Chapter 8-Witch vs Witch

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I finally cried my eyes out until they hurt.Why was I so stupid? Hush, it's okay it wasn't your fault. Wasn't it? I wasn't looking and goofing off, I didn't even notice, and wouldn't have noticed without Melody.I buried my face in my hands when I saw something glowing. I realized that I was still wearing the amulet that Kai had given me. Thank god I didn't lose it. But why was it glowing? I didn't have time to think because in seconds voices shot through the chatter in the mall. The voices were unmissable.




The voices seemed familar... Snapping out of my depression I turn to face the owners of the voices. Was it Sky and Mel- How did I not notice them before! To my right I noticed that white haired witch, behind was that me!? I shook my head only to be greeted by yet another white haired witch.Trying to pretend I didn't hear them I suddenly found a spot on the bench extremely interesting. Curses what do they want? Although I was mad of having been disturbed on my DISASTER OF A BIRTHDAY it was unmistakable that I was now shaking in absolute fear. I gulped. How do all 3 know my name and how are all three here now. I could feel the definite tension in the air. Curious I lift my gaze to find the other me doing a face off with one of the white witches. The other White witch is staring intently at me. This time I was furious I really wasn't in the mood for this!

"What do you want white witch!"

"It's time you start calling me Krystal" Krystal? Whatever I still don't know if she's the witchy idiot from Scarlett's house. Then something clicked, who were they. More importantly who was this Meria, Vera whatever Kai mentioned. Did Kai know about them? In that case it would have done me good to ask. Frustrated with myself I failed to remember the amulet on my neck which was now glowing fiercely. Krystal's eyes wided as she said,

"June let's take this outside." June nodded. I found all were now staring at the other witchy while she made a face and nodded.

"Good then it's settled." Hey wait they, I mean I don't get a say in this. I was about to protest but I lost my words out of fear and buried them at the bottom of my throat. Sometimes I wish I could be braver.

Eventually with June dragging witchy, which I didn't see why? Unless... Ow. Geez Krystal, against my will was dragging me. I wish Sky and Melody were here. Something new to add on my list. Being Kidnapped by a bunch weirdo people.

"Raven I must say that we are more than, 'a bunch of weirdo people.' " Krystal replied.I sighed as it was useless if they could all read my mind. But what do they want with me? Krystal smiled.

"You'll know." Rolling my eyes out of frustration I decide to clear my mind from the likes of Krystal's and her followers.

Eventually we reach the back of the mall which is completely deserted. I'm starting to have a gut feeling about this. Krystal suddenly let go of her hold on me. My freedom was short lasted as one of the witches pinned me to a wall.

"Keira! Your outmatched give up!" Keira? It was her, I felt all my anger from all I ever felt, being ditched, losing my purse, being underestimated, AND her who won't leave me alone. The area begins heating up and I feel on fire. It wasn't a feeling I was used to but it didn't feel good. I started being blinded and everyone in the area become a nuisance. My amulet was glowing and that's when things went out of hand.

"You thief! You deserve to die," the sky turned stormy but the heat was still unmistakable. The clouds thundered and rain poured the sky. Keira pierced a dagger of ice and threw it with such force. The heat wasn't enough to stop it. My eyes widened when a rock shot out and pierced it.

"Traitor!" Keira was beyond the looks of human now. She raised her hands and the whole area was covered in mist and ice. So cold it caused me to shiver.

"Keira that's enough!" Krystal managed to create a whirl of wind with a single breathe that stopped the thousands of ice shards coming my way. Why does she hate me so much!?

June rushed to my side and unclasped my amulet. I immediately felt bare.

"Hey that's-"

"Where did you get this?" Her eyes were piercing and the pressure got to me. I didn't want to rat Kai out or cause him trouble but-

"My brother." She nodded. Suddenly she shifted and with swift arm movements raised the earth below over us like a tent. I couldn't see anything but I felt something crash against the rock tent and the pieces of Earth blew apart. As the debris started to land back on the floor I watched in horror as Krystal and June were slammed against each other. Krystal  looked unconscious. My eyes widened in horror watching Keira close in. Keira smirked like she had won. I raised my hands to cover the scene.  Her heel dug into my stomach and the fabric ripped underneath. I shrieked in pain.

"Say goodbye." I shut my eyes tight but a gust of tornado like winds throw me to the side.

"June!" I heard Krystal yell. My eyes tear open as sand scratches my face. I watched as tears stung my eyes. It was like in the movies. Where I had been standing June was pierced into Keira's dagger as it begun to melt in her warm blood. Keira's expression was unreadable then June yelled,

"Go, go now Krystal take Raven." Krystal nodded and I watched as she shut her eyes and hid her emotions. Then like lightning something hard hit my head and everything disappeared.

I woke up to a headache. I felt nauseous. The days events just came scene after scene.I was so scared. Beyond scared. I felt around my neck but the amulet was gone. And so was June... I couldn't help but feel guilty. You shouldn't feel guilty, June know herself. My head shot up darting back and forth. Was I in a hospital bed?

"Raven... cutie pie thank god your okay." Sky? Where... How?

"We were worried sick, where did you go?"

"How did you find me?

"We came back and you were gone."

"We started searching the mall when you came out of nowhere and then you just collasped."

I smiled. I was alive and I was grateful but how did I manage to sleep walk?

"Your parents are coming soon." I groaned, I'm one dead girl. I could see it on the headlines, collasping girl saved only to be killed by her parents. I sighed. The door barged open.


"Kai?" Kai! I needed to have a talk with him. "Guys I need a moment with my bro-"

"Not necessary" He looked away. "We'll talk another time." Before I could reply he was gone.

Sky, Melody and I stared at the door until I broke the silence.


"Boys." Melody repeated rolling her eyes. Sky started giggling.

"You know he is kind of cute." Wait, what! Melody slapped Sky and she let out a pout.

"What? It's the truth." The three of us start laughing like old times. It's good to know you have friends you can depend on child. What was that? Is that you inner voice? Nope, you would know if it were me. And shame on you for not being able to recognize me! Krystal? I felt a smile. Where are you? That's a silly question, I suppose the answer to that is that we are... now one.

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