the other world

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Note: You may have noticed that I'm updating frequently, I'm on Spring Break, and have decided to update one of my books everyday. (For more than just that reason though.) Considering that I only have 2 "book-books" (not a compilation of oneshots) that means I'm updating every other day. And that's only possible with all the support you lovely readers have given me! ^~^ So feel free to bother me if I miss a day.
  Ace wakes up, in a place he doesn't recognize, swaying slightly side-to-side. Nothing that a person couldn't get used to, just something he wasn't expecting. He sits up, letting his eyes adjust to the dim lighting.
  It looks like a school's nurses office, except the walls are wooden and there's more room; an infirmary on a ship. There's a small table next to the side of his bed, on it there's a glass of water. The ice nearly melted with condensation pooling around the bottom.
  Without hesitation, he picks it up and gulps the whole thing down. A soft thud reaches his ears as he places the glass back on the table before he gets up and walks onto the deck; salty breeze hits his face and enters his nostrils. Ocean, miles and miles of water, lays before him.
  The sun beats down on his bare skin and warms his bones. A sigh escapes his lips before he hears someone come up behind him, "Look who's finally awake! We were starting to get worried that you'd never wake again-yoi!"
  The blonde's words somehow hit Ace right in the heart, just as his hand lands on his back, "Pops will be happy when I tell him you're up-yoi!"
  "Hey, Marco... sorry for causing you guys to worry," Ace forces a laugh, "I don't know what happened."
  "I can tell you, you were stupid and stopped paying attention," Jozu chimes from the other side of the ship, motioning them to come to the front deck. "Typical Ace. You should consider yourself lucky that we were all there. One of these days you're going to do something mega-stupid and get yourself killed."
  "Oh please," Ace waves his hand up and down while he rolls his eyes. "I'm not going to do anything that could kill me."
  "I'm not sure about that," Marco places his hand on Ace's shoulder and leads him down the wooden walkway. "I mean, you continuously tried to murder Pops-yoi."
  "T-that's different!" Ace smacks Marco's hand before crossing his arms. "Besides... I promised Luffy that I'd never die... never."
  "Then start acting like it," Marco rolls his eyes at his brother's remarks before his face falls flat. "You're starting to sound like you doubt it-yoi."
  "I don't!" Ace huffs, dropping his arms and remembering everything that this crew has given him, everything that Luffy and Sabo had shown him, everything that having a family has made him feel. "I won't let him down. He's... the only one I have left."
  Marco smiles, only a half-smile, before he turns the corner, "Don't be so sure about that-yoi."
   "What is that supposed to mean?!" Ace runs after him, rounding the corner just as an island appears before them. A feeling of dread overcomes the black-haired man.
  "Ace," Whitebeard's voice causes him to turn his head. "I'd like for you to go to that island and make sure that it's safe."
  "Alright, Pops! I'll be back then!" Ace smiles running off to Striker. He doesn't care that Marco says something about Ace just waking up and that he was injured.
  He forgets the feeling of dread as the wind flows through his locks, it's not until he lands on the island that it hits him again. It doesn't take long for him to understand why; marines. Not just their presence, but also their actions.
  One of them has a face that just sets Ace on edge, he can't tell why or what about it. It's not until he grabs a woman by her hair and drags her in front of him that he understands why. Ace leans against the wall and places a hand over his heart. Just what is happening here?
  "I'm sorry! I won't do it again!" her voice sends a ton of tiny jolts up his whole body, causing him to move without a second thought. "I'll do any-"
  "Ah, Fire Fist Ace chooses to show his face. And for what... to save a pitiful woma-" Ace's fist finds it's place squarely on the marines face, landing with such force that it causes the man to let go of the woman's clothing and slide across the gravel road.
  "Please, just shut the fuck up," Ace looks at the man out of the corner of his eye before he turns to the woman. "Are you alright?"
  Her (e/c) eyes stare at the pirate, apprehensive to respond back, but she nods, "Thanks to you... Ace."
  He faces the marine again, only to realize that he's gone, "Wimp. Are you sure you're fine?"
  "Yeah," she rubs the back of her neck. "Thanks... again... I wish I had the confidence you did. He's been... that way to some since... before I could remember."
  "In public?" Ace muses. "Just how far have they fallen to not do anything about it...? Say... have you ever thought of becoming a pirate?"
  "No, not really," she stares at him, slightly befuddled. "Why?"
  "Would you like to become one?" he holds out his hand, a smile on his face. "But first I need to know your name."
  "If it's with you, I don't think I'd mind," she takes his outstretched palm. "My name's (Y/n)."
  (Y/n)? He suddenly feels dizzy. He reaches out to find something to lean on, but there isn't any. He closes his eyes, when he opens them, he's greeted with a battle scene. Quite literally.
  He sees Luffy, scratched and bruised from the fight below, desperately trying to reach him. A lump forms in his throat, what's happening? This isn't my life? This isn't how it was supposed to go.
  He leans forward, placing his forehead onto the wood in front of him. Somehow on his knees all of a sudden and strapped to the ground in chains that feel like they're draining all his energy. He feels like crying, without knowing why.
  This is it. This is the day he dies and he feels like he's failed.

  "You promised me that you'd never die, now wake up, Ace... please. I don't know what to do without you."


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