Jerome smut

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word count-1000+
this sucked, sorry!
leave suggestions

"Jerome." Y/n called as she walked down the hall.
"Yes my love." Jerome called from the dining room. She had a blanket draped around her shoulders, the ends bunched up in her fists. She shuffled in through the door. Arnold, Jerome and Greenwood sat at the table. "We're just playing poker. What's wrong?" He looked up from the table to see her shuffling over. Greenwood and Arnold glanced at her but not for too long, in case Jerome would notice.
"Nightmare." She mumbled as she walked over to where Jerome sat. She held the blanket tighter around her when she saw Greenwood's hungry eyes.
"Again?" He asked worriedly, pulling her into his lap, securing the blacker around her tightly and making sure her hair was out of her face before kissing her forehead. "That's seven this week."
"Ooh Jerome isn't so tough now is he?" Greenwood snickered. Arnold laughed quietly in his seat. Y/n shifted to stand up, knowing Jerome would want to keep his tough image, but he held her by her arms, pulling her to sit where she was. Jerome looked Greenwood up and down before turning to Y/n.
"Why don't we play a game of roulette, again." Jerome said menacingly. Arnold laughed again to himself as Greenwood's smirk dropped instantly.
"Tell me about your nightmare." He said gently. They all stared at her.
"Well...Theo killed you. But he wasn't Theo. He-he was this weird contorted green monster. And he ripped you apart, and he made me watch." Y/n stumbled out, struggling to recall what had happened. "And then he-or it killed everyone else. All the other maniax! And it made me watch, it made me join in. It made m-me hurt you Jerome. T-Then it fixed you. A-and you were all better. And you stood up and told me that I was nothing to you anymore. Before you shot me in the head."
Greenwood gave Arnold a fearful look, while Jerome chuckled.
"You know I would never, ever, hurt you. Unless we're in the bedroom." Jerome said slowly, his finger holding her chin up. "And I won't let anyone else hurt you."
"Not Greenwood, or Arnold or even Theo, okay?" She nodded at him with a smile before she placed her head on his chest.
"We shouldn't tell lies Jerome." Theo said from the door. They all looked over to him.
"Lies?" Jerome asked.
"You can't stop them from hurting her." Theo smirked. "She must be able to defend herself." Jerome held his grip on her.
"And if she can't, she's out."
"Y/n." Jerome whispered. "Do that thing you did in your dream yesterday." She looked at him with furrowed brows, he nodded to her slowly. She stood up and grabbed a long metal pole from the wall, shrugging the blanket off her shoulders.
"Alright then." She mumbled. Theo turned his shoulder to the door, Tabitha walked in. Y/n twisted the pole around in her hand. Greenwood cheered happily from where he sat along with Arnold. Barbra looked in through the doorway and rolled her eyes before walking off. Mumbling something about how 'childish' everyone was being. Tabitha rolled her eyes before she let out a smirk. She flicked her whip forward, Y/n dodged and grabbed it. She pulled it forward, letting Tabitha stumble before she hit her once with the pole. Tabitha fell flat on her stomach. Y/n kicked her twice before blowing the hair out of her face. Tabitha let of a groan of pain. Theo looked a little taken aback before looking at Y/n curiously.
"Defensive enough?" She asked. Jerome laughed sadistically, falling out of his chair. Theo had a smirk on his face, Tabitha still on the floor and Greenwood and Arnold sat cheerfully.
"You know she had a dream where she fought your puppet Theo!" Jerome screamed. "And she won! My girl won! HAHA!" Y/n blushed at Jerome's praise. He picked her up and spun her around before running out to his bedroom.
"I guess she can stay." Theo said as he watched them run out. "Not sure I'll say the same for you Tabitha." Greenwood laughed at Theo, he shot him a cold stare and Greenwood stopped laughing immediately.

"You're going to like this treat doll." Jerome said. He placed her onto the bed and started to undress himself. She quickly followed, leaving herself in her panties.
"No bra? How naughty." Jerome chuckled darkly. He pulled out some rope and tied her hands to the bed post. She wriggled up to watch him change. He smirked at her before crawling on top of her. He kissed from her neck  to her stomach, just on her panty line. His hands reached up and yanked them off. She yelped at his roughness. He kissed down till he reached her core. Slowly he started to kiss and lick until she was moaning for him. He went faster, her hands pulling eagerly at the rope. She yelled out when he finished her. Quickly he pushed himself into her, she yelped again and let out soft moans. Jerome moaned loudly, his hands gripping at her waist tightly. He looked down at her face and watched as she had her eyes shut, he kept thrusting while he leaned down and stared kissing her neck and chest, leaving marks.
"I'm, c-close!" She mumbled.
"Me too princess." He replied. He continued thrusting, she came before he did. Jerome kept going until he finished. He pulled out of her and started to untie her.
"Like your treat princess?" Jerome asked, laying on his hack next to her.
"Very much." She puffed. Jerome pulled her against him.
"I mean what I said." Jerome said. "No one will hurt you! Or touch you! Because then they'll have to deal with me if they do."
"I-lov-.. thank you Jerome." She mumbled. She let her head fall into his chest, his hands running through her hair slowly as she lay peacefully. Jerome couldn't possible feel love, the way she did. She was insane but had a heart so she was shocked when she heard these words fall out of his mouth.
"I love you too." He said. "And you're the only person I can. Because you're the only one who loves me. Even if you are a maniac." She smiled at him before pecking his lips.

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