5. Hostags Crisis pt. 1

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Shota had come home with you that night. You'd stayed up a bit later, hanging out and drinking water, he'd put on a random movie to play in the background as the two of you chatted and placed bets on how you thought your other two friends' nights were going with their prospective night time entertainment.

As the hours got later, you got sleepier. Being both drunk and exhausted, you ended up falling asleep on the couch with Shota, who stayed awake and watched your eyes flutter close and flit about while you dreamt. He wasn't going to let you sleep on the couch, last time he let that happen, you complained for a week about your lower back pain and his betrayal. Instead, he traced the veins on the back of your hand and watched you slept, if only just to enjoy the peace and quiet, for a few more minutes.

Sighing, he resigned himself to picking you up and carrying you to your room. Walking in, he smiled at how neat and organized you kept your space, you might be pretty wild, but he liked that some aspects of your life were tidy. Placing you gently into your bed, he pulled your covers up and over you, tucking you in gently, with your left hand and right leg sticking out from the blankets - the way you liked it for "temperature control".

In that moment, he went to walk to the couch, but you instinctively latched onto his hand, to keep him there. Your grip was loose, so he pried your fingers off easily, and continued into the living room. He wasn't going to cross that boundary.

A few days later, you were patrolling for Sir Night Eye, it was a slow day to patrol, but that was good news for you. You were ok if it was boring, that meant people were, for the most part, safe. So far, you'd helped a little girl catch her unruly cat, helped a community clean up crew with a very littered park, and you were currently helping an elderly woman carry her groceries upstairs to her apartment.

"Thank you so much honey, I guess I just was overzealous when I went grocery shopping! My grandkids are supposed to visit this week, and I'm going to cook all of their favorite foods!" Her pure smile and crinkled eyes, you were incredibly happy that you'd been able to help this woman with her chores. Reaching her door, she thanked you again and waved you off, you bowed and turned away.

Walking downstairs, you smiled, slow days were nice days. On days like this you could connect with the people and hopefully put more positive vibes into the world. While basking in your happy glow, you were snapped back to reality when your radio finally emitted an ear drum shattering sound, you turned the volume down immediately.

"Sprite, we've got an emergency. Come back to the agency ASAP." Your boss's voice remained cool and collected, but you knew his urgent voice no matter what.

"On my way." And you turned around, beginning the jog back to the agency. You'd been so casual all day that if you ran at full speed people would assume there was an immediate danger. You didn't want to full on sprint and scare people, fuck me... I can turn invisible. You chastised yourself, turning invisible you sprinted the rest of the mile and a half back to the agency. Walking into the building you released your quirk and were greeted by the UA student and intern, Mirio Togata, he was a cute and friendly kid- with a pretty intense quirk. You smiled at the boy and kept walking into Sir Night Eye's office.

"Ay Capitán, what's the emergency?" You asked, sitting on the corner of his desk, like a delinquent. It was a neat office, very meticulous and your presence on the desk was even somehow preordained. It was the one open corner, and for some reason he only ever let you sit on his desk, and you liked that privilege.

"Well, Y/N. I'll be brief. There's a hostage crisis at that private elementary school, you know the one. A group of five villains have taken the youngest children hostage, there are about 25 children, all under the age of 6 in their possession. The police and other heroes are already on scene, but the can't get in. We need you to infiltrate and incapacitate the villains." You nodded in understanding. That was your specialty, it's what made you special.

The two of you got into the car, and your boss drove towards the crisis response center that had been set up.

"Here, Y/N, I grabbed you a granola bar and a bottle of water, since you've been out on patrol almost all day." You accepted his gift with a smile and a quiet thank you.

"Other than this, how was you day going?" You asked him, looking over his stoic frame. He truly was the stereotypical business man, in appearance. But you knew underneath his suit and glasses and perfectly maintained hair, there was a man who loved humor.

"It was nice, got to look into some open cases and find some viable leads. All good things to be honest. How was patrol?" His deep voice was calm, despite the mess you were coming upon.

"It was also nice, but very easy. Helped a lot of people with simpler tasks, I didn't notice any drug users out today, which was nice. We really need to figure this Trigger thing out..." You lowered your voice at the last bit. Trigger was a nasty drug that would make people's quirks go out of control and send them into a rage-induced rampage. Recently, Sir Night Eye and you had been noticing that the "users" were more like victims because they were being randomly attacked with the drug... But you didn't have much to go on other than that.

"I'm glad you were able to connect with the regular civilians. Yeah I'm still collecting data on Trigger. Ah, here we are. Time to get to work." Sir Night Eye nodded and you turned away from him, looking at the several police cars and many Pro Heroes. When you both exited the vehicle, you realized that, as everyone turned and looked at you both with such hope, that in this moment, you were the hero the Pro Heroes needed.

"Ah, time to get to work!" You said under your breath, wrapping your capture tape scarf tighter around your neck. It was going to be a long day.

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