in the workplace

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some about sex and some about arguing

"jim shut up. i'm sick and tired of your shit. you think what, that just because were dating you can tell me what i can wear?" y/n yelled. the precinct went quiet, all listening into the bickering. everyone watching like it was a new movie. jim only sat in his chair, glaring at her.
"maybe if you weren't such a-" Jim started but stopped himself before he said anything he'd regret. y/n's eyes widened, a smile on her face, she wasn't happy but she looked fired up, wide eyes.
"no say it. say it jim!" she shouted, but he didn't answer. "no say it! what were you gonna call me?" you could hear a pin drop. the precinct was dead silent, jim knew either way he was fucked.
"slut?" she finished his sentence for him. "thats what you were gonna say wasn't it?" she stood in front of him, hands placed firmly on her waist. harvey snickered behind jim, knowing the trouble he was in.
"jim, where you gonna say slut? huh?" y/n asked once more, knowing the answer but hearing jim's response was still somewhat of a shock.
"yes. i was going to say slut." jim replied, spitting his words out. any rational person wouldn't have said that, they wouldn't have said anything. but not him! jim thought that opening his mouth was the best idea.
"screw you." y/n responded, with one loud slap across his face, y/n walked out of the precinct. jim would never understand how badly he messed up.

"I SAID IF I EVER SEE YOU HERE AGAIN-" oswald scolded the cowardly man that was huddled on the floor in front of him. y/n stood quietly at the door of oswald's office along with one of the maids as they were having a conversation but stopped to listen in, a mix of adrenaline and fear forming in their stomachs.
"oswald i am so-" y/n knew that's when that poor man had made the biggest and last mistake he'd ever make. the gun shots that came from the door were expected but still shocking. y/n slowly opened the door to find oswald wiping small red splatters from his cheek.
"oh my dear, how long have you been standing there? janice, the body?" oswald spoke calmly to y/n, but after noticing the maid clicked for her to collect the lifeless man.
"not long." y/n gulped in response. "are you busy now." oswald beamed up, looking only with adoration in his dark eyes.
"no my love, come. let us eat." he smiled.
"h-how can you eat after that?" oswald chuckled, stroking y/n's face gently as if as though to politely say you little innocent unknowing thing.
"my queen this is my place of work, my job." oswald said casually. "now i'm craving some chicken pie, you?"

"ed please. i can't take it anymore. you don't understand how badly i need this." y/n said, gripping ed's shirt and pulling him closer. ed has a rosey blush on his cheeks as he stumbled around his words.
"b-but wouldn't this be inappropriate?" ed asked in a whisper incase anyone in the empty room would overhear.
"ed, it would be like a friendly favour. come on, don't act like you wouldn't like it too, i heard what you said to jim. how much you'd like to see me..after hours." y/n whispered the last part in ed's ear, her hands tracing up and down his chest. ed gulped and tried to look in her eyes. y/n sat on the cold metal table of ed's workspace and looked up at him with lustful eyes.
"how about, after work today you come back to my place?" she whispered. the dark voice in ed's spoke to him. why don't we just fix her situation now?
"or we could do it here?" ed said with dark eyes, he pushed her back against the table and climbed on top of her. kissing down her neck and her exposed chest from under her blouse. y/n held her arms around ed's neck and called out for more.
"oh ed. please don't stop." y/n said.
"please do." a voice came from the door. ed jumped high into the air to find lee standing there. "just make sure to clean the table." ed nodded and his head fell to the floor. lee smiled at the two of them and shut the door.
"see you tonight eddie." y/n said, hips swaying as they walked out the door.

bruce decided to visit you at your place of work. you however were embarrassed, you worked in this little run down dinner, on the other side of town. most customers were old creepy men that hit on you. you'd never want bruce to see you working there, not wanting him to be ashamed. but he often told you how he would never be embarrassed by you.
the bell rang as the front door opened.
"hi welcome to wild wendy's, how may-." y/n stopped talking as bruce walked up to the counter, a big grin on his face.
"bruce! i told you not to come here." y/n said in a loud whisper, grabbing the coffee pot from behind and pouring a cup for the man at the counter.
"wow, your uniform is really cute." bruce said, taking off his coat. you looked down at your coffee stained yellow dress and white apron, rolling your eyes to yourself.
"who's this?" the man at the counter asked, nodding to bruce. this man often came in and often made you very uncomfortable.
"her boyfriend." bruce responded, sitting up tall. the man eyed him up.
"yeah right, prissy pants ain't your boyfriend. right y/n?" the man asked, you fiddled with your fingers as the man looked at you with a harsh gaze.
"well..yes." y/n responded, the man glared and bruce gradually got more and more angry. you turned back and started wiping down the coffee machine. the man slapped his hand on the counter.
"well aren't you a little slut. you come in here with that dress and bat your eyes at us all the while you're just trying to gets nice tip. HUH?" the man yelled, the diner fell silent. the cooks and other waitresses all sat and watched, to make sure there was no danger. bruce's knuckles went white as he clenched them.
"don't you dare speak to her that way." bruce yelled at the man.
"bruce don't!" y/n replied, but the man and bruce only saw each other and the anger they felt.
"why don't you run along prissy boy, your little skank here doesn't want you to talk." the man replied with a disgustingly smug look on his face. bruce grabbed the cup of coffee sitting on the counter in front of him and threw it at the man's face causing him to scream. y/n gasped in complete shock and stumbled backwards. bruce swept the mans leg from beneath him and began kicking the man in the stomach, chest and face.
"bruce, stop! BRUCE!" y/n yelled, bruce was seeing red but when he heard y/n yell he remembered who and where he was and regained consciousness. he grabbed y/n and pulled you out of the shop.
"you're going to get a new job, one where perverts can't talk to you like that!" bruce yelled, pulling you down the street.
"bruce you selfish..UGH. this was an okay job, i was getting decent money and great tips. it had gross men but they were harmless. you were so in your own head you had do what you thought was right. you didn't think of me!" you yelled at him, losing all sense of reality, not caring about the people passing by.
"he humiliated you. i was defending you." bruce snapped.
"you don't understand! this is the way things go, you can't always fix everything. just because you grew up like that doesn't mean we all get that luxury. i put up with this so i can support my brother and my mother. you can't just make everything about you. i needed this money and because you felt the need to defend my honour i'm out of a job!" you yelled. giving bruce something he really deserved, another opinion that wasn't said to enable him.
"y/n if it's money you know-"
"just stop!" you yelled and walked down the street and away from him.

jerome and you had an interesting relationship. you were a cop and he was, well jerome. you guys didn't date other people but weren't really dating each other. in your own world, it's very dangerous. a cop dating an insane criminal. and for jerome, if anyone found out he was dating you, the two of you would probably both be killed. so you promised to see each other in secret, never near the precinct and never near any of jerome's people.
so seeing jerome's bright red hair coming through the door shocked you immediately.
"well well well. it certainly reeks of bacon." he yelled, laughing hysterically. every cop turned to point their guns at him, except you of course. jerome smiled at you, he seemed to lose his train of thought just looking at you.
"valeska you are under arrest, put your hands behind your head and get on your knees." jim said, slowly inching towards jerome.
"jim, i'll do it." you said. jim knew that when you said you were going to do it, he would definitely not get in your way.
"good. i was only gonna go with her anyway." jerome said, putting his hands behind his back. you place the cuffs around his wrists and locked them.
"ooh these are cold, aren't you usually in these y/n." jerome laughed out as you pulled him along. your cheeks went red as you pulled him down a corridor to the interrogation rooms.
"what are you doing here?" y/n snapped as the door shut behind them, jerome sat on the chair with his feet on the table.
"i missed you." he replied with puppy dog eyes. you rolled your eyes at him. arms folded staring at him with confusion and anger.
"what you couldn't wait till tomorrow?" y/n asked, anger bubbling up but somehow still getting a little flattered that he missed her. butterflies dancing in her stomach.
"come on doll. didn't you miss me?" he asked. y/n melted when jerome said doll, leaning down towards where he sat. wanting to kiss him, his eyes excited for your lips to meet and the door swings open. in walked jim and harvey.
"y/n, you okay?" harvey asked as y/n backed up quickly. jerome laughed manically, the sound echoing through the room and out down the hall way. jerome winked at y/n before settling in his chair to begin the long and boring process of being interrogated.

"hey vic." y/n said as you answered the phone. balancing the phone, a bag and the keys you were using to open the door.
"hey, i don't actually have any work today, i thought we could see each other." victor said hopefully. you walked in through the door and set your things on the counter.
"aw baldie, i wish i could but i'm at work." you replied, the sigh that victor let out was sad and lonely. "why don't you come to the store?" victor smiled, replying with a quickly yes as he hastily headed to the shop. running to his love, to do something he doesn't understand but he's just happy to be there. you opened all the lights to the store and began setting up shop. the bell rung as the door sung open, victor stumbled in with a large puff of air.
"aw vic did you run here?" you asked and pulled him in for hug. "do you want to help me work?" victor nodded as he regained his breath. y/n laughed at him and took him to the back of the store.
"put on the green apron and make sure you wash your hands here. you're going to love being a florist. it's very soothing." y/n smiled excitedly for the next few hours victor placed flowers in pots, cut the bottoms off, wrapped bouquets and even danced with you in the store to old music.
"this is very romantic victor." y/n smiled as the two of you swayed, your head in his chest.
"maybe we should just stay here and never leave." victor whispered. the two of you smiled into each other eyes, leaning in to have your lips touch softly.
"come on, days almost over."
"i think i could work here forever." victor grinned.

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