14. Back to Work

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The two days went incredibly slowly, but also all too fast. This confused you because you weren't quite sure how both sentiments could exist at the same time. Every minute you were with Toshinori went by too fast, but the moments you were alone, dragged on as if they'd never end. Somehow you'd found yourself on the second day asleep on his chest on the couch. The movie you'd put on rolling the credits, you both awoke at the same time, and the gentle smile he gave you melted your heart. You wanted to lean forward and kiss him, but you couldn't make the first move, because you knew how Toshi was. The kindest, most helpful man in the world, but you and your friend group had watched him try to escape romantic advances from women who thought his kindness was proof that he wanted to date them. You would not join the hordes of women misinterpreting your friend, even if you really wanted to.

You sighed, thinking back to the past two days left you feeling conflicted, you were bummed you couldn't work but happy you spent them with your good friend, but also bummed about that too that you were so into your good friend without knowing how he felt about you. You rolled your shoulders back, you had to focus, you were on patrol and couldn't lose your concentration. It was another peaceful day in the city, allowing you to help out in minor issues, talk to children and show off some "magic tricks" You loved your job, you loved helping the community, this was a place you could see yourself being for a long time.

"Attention Night Sprite, Night Sprite copy back." Your boss's voice rang out over the headset.

"Copy copy" you responded, at attention. Something needed your urgent attention... right?

"There's a suspect being chased on foot coming your way. Please aid the police by apprehending them. They're wearing a blue jumpsuit." You went invisible immediately. And stood crouched, ready to either sprint off or lunge to grab the suspect. You watched as the jumpsuit clad individual ran towards you, three young cops close behind. They were arms distance away when you lunged, wrapping your arms around them. After knocking them to the ground you wrapped them up with your capture tape. You revealed yourself suddenly, surprising all parties involved. The cops put them in handcuffs and led the suspect off. You looked at your watch. You'd been on a 12 hour patrol and this was the most action you'd gotten.

You weren't mad about it, you weren't a hero for the glory and fame. But you were getting a little bored of the peaceful doldrums, even though not only two days prior you'd been injured in a fight. You couldn't help it, you were just antsy and ready to help.

That being said, you were very bummed that you still hadn't been approved to adopt the cat from the rescue... something about an anti-cat lady policy for the shelter. It was in response to a few abusive cat cafes that used women as the cat-shoppers who would then sell them to the cafes. You abhorred the idea of this sort of animal abuse, but also were incredibly annoyed that your application was still stuck in the "Verification" process. How hard could it be to verify you, a Pro Hero, working for Sir Nighteye?!

Finally you found yourself back at the Agency, where your cat-less rage fueled your report writing to unbelievable speeds. You were out of there in thirty minutes, the fastest ever! Sā seemed like he wanted to talk to you, but you were still mad at him for forcing you off of work the past two days, and not trusting you but trusting Endeavor. You changed from your suit into comfortable leggings and a T-shirt, a sweatshirt around your waist. You whipped your phone out, to see what was going on in your world. Two texts from Toshi and one from Aizawa. You smiled at your phone as you walked, it was good to be you.

Aizawa - how's the arm?
Y/N - better! Just went through my first day off, Sā lost his shit when he heard I got hurt.

There was a good, long pause after that last text, so you opened the ones from Toshi.

Toshi - Y/N, today has been not as fun as yesterday. Plans tonight?
Toshi - that was presumptuous. But if you're free, I'm also free.

You responded immediately.

Y/N- Im free, headed home now. What did you have in mind?

Toshi - cool, I'll meet you at your place.

You smiled, of course he'd meet you at your home. You had enough food at home to cook for the two of you. You planned out the meal in your head. A salad and maybe some pan cooked salmon.... you'd ask him what he wanted for dinner once you saw him. A weird feeling struck you, making your stomach fill with butterflies, but you shoved them deep deep down. You couldn't possibly think like that!

Reaching your apartment, you walked inside to hear pots and pans rustling about in the kitchen. Normally, you'd be furious and on guard, but you'd followed through on that statement to Toshi and given him a key to your home. He had one of your aprons on, stretched over his massive body. You couldn't help but grin and watch quietly from the doorway. Whatever he was making, it smelled amazing.

"Toshi, let's open a restaurant. Ok?" You said softly from the door, half hoping he'd hear you and half hoping you were too quiet. His eyes shot up from what he was making and locked into yours, a smile spread across his face at your shocked expression.

"What would we call our restaurant, Y/N?" He asked, putting a pan into the oven.

"How about... The All Night Diner? It's a combination of our hero names. Get it?" You clapped your hands, 24/7 diners were amazing. You walked into your bedroom, and put all of your things away. Once you'd left the kitchen, All Might's ears began to steam at the thought of you two combined somehow in the future. When you walked out of your room he was facing away from you, doing dishes. You laughed out loud.

"Toshi, you know the rules, the cook never cleans!" You went to help but he showed you away.

"Y/N, I insist! The mess maker must unmake their mess!" His head was still turned away from you, which was odd, but you let it slide.

Who were you to complain? A very handsome hero was cooking you dinner and doing the dishes, you wouldn't mind getting used to this.

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