Unworthy part two

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"Jim they tortured him!" You yelled at Jim.
"What can we do?" Jim asked
"I don't know." You replied. "But we're gonna do something, Gordon."

You sat with Jim trying to figure out a way to save Oswald.
"Why can't we just bust him out?" You asked frustratedly.
"Because y/n he admitted to killing Theo Galivan!" Jim replied.
"We we're both there!" You snapped.
"So you want to get fired?" Jim asked. "You're not getting me fired either!"
"No I don't want either of us to get fired it's just hard!" Y/N said. "He's not who he was! He's different...weak a-and scared! I just want the real Ozzy back!" Jim sighed as he watched his best friend panic.
"What if we talk to that guy." Jim said. You nodded and left with him.

They arrived at Arkham. Y/n was out quickly, while Jim ran to keep up with her. They both ran in and up to Hugo's office.
"GCPD!" Jim yelled. Hugo opened the door, then sneered at Y/n.
"You!" He snapped.
"Yeah yeah, where's Oswald?" She asked.
"You have no right! No warrant, get out!" Hugo barked.
"I just want to see him." She said. Hugo's mouth twisted into an evil smile. He nodded and let them in, he pressed a button on a remote and spoke.
"Show me Oswald Cobblepot." On the screen next to them that was set up on an old desk was Oswald, being wheeled in on a chair by a man in a white lab coat. Hugo smirked and looked between the screen and Y/n.
"Y/n Y/l/n." He spoke. Oswald screamed and rolled around, falling off his wheelchair.
"STOP!" Oswald yelled. "I'M SORRY PLEASE STOP! STOP!" The man in the coat brought out a picture, thrusting it into Oswald's hands. Oswald slowly looked at if before he yelled apologies.
"PLEASE I'M SORRY!" The man in the coat took the pictures showing it off to the camera as he walked by. It was a picture of Y/n. She gasped quietly. Jim put a hand on her shoulder. After Oswald calmed down the man in the coat pressed a button of a small rectangular box. It was her voice that came spoke.
"Oswald I love you... so much." And once again Oswald started to panic and scream. Hugo switched off the screen.
"There you saw him." Hugo smirked.
"What have you down to him?!" Y/n asked angrily through gritted teeth. Hugo only smirked, walking back to his desk. Y/n yelled and threw what he had on the desk behind his head.
"Y/N!" Jim yelled, grabbing her elbows to pull her back. She pulled against him, thrashing around.
"I need to see him!" She yelled. "Jim! Stop!" Hugo stood up with his smug smile and opened his office door. Y/n stopped struggling, Jim held her arm as they walked out the door, but she pulled her arm away. Hugo nodded to one of the guards. Suddenly Oswald's screams filled the hall. He was thrown in front of her feet. Gasping, he slowly looked up. She bent down in front of him.
"Ozzy." She mumbled. Oswald flinched, scrambling backwards.
"Why's he scared of her?" Jim asked.
"It's part of our therapy, he needs to forget the toxicity in his life." Hugo said.
"That didn't answer my question." Jim said.
"Oh, well we've contorted her image. To him she looks like someone that's only out for his money and then kills him a gruesome, gruesome way." Hugo answered with an as matter of factly tone. Jim glared at him then turned to watch Y/n and Oswald.
"Szeretlek." She mumbled to him. Oswald snapped his eyes to her. "Gyere vissza hozzám."
Oswald sat there, his eyes starring innocently yet confused.
"W-when did you l-learn-
"I got your mother to teach me." She answered. "Because I wanted to tell you how much you mean to me in your language." Oswald slowly shuffled closer to her. Jim took Hugo into the office to speak with him.
"te tökéletes vagy." He mumbled to her.
"Hey, I'm not fluent." She replied. He looked at her like she was an angel.
"You have to run." He mumbled. "Get out of here, before they get you too."
"Come with me!" She whispered. "We can run out of her." Oswald smiled at her sadly.
"Don't you understand my love." He said. "I'm suppose to be here and you out there!" Y/n furrowed her brows in confusion at him.
"You need to forget me." He said. "Because I'm a drag in your life."
"Stop saying that! All I want is you! All I love is!" She said. "This breaks my heart Oz!" Jim quickly walked out and grabbed Y/n.
"Jim stop!" She yelled. Oswald stood up before being pulled by one of the guards. Jim quickly pushed her into the car.
"What the hell?!" She yelled.
"We're gonna sneak in and grab him! I just stole the keys from Hugo." Jim snapped. Y/n at him with shock. "What?"
"Nothing just impressed." She replied. "But confused." Jim rolled his eyes and drove off.
"Thank you." She mumbled.
"Did y/n  y/l/n just use her manners?" Jim asked. She slapped his arms, but smiled as she looked out the window.
"We're coming Ozzy."

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