the question

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hey guys! I started to watch My Hero Academia... so that's nice.
But anyway! I hope you enjoy this short chapter, tell me your thoughts!
  The question rings in his head as he stares at the woman who had vocalized the words. Did he love her? Does he even know what love is anymore? He puts his head in his hands and lets out a sigh. Can he even call what he felt for her love?
  "Did you not hear, or are you just ignoring me?" the brunette moves her hair behind her ear, staring at him the whole time. "I asked you a simple question, did you love her?"
  "That's the thing, it's not a simple question, I don't know," he lifts his head and faces her, his deep eyes telling her something, "I want to say yes. I did."
  "Yet it's hard to say. Maybe it's because I'm still in denial so it's difficult to admit it. But it may be that I'm afraid of saying I did, because I didn't," he shifts his eyes away from her face. "I feel like, maybe what I loved was the thought-the idea-of loving her. I've been in love before and it felt more... it just felt different than what she made me feel. In the end, all I can think is that I wanted to love her. And wanting to love someone is way different than actually loving them."
  "It seems to me that all you need is another opinion. Have you talked to anyone about these feelings of yours?" the woman sends him a small smile as he shakes his head, "I'll help you then. Describe her to me."
  He takes in a deep breath, swallowing hard while he was at it, "I can't. Every time I think about her, I lose the capability of using words. I can't tell you what about her makes me admire her. I was going through a hard time, so I can just assume that because she was the one who reached out to me when I needed it most that I labeled that wi-"
  "I'm not asking about that," she stands up, looking down at Ace. "I'm asking about her. Not how you feel about her."
  His eyes widen, but not due to what Liz has said, but because the person who had caught his eye earlier came back out of the club. Of course he had seemed familiar, he was (Y/n)'s boyfriend. So they didn't move very far. What surprised him, was that he was with someone. And she's not (Y/n).


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