said. "And when I see her I'll take her back."
"Obsession!" Barbra teased singsongy. And hay word along with Y/n's name danced around Jerome's head.

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