Ho Ho Ho-Jerome smut

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word count-1700+

It was Christmas. Y/n's first Christmas with the Maniax. Her first Christmas with Jerome. Scared wouldn't be the right way to put what she felt. It would be more so nervous. To Jerome it's not a big deal, but to, her it is. She didn't even know if they would be celebrating Christmas until she woke up on December 1st and saw Jerome in a Santa's hat, dancing around and putting up Christmas decorations. She walked further into the living room, confusion spread across her face as he seemed to be humming along to the radio's Christmas music.
"Oh Y/n! You're awake!" Jerome said happily, walking over and placing on a Christmas hat.
"Uh..good morning?" She asked, looking at the others to see if they knew but they all shrugged at her, going back to what they were doing.
"Oh baby this is gonna be the best Christmas yet!" Jerome said. "Now that my bitch of a mother isn't here!"
"We get it! You killed your mother!" Greenwood groaned from the couch. Jerome threw the closest knife at Greenwood, it sliced passed his cheek before hit the wall right next to Tabitha.
"This is gonna be great!" Jerome said, kissing her hands excitedly. "Tabby even say she would take you shopping!
"You're really excited, huh? Y/n asked. Jerome nodded before turning back to hang up lights on the walls.

Tabitha walked down the street proudly, Y/n shuffling behind her.
"Girl it's Christmas! Don't you want to look hot for Jerome? I can help you!" Tabitha said, looking forward as she spoke. Her words spoken with ease.
"I just don't want to make a fool of myself!" She said back. Tabitha rolled her eyes and pushed Y/n into the shop. "What if we get caught here? We aren't exactly...blending in." Y/n said, referring to Tabitha's dark leather clothing and cane she had that sat on her back while Y/n wore what was considered by Gotham to be 'normal' clothing.
"It's fine!" Tabitha said and started to pull clothes off the racks. She pushed Y/n into a dressing room and waited. Tapping her foot impatiently as Y/n struggled with what she was given.
"Tabitha! How do I even put this-oh.. OH! This shows... everything!" Y/n snapped through the door. Tabitha rolled her eyes as the girl talked on and on about being in the lingerie store. Eventually she settled on red lace.
"Oh a good tip is to wrap a red bow around you! Like you're the gift." Tabitha spoke with confidence.
"Oh ok. That could be cool." Y/n said. Tabitha wrapped her arm around Y/n's shoulder as they walked to the counter.
"He's going to love it, trust me! That custom gun is perfect." Tabitha said. "Why are we going to the counter?"
"To pay?" Y/n responded.
"We could just, ya know? Walk out." She said. Y/n rolled her eyes as she payed, ignoring the cashier's fearful look. She handed him some money.
"Keep the change." She said, before walking out the store, blushing. A feeling of embarrassment as she walked out of the lingerie store.

Throughout the month of December Jerome couldn't contain his excitement. He would talk endlessly about how excited he was to be spending this holiday with Y/n. She only agreed, seeing as how this would be her first Christmas without any troublesome and painful memories/guests. Finally the big day reached. Jerome was so excited that he woke up early. 4:01 am to be exact. Jumping up so quickly had startled Y/n awake. He grabbed her and pulled her to where the brightly lit tree was. They sat together, Jerome's grin plastered across his face.
"Jerome? It's Christmas! And I wanted to get you something special." She said. Jerome grinned at her from the couch. She bent over and took out a box from under the tree, passing it to him. He grinned like a child as he greedily grabbed it. He opened it quickly and gasped as he picked out the tissue paper to reveal at white hand gun. It had red and purple engraving HA HA all over, with the word Joker written on its grip. Jerome held it gently in his hands, he grinned and laughed, before glancing back in the box and seeing a matching knife. He took it out and smirked evilly.
"Oh you must be trying to turn me on." Jerome said darkly. He leaned over the couch and kissed her passionately.
"Wait! Jerome." She said. "I got you something else." She said stood up to run out of the room. He caught her wrist.
"Aw babydoll this is enough, thank you." He said. She smiled at him happily.
"Just read the card." She said and ran out of the room. While Jerome pulled out the card she was spraying herself with perfume and taking off her robe, adjusting the bow around her waist and of course applying a dark red lipstick to her lips. Jerome started to read the card.

Merry Christmas! I'm happy I'm finally sharing it with someone I actually care for deeply. And even if you can't feel it or don't know how to show it I love you.
Now for you're last gift. Please don't feel weird about it. I wanted to do something extra special s

Look up.

Jerome looked up and his mouth fell open. There
Y/n stood, in red lace bra and panties, with a red bow wrapped around her waist.
"Merry Christmas to me!" Jerome mumbled. Grabbing the knife and gun, he picked her up in his arms and carried her off to the bedroom as she tried not to giggle too loudly.
"You've been a very bad girl." Jerome said placing her on the bed and kicking the door shut. He trailed the knife down her body, threatening to push it in hard enough to draw blood.
"You're so hot. You're lucky Theo didn't see you. You would've been in so much trouble." Jerome said, hurrying to get off his clothes.
"Why? You wouldn't be jealous? Would you?" She asked innocently. Jerome's head shot up, the crazy in his eyes was stirring. She could see that she struck a cord, she shouldn't have said that but now she was in too deep.
"Why should I be jealous? Not like you'd go for that!" Jerome said angrily, sounding likes he's trying to reassure himself.
"With Theo? Of course not!" She said. "But maybe with someone...else." A cheeky grin across her face. Jerome's anger was rising.
"You're going to regret this, so I'd stop now!" He sneered. She rolled her eyes and propped herself up on her elbows. Jerome crawled forward, ripped off her lingerie and gripped her wrists tightly, pinning them above her head and grabbing his knife. He cut the bow off her. He quickly shoved himself in her leading her to gasp. Quickly he pressed the knife against her hip causing her blood to spill, she went to scream but he put his hand in her mouth for her to bite down on. Tears falling from her eyes as he laughed at her, Jerome brushed his thumb against the cut and tasted the blood.
"Mm! My baby is so sweet." Jerome said, thrusting teasingly slow, her whimpers filling the room. "Maybe Greenwood would like to taste you..hm? Since I should be jealous of someone! Yeah? Why not Greenwood?" Y/n stayed silent as he spoke to her. He grabbed some rope from under his bed and tied her wrist to the bedhead, continuing to now pound into her.
"I'll go get him!" Jerome said. "Would you want that? Greenwood licking up your blood. HUH?!" She shook her head. His hand slid to her throat, grabbing and squeezing.
"N-no sir." Y/n responded to him.
"Or maybe I should be jealous of someone that doesn't even live here?! Edward Nygma, I heard you say to Tabitha that you thought he was hot!" .Jerome said, still thrusting into her, making it hard for Y/n to concentrate-struggling to breathe.
"H-hot for her!" Y/n struggled out. They both kept moaning until Jerome finished, Y/n soon after. He crawled up to her mouth and shoved himself in. She struggled and gagged but kept going. Jerome started to moan and talk at her.
"You're so sexy baby. Everyone's so jealous that you're in love with m-me!" Jerome said, gripping at her hair. "Bet you love this! Oh I bet you've been thinking about this all day. Me taking you here." Jerome opened his mouth but stopped to groan out. She pulled her mouth away, trying not to choke before she continued. Jerome kept thrusting into her, small tears prickling her eyes. Jerome groaner as he finished in her mouth. He pulled her head off by her hair.
"Are you tired baby?" He asked.
"Y-yes." She panted her chest heaving. Jerome grinned and shoved himself into her again, without any warning. She whimpered and groaned, feeling pain in her wrists as the rope burned her skin. He thrusted fast, desperately until she screamed while she released, Jerome copying her a few minutes after. He cut the ropes off and sat next to her.
"Wanna keep going?" He asked.
"I c-can't Jerome." She whimpered out.
"Did I stretch you?" He asked. She nodded, adjusting her legs and flinching as she felt pain, a tear slipping down her eye. Jerome wiped it off and grinned.
"Fine I'll finish you off later." He said. "Besides I still haven't given you me gift." He reached down besides the bed and pulled out a box. Y/n's hands shook as she reached out for the box. She opened it, pulling at the paper before opening the box. Inside was a framed picture of her and Jerome sitting and talking. It was simple but showed the two in different light.
"Thank you Jerome. I love it." She smiled, holding it to her chest. He placed a small his on her lips before smiling at her.
"Could you guys bang any louder?!" Greenwood yelled from behind the door. The two laughed out loud before going out to tease Greenwood.
Best Christmas yet!

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