the stagnant

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Aces head pounds against his temple as he tries to fall asleep. The day felt so long, almost like it just wanted to drag on forever. He lets out a sigh before turning onto his back.
  His room cloaked in pitch black, he doesn't need to close his eyes. Occasionally a car would pass by, the light shining through his window fading from left to right, allowing him to stare at the ceiling. An unintentional sigh escapes his lips as he begins to lose himself in thought.
  It reminds him of all those days that he had spent in the hospital, with nothing else to do but stare at the ceiling all day. These days, it seems all he's been doing is remembering. All he's been doing is opening his wounds.
  Why can't he just forget? If he could only just let everything heal and forget about it, maybe his life wouldn't seem so terrible. He closes his eyes as one more car passes the window, the sound of the tires approaching, then receding.
  He should visit the orphanage soon. The thought of the place brings a smile to his face. All of those children in one place, smiling and not having to worry about anything like he did when he was their age. He admires everyone there.
  He wishes he was more like them, more able to help others than feeling sorry for himself. He pulls the covers over his head, turning onto his side and staring at his bedroom door. It feels like he's on a boat, or a raft, out on a body of water with no paddle. But there is no current, instead, the water is stagnant.
  He's in the middle of the water, waiting for the wind to start pushing him in a direction. Waiting for the one tiny ripple to affect this stage and cause the body to start moving again. To get him to feel alive again, like when he was with Luffy and Sabo growing up.
  He'd give anything to go back to those simpler times.


unknown number (Ace x-reader)Where stories live. Discover now