Chapter 9-One

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AN I'm starting to get into the story so those of you who might be getting bored stay with me okay ;) Also don't forget to comment or give me feedback. Also one question, should this be a fantasy or teen fiction, remember you opinion counts. Thanks now back to Raven's story. Cheers :)

A little bit after dinner I was permitted to leave. Dinner at the hospital was like eating a frozen dinner or an airport meal. You know it can also be described as cafeteria food.So true. I don't exactly know what happened and everything that I know happened feels as blurry as a dream. But still I can't help but feel calmer... Is it Krystal? Is she really inside of me? Are you really going to play denial, two can play at that game. Your driving me to nut town stop listening to my thoughts. I was surprised when Krystal didn't respond.

We were greeted by my father who was looking at me with death. I'm so dead. To my dad the whole world shut out and he dragged me to the car. It was a long painful walk. Normally I would become angry at situations like this but... I surprisingly calm! Think of it as combining colours, you did  pass kindergarden right? Anyway stop acting so stubborn, it will be over once you can stand on two feet.That explains it. Krystal combined with me somehow but the reason was not mind domination. Really, you watch too much TV. As I was saying, it was because we combined every part of us... Physically... Mentally. Emotionally explains your sudden change in attitude and also spiritually. So why did June... I noticed Krystal had cringed but I had to ask. Why did she look like me? We will talk later Raven, right now you need to have a talk with your dad.

I immediately noticed the change. My body started to feel sore and I hurt all over, my head was spinning. Good thing I was inside the car, and sitting down. I never fainted before, but now I knew how badly someone who actually felt it felt.

"Raven are you okay?"

"Yes dad."

"Good now WHAT WERE YOU THINKING" I knew he would enter a conversation by luring me. But then again I was to blame.

By the end of the conversation I had won myself a regular flip phone my mom used to own from one of her birthdays. Oh my poor Raven phone. I was grounded and I would be spending all of my study hours with my brother, Kai. That I didn't mind, Kai has some explaining to do. But all other hours with him and I had to take over doing chores. They were putting me in extra classes to get me to improve self-control and they were still thinking of putting me in karate classes.

"This is only the beginning of your punishments." I wasn't surprised nor was I impressed, my parents had punishments going for years if it was severe enough. "I am very disappointed with you Raven."

Once I got home I raced through the door and into my room. My emotions were back and I was so sore inside out. I buried my face into my pillow. Eventually I fell asleep into the world of a dreamless dream.

"Kai stay with me please don't go."


"Kai, don't go don't go." 

"Raven?!" Someone was shaking me now.

"Kai I need you right now, please!"

"Raven" A bucket of cold water splashed all over me. I felt numb all over and my bruises were re-awaken. Clutching onto myself I shivered until someone wrapped a towel around me.

"Kai?" It wasn't Kai, it was Krystal.

"What the hell?"

"Hush... I convinced your parents to let me, I mean you to stay home for the next two days."

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