Obsession Part One- Jerome Imagine

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word count-1650

Jerome Valeska was not the type of person to feel. Especially for other humans, but you. You're different. You just are. He's been obsessed with you for years. He's always been this protective force for you, seeing as how you've grown up. You're from a broken home, your mum left and your dad that you were really close to, died. Now you're stuck with your abusive step father. Jerome has always tried to protect you from him. Even before he became the infamous Jerome Valeska.

Today was very special to you. The circus was in town. You absolutely loved the circus. And today was also your birthday. You were so excited to see Jerome. You hadn't seen each other in four months. Jerome tries to come to Gotham when he's out of the city but he can't always. Sometimes if they're only a town over he'll stay just for you.

You got dressed, did you hair and makeup and walked out the door of your bedroom. You scurried to the front door.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"J just to the circus." You stuttered.
"Come here, let me take a look at ya." You slowly turned and walked over.
"Are you wearing makeup?"
"Ye yes only a little." You stuttered
"For Jerome!" Her step father growled.
"N no, I just wanted t to look nice today." Y/N replied.
"You look like a slut!" He snapped. She backed away which seemed to only anger him more. He got up and slapped her across the face. The right side of her face had a red hand print. He gripped her neck.
"A little slut just like your mother!" He snapped, his grip tightening. "Go on with your little boy toy." He let go of her neck causing her to stumble and run out the door. Her coughs echoed through the halls of the apartment building. She ran out of the building and over to the grounds.

There it was, the bright colours, sweet smells. The big red and white stripped tents, the cheap rigged games, the food and of course the wonderful people. Y/N ran down the small hill and over to the ticket booth.
"Uh Y/N, it's nice to see you." The man in the booth said.
"Hey Carl, long time no see." Y/N replied, hiding her face in the shadow of tent, not wanting him to see her face or neck.
"Isn't today special?" Carl asked.
"Hmm, is it?" Y/N replied with a smile. Carl chuckled and pulled out one ticket to the circus.
"Happy Birthday sweetheart, Jerome's in his trailer." Carl said.
"Thank you, so much." She said, grabbing her ticket and running over to Jerome's trailer. She quickly knocked on the door and fixed her clothes. The door swung open and Y/N jumped into his arms. He hugged her back pulling her flush against him.
"I've missed you!" She whispered
"I missed you too!" Jerome said. He pulled away and looked down at her. A big frown spread across his face.
"He... he hit you again! Didn't he?" Jerome spoke, his voice getting louder, his grip on her shoulders tightening. She nodded, scared of his now aggressive nature. Jerome looked down her body to her neck.
"Are those bruises?" Jerome asked trying to calm down. She nodded her head, pulled out of his grasp and backing away a little. She'd never seen him get angry, he's always been the sweet boy who'd never speak out of turn and always stayed quiet.
"I'm going to kill him!" Jerome said. "I'll slit his throat!"
"Jerome please. I just want to enjoy my day, with you." She said. "You don't have to do anything. Please." Jerome sighed and took hold of her hand, walking her in. They sat in the front. She giggled and began to feel giddy as she saw the clowns and trapeze artists walk out. Jerome smiled at her as she laughed at the clowns act. He laughed as she gasped at the trapeze act. Then the fight broke out between the families and she started to get scared. Jerome grabbed Y/N and scurried out over to his trailer. He sat her down and held her close.
"I want better for us! I don't want to goto places and see people fighting! I want to take you to beautiful places." Jerome said.
"I want that too! But look at us. We can't afford it." She said. "And as if he'd let me go or your mother! She'd lose her mind. Speaking of which where is she?"
"Don't know. Been at the library all day." Jerome said.

There was a knock at the door. Jerome groaned, he only wanted to be with her. He grabbed his coat and opened the door pulling the coat on. Y/N got up and stood behind him.
"GCPD! We need to speak to Lila."
"She's not here." Jerome said. "Why? What's happened?" He started to walk down the steps of the trailer.
"Where is she?" Jim asked
"I don't know. She was supposed to be home a bit ago." Jerome said.
"You a relative?" He asked.
"Yeah, her son. Jerome." Jerome said.
"And you?" Jim said to Y/N.
"Oh no I'm-"
"She's mine- I mean she's my friend." Jerome mumbled. Le giggled.
"Jerome. When did you last see her?"Jim asked.
"Uh, this morning she left before I went to the library." Jerome said.
"Relax Jerome. This gentleman is just here because Owen and Al had a disagreement. You're mothers fine, gone on another one of her sprees no doubt. You know how she is."
"A spree, without her hat, her coat and her purse." Jerome said. There was a quiet hiss and Jerome turned to the snake in the cage behind them.
"Look at Shiba, she's distraught." Jerome said with worry in his voice. "She knows something's wrong."
"The snake does seem to be agitated." Jim said.
"Sir she's what you'd call a party girl."
Y/N went and stood next to Jerome.
"Back in the morning with her knickers in her handbag, sure as eggs."
"But she didn't take her handbag did she?" Jim asked. "How fast does an animal like that move?"
"Fast walking pace, but they rely on surprise mainly." Jerome said, his voice shaky and uneven.
"Let her out." Jim said.
"I'm sorry." Jerome said.
"Let her out." Jim repeated slowly. Jerome walked over and opened Sheeba's cage, pulling the snake out and letting her on the ground. Sheeba began to slither around, then started in one direction. They all followed the snake to where it ended. In the back of a truck. The other three walked closer. Jerome stood with Y/N behind them. Jim stood up on the hay on the ground and pulled the sheet away. Underneath was a woman covered in blood. Jerome fell to his knees, loud cries erupted from his mouth. Y/N ran over and hugged him tightly. He hugged her legs, sobbing on to her side. Jim went to gently pull you away so he could ask some questions, but Jerome snapped at him.
"Don't touch her!" He said quietly as he stood up quickly and pulled you in for a tight hug. "Don't leave me, don't leave!" He started to repeat over and over.
"Jerome, I know, but you have to go with them!" Y/N whispered.
"But what about you?" He asked.
"I'll come too." She smiled comfortingly.
"F fine... I'll come but only if Y/N is with me." Jerome said.
"Are you sure?" Jim asked the girl. She nodded.
"Of course."

Jim went and sat with you and Jerome in his trailer.
"When did you last see your mother?" Jim asked.
"This morning." Jerome replied. "I went off to the Library, she was here, sleeping."
"And when you got back?" Jim asked.
"She wasn't here." Jerome said quickly. "I j just thought she was g getting ready f for the show." Y/N grabbed Jerome's hand quickly.
"It's okay." She mumbled.
"Did your mother have any enemies that you knew of?" Jim asked with a gentle tone.
"N no." Jerome said defensively. "My mother was opinionated b but never wanted to be mean to anyone."
"Do you mind, Y/N if we ask you a few questions, alone."
"I don't mind." Y/N said and smiled at Jerome. He hesitantly walked out of the trailer with Lee.
"Did you know Lila well?" Jim asked.
"Well I mean, I've known Jerome for fourteen years, so I guess I've known her for a while." She said.
"Describe her to me." Jim said.
"Jerome spoke about her quite
nicely, but she's the opposite actually." Y/N muttered. "She hadn't been the best mother to Jerome. She'd yell at him, hit him and drink, a lot."
"Is Jerome a naturally violent person?" Jim asked.
"No, not at all." Y/N said. "He'd never hurt anyone!"
"So that bruise in your neck, wasn't him?"
"No." Y/N mumbled breaking eye contact
"Then who did that to you?" Jim asked.
"My step father." She answered. "He can be a little aggressive when he drinks."
"And Jerome likes to protect you." Jim nodded.
"Yeah, I guess he does."
"Thank you, that's all we need." Jim smiled warmly, standing up and leaving the trailer. She followed quickly behind.
"If we find out anymore information we'll let you know." Jim said. "Oh and Y/N if you want to report a crime against your stepfather I'll be happy to look into it."
"Thank you very much sir." She smiled. She turned back to Jerome after they left. "I'm so sorry Jerome." She pulled him into a tight hug.

"They're sweet." Lee said to Jim. "Poor kids."
"There's something up with that Jerome." Jim said.
"What about Y/N?" Lee asked.
"She's just fragile." Jim said

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