Chapter 12-Drama Queens

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"The deals off!" I shook my head for a second. What? How could the deal possibly be off? This was ridiculous. One minute she's desperate to let me out and the next she just gives up. Was she up to something.

"Keira explain witch!"

Keira POV

It hurts. Freedom is near but I can't accept it and I have my past to blame for that. Her to blame for this. I shook the deal off for one reason, to enter each other as equals you must accept the others weakest points. Otherwise it just creates a flaw in the transformation. I can't trust her, not yet, not ever. My memories are mine and mine alone! She has no rights. And neither does the curse.

"Keira, I know you think that to survive you must act awfully but... your heart is a vast ocean. Just let the sun in."

"You can do it! Let me out! Why won't you!" She smiled. Why did I enter her? I didn't! It felt so good to blame the source of your problems on someone like my perfectionist of a teacher.

"Like always Keira, your too rash and sometimes rash isn't good. You have yourself to blame."

"Your lying to them!"

"What reason should they know! Finally we have found all four, and now Keira, I won't let you let yourself fall."

"Justice, Revenge, that's not falling, its rising!" I was done with her. I knew I didn't finish her. She was strong and underestimated by the likes of Ms Powerpuff.

"I'll give it a week."


"Your right, a week is too short a month then and your free." She's treating me like a baby again, no matter what I'll never look eye to eye with Powerpuffy girly girl.

I tried to trace her presence make her leave but the Queen of Cards had shut the door with such force. If only Raven knew what she was doing I could escape. My teacher had meant business, she would only come out when she wanted to. She wouldn't let me destroy the balance of nature.

But the world doesn't need a power of such darkness, especially that fool.

Raven POV

After last nights events I didn't hear a peep from Keira. Not once. I thought maybe I just imagined it all and let it get to my head. Perhaps I was just alone, and afraid. So the next day I went to school. Seldomly I was this excited to go to school. Then again if you had suffered my mother's wrath you would probably think the same. Somethings did change though, I didn't know what? Where? Or even why? I just had this gut feeling that, it, changed.

"Raven Xiu! You come here right now!" Oh my, was that my teacher. I panicked but then relaxed.

"Sky, you scared me to death!" Her serious expression wasn't fading one bit. What did I say or more like what did I do? "You had Melody and I worried sick! Anyway don't you even check your phone anymore!"

"Why would you worry so much anyway! I just went to the mall"

"Check your phone!" I sighed.


Sky: Are you coming or skipping?

Raven: Skipping.

Mel: Oooo she's skipping, congrads your a full rebellion teen now.

Sky: Where? Can I just say your incredibly lucky, were like having a math test! MATH TEST!

I was lucky... that I would have to take it number one. And number two, I didn't have to listen to the worry birds panic.

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