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word count-1013

You were the infamous Y/N Y/L/N. Some people loved you, some trusted you, most feared you, but very few knew you. And that's how you liked it. To be alone. You belong to no one, and nothing can change that. The only person that you didn't extremely loathe was Victor Zsasz, a fellow assassin. He was the only person you'd talk to personally. The only person you really trusted. But that changed one day, when you let him in and you don't regret it at all.
"Y/N let's go!" Victor said. "Ossy's got us a job." You groaned and grabbed all your guns. All seven of your guns.
"I hate him!" You snapped.
"You've never met him." Victor chuckled.
"I don't need to." You replied, slamming your car door shut. Victor chuckled again and sped off.
"You know he's no that bad, I've met him before." Victor said. You rolled your eyes and ignored him. "And he's super rich."
"Hmm I'll think about it."
"And insane." Victor smirked. "Just how you like them."
"But he's possessive, that's what I've heard." You mumbled.
"Protective is the right term." Victor said.

You arrived at the big mansion that belonged to Oswald Cobblepot.
"Play nice." Victor said. You rolled your eyes and walked to the front door. You banged on the door loudly, it opened to show a big brute and the short penguin like man.
"Easy with the door." The big man snapped.
"Be nice Butch." Oswald said. "Ah, you're more beautiful then your enemies say."
"Suck my-
"Oswald!" Victor interrupted. "Shall we get to it." Oswald nodded with a big grin and let you in.
"I said be nice!" Victor whispered. You rolled your eyes and walked in.
"Who are we killing?" You asked.
"Jim Gordon." Butch answered.
"Ooh a fun one. When?"
"Today." Oswald said. "Take my assistant Ed with you." A tall thin man walked forward.
"Why?" Victor asked.
"Cause he's the one with the plan." Oswald said.
"My my, what a sight." Ed said. Oswald scoffed.
"Keep it in your pants." Oswald said.
"For once I agree with him." You snapped. "Now let's go." The other two walked out to the car while you stood with Oswald.
"Where's the money?" You asked.
"I thought you don't kill for money?" Oswald said, pulling some money out of a draw.
"Well we don't steal." Oswald said. "Besides, you seem to be able to afford it." Oswald said and handed her the stack. "$500."
"Oooh you're a cheep rich." You chuckled.
"Why do you hate me so much?"
"You think you own everyone." You said. "And no one owns me."
"But I could give you everything you want." Oswald said, you leaned in, basically nose to nose and said
"But you're not what I want."
You walked out to the car and again set off, to kill.

You reached the precinct, part of the plan was that you'd be bait. You were dressed as a young college student.
"Uh h hello." You mumbled as you spoke to Jim Gordon.
"Yes? How may I help you?" Jim asked gently.
"Well s sir, I f found where Edward Nygma is." You mumbled. "I was walking down and alley and he was their, he l looked shot or s something."
"Are you sure it's him?" Jim asked. You nodded. "Has he hurt you?"
"He just threw a can at me, when I went to help him. I didn't know it was him I'm sorry."
"It's alright." He said gently.
"Thank you. Let's hurry." He followed you out of the precinct.
"I saw him down that alley." You said. Jim cautiously walked passed you, his gun out and ready. You pulled yours out and aimed at him, Victor quickly jumped out on the other side of the alley, from behind a dumpster.
"Get down!" Jim shouted to you. He quickly looked behind him and saw you. "What, where'd you get that."
"Dunno, it was a gift. From Victor Zsasz." You replied confidently. Jim groaned.
"Well well well, Jim Gordon." Ed's voice came from behind the dumpster, he stood up and grinned. "Surprised?" There was a loud slam from behind Y/N. Oswald limped over from his car along with Butch.
"What are you doing here?" Jim asked. "I thought you and I were even."
"We are, which is why I've brought you Nygma." Oswald smiled. "I found your files, all your little plans. On how you want to eliminate me. Now why would you want to do such a thing?"
"Oswald!" Edward snapped. Victor looked at you and at the same time they pointed their guns towards Ed. "This is ridiculous!" Jim walked forward and cuffed Ed.
"I'll get you for this!" Ed yelled.
"Butch keep them two from running." Jim said.
"No she's mine!" Oswald snapped. "They're... they're mine."
"They held a gun to an officer." Jim snapped.
"I gave you Nygma." Oswald said. "A favour for a favour." Jim rolled his eyes and took Ed in.
"Yours?" You asked as Victor walked with Butch to the car.
"I just m meant you're w with me." Oswald stuttered.
"Maybe being yours isn't such a bad thing." You said. You quickly leaned down and kissed his lips. Your face turned red as he let out a chuckle.
"Is the Y/N Y/L/N blushing?" Oswald smirked.
"Was that your first?"
"Oh shut up!" You snapped and pushed passed him to the car, he caught your wrist.
"Oh no my dear." Oswald said turning you around. "Now that you're mine, we're going to have a lot of practice."

It's been six months. You were now the queen of Gotham. Oswald let you continue to be an assassin even though he hated the thought of you in danger, he wanted you to be happy.
"I'm off." You said, grabbing your weapons.
"Be safe." Oswald said.
"Okay." You replied and opened the door. Oswald quickly ran in front of it.
"Because I don't like what's mine, hurt." He said and kissed you quickly. "Knock em dead."

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