the climb

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Sorry this chapter took so long and is so short... but I hope that you can enjoy. ^~^
  Ace pulls the keys out of the car and turns to the woman in his passenger seat. He sends her a smile and lets out a sigh, "This is it. I'm sorry about Lu-"
"I enjoy your company," she opens the door and steps out, closing the door behind her in his face.
She spins around in a circle before waiting for him in front of his car, watching him unbuckle his seatbelt and get out. A smile sticks to her face before her eyes wander around the parking lot, looking for Luffy's car, "Where is Luffy?"
"He said he'd be here..." Ace turns around and surveys the space for his younger brother. He frowns as he notices that his car isn't within sight, "I swear... if he ditched again..."
"Again? This happens frequently?" she stands beside him and let looks into his eyes. "I mean, he ditches you often?"
  "Not as often as my last ex, but often enough," he smiles while holding the door to the restaurant open. "After you, (Y/n)."
  "Thanks," she stifles a laugh. "Sounds like you have horrible taste in women then."
"I really did," he follows her in the door. "Hey, Sabo. Is Luffy here?"
"He was," the blond smiles at the (h/c)-haired woman. "But he left in quite a rush. Something about not finishing up his work. Or something."
"He ditched again," Ace rubs the back of his neck. "So what's the plan, want to stay here with me, or would you like to me to take you-"
"I want to spend time with you," she places her hands behind her back. "I might've wanted Luffy to be here as well... but if it's just you, I won't mind either."
  "She's really sweet, Ace. I'll show you to the table Luffy got you," he picks up some menus and walks away. "Come on Ace, hurry up. It's getting late, the pretty lady might have a curfew."
"Sabo, I swear-" Ace follows after, leaving (Y/n) behind. She smiles to herself, the people around him must really love him.
  They take their seats, order, and wait for their food to come. She knows that it's going to take a while so she turns to him and smiles, "So, Ace, tell me more about this ex of yours that always ditched you."
  "I... forgot I brought that up..." he laughs, placing his hand on the back of his neck, "But... I'd actually prefer not to talk about it..."
  "That's fine," she smiles before taking a deep breath. "I actually really don't care what we talk about... as long as you're comfortable with it."
  "Well... I guess if it's you, and since we're only friends, it wouldn't be weird if I told you," he mumbles slightly. "I-if you really want to hear it, that is."
"I said whatever you're comfortable with," she shrugs. "I don't want you to feel like you have to tell me the things that make you un-"
"To be honest, I was more concerned about making you feel uncomfortable," Ace runs his hands through his hair and lets out a sigh. "I you want to hear it, I'll tell you. It's a lot of funny stories."
"I... don't know," she taps her fingers on the table and thinks. "It seems like I'm throwing some salt into your open wounds... I... don't want you to feel th-"
"Knowing that you feel that way is enough for me to move on about it, (Y/n). Really, knowing that you're here for me... means a lot," he shrugs it off. "Honestly, I'll tell you."
And he does. Sure, she still felt like she was almost invading his privacy, but it was all good in the end. He seemed to be having a good time, and who is she to get in the way of that?
  By the end of the night, they both ended up exchanging stories about their past failures in love. It was surprisingly a great time, the food was amazing too, but it pales in comparison to the conversation.
I live a very good life, with a lot of laughter and good times.


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