the goodbye

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  There's a lump in her throat as she closes the box, forcing herself to hold back the tears. She lets out a sigh, how many times has she had to do this? She's so tired of leaving and running.
  She sits in front of her window, staring across the street, wondering if Ace will be okay. Scared to find out what he'll do when he finds out she's gone. Her legs wobble slightly as she stands back up, walking over to the counter.
  A sigh leaves her lungs, her eyes landing on the envelope she planned on sending out to Ace once she's gone. She grabs a marker, writing a few words on the front. The door opens to her apartment so she turns around, her eyes meeting her boyfriend's as he smiles at her.
  She looks away, not able to view this person, "Hey, you should be happy. I found out what hospital he's in. I was going to let you go say a few words, but if you're going to a-"
  "You're going to let me see him?" she turns around on her heel and smiles, forgetting the fact that she's the reason Ace is in the hospital. "For real?"
  "To say goodbye," he folds his arms across his chest, not happy that she's getting this excited over seeing another guy. "And that's all."
  "Thank you!" she wraps her arms around him, neglecting the fact that he's the one taking her away from all her friends. "Where is he?"
  "I'll take you there, let's go," he takes a look around the room, seeing everything is packed. "I'll bring the car around."
  She lets him go, watching the door close behind him, before she grabs her purse, stuffing the letter inside. Now she can give it to him and make sure that he gets it. A weight is lifted off her shoulders, not a heavy one, but just big enough that she can force being happy with her boyfriend.
  She slams the front door before running down the steps, ready to get this over with; forgetting about the bruises that scatter her body. The door to the car closes with about as much force as the front door had, a huff of air leaving the female's mouth. Suddenly remembering that she's in the same proximity as a monster, but forcing herself to smile.
  Once they pull up to the tall building and he parks, he turns to her, "You're going to have to go in alone. I'll wait here for you."
  She nods, not waiting about her second, and gets out of the car. She practically runs the whole way to the building, hiding the fact that she's scared. Pushing away all the fear so that she can fulfill what she came here to do.
  A lot has happened since she came to this town, all of it good, but none of it permanent. None of it could amount to all of the bad things that have happened, but she still cherishes it. Especially Robin, and Luffy. They were such great friends.
  And Ace. She only made things worse for him. Never doing one thing good for him. Not even inspiring him like she tried. She stops in front of the door, maybe this isn't such a good idea.
  With a sham of the head, she's walking into the room. Her breath catches in her throat as her eyes land on him. He's worse off than she's ever been, instinctively she touches him. His chest still inflating and deflating, she knows that he's okay. In pain maybe, but in pain.
  Tears start to form in her eyes, she grabs his hand and brings it to her cheek, "Hey Ace... I'm sorry this happened to you."
  "I'm sorry I messed everything up for you... you're in this position because of me... but I appreciate it. As much as I'd love to tell you that I hate you... and that you're foolish for standing up for me... and that I would've been fine on my own, I'm grateful," her breath comes out shaky. "You're the first person who ever stood up for me... and I'm sorry that it ended this way... but I brought something for you. I'll leave it here for when you wake up. Ace, don't leave Luffy. He loves his big brother very much, and Sabo. Though I only met him once at that dinner... that was his last shift wasn't it?"
  "Before he went off to college?" she places his hand back to his side. "But he loves you too. You are truly blessed with a loving family. Tell them I'm sorry for putting you in this position as well... they were... great people. And Ace, I believe if we had met sooner... in person... I think I would be in love with you. Don't be mad that I'm leaving. It's for your own safety. Goodbye."
  She places the envelope in his lap before she turns, walking out of the room almost running into Luffy on the way out. But with the tears in her eyes, she didn't notice who it was. Luffy turns around, not sure if he should call out to her, follow her, or let her go.
  It's not until she turns the corner that he realizes it's too late.


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