Chapter 10-Unlock the Door!

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I shot up out of the bed, WHAT! WITCHY WHO ALMOST KILLED ME IS INSIDE OF ME! I start acting histerically and jumping on my bed and punching my stomach.

"WITCH IS INSIDE OF ME!" My mom comes in running in as fast as she could but her expression immediately turns from concerned to angry.

"Raven you're not a monkey so GET DOWN and go to sleep." Reluctantly I lower myself onto the bed and pretended to sleep.

"Good night Raven."

"Night Mom." I say in a rush. My mom, to my annoyance lingers for a bit before returning to her room. After she's gone I race towards the balcony and carefully avoid slamming the door.

Keira POV

Abruptively I start stirring from my sleep. I notice now I'm jumping up and down, up and down. I start feeling nauseous. What in the name of dancing monkeys is this fool doing?!


I almost laugh. Good to know I did my job and did it right. Darn right you should be scared of me. Eventually, and thankfully Raven's mom comes and releases me from this despair. When I think I'm finally going to be getting so shut eye I'm heaved out of the bed and towards who knows where.

Raven's POV

When I'm sure nobody can hear me I shout out to witchy,

"GET OUT OF ME WITCH!" I feel like an idiot listening to people I met in a dream and most importantly someone who is suppose to be inside of me. I smile to myself as I get my reply.

"I am not a witch, and even if I am you're a devil, demon hell spawn, hell hole and pure evil!" I feel infuriated by her self-centered response.

"Say the person who firstly almost killed me in my sleep, dropped me in the mud, murdered someone that could have been me, assaulted me and attempted to dominate my body!"

"Well there's something called self-abuse and in which I for one think YOU my dear friend need to learn!"

"Well hate me if I care, just GET OUT!" I wanted nothing to do with her, I wanted her to be the source of all my life long problems and her absence my solution.

"Well I will."


"I know that's great."

"Well I know that's great too."

"Well I know that's great more"


"FINE!" Keira was really getting on my nerves! I just wanted to be freed.

"This wouldn't be so hard if you just unlock the door and let me out. Perplexed I open the door to the balcony. I could feel her slap her head in frustration.

"Your inner door fool!"

"Hey you know what this is my body and I can do whatever I want with it. If your stuck too bad."

"Just open the door." I could tell she was getting really cranky. Whatever, her fault. I decided it was probably mentally like Krystal had mentioned before. I closed my eyes and I waited until I saw a vision of a door.

If Krystal can do it I can do it. I reach out for the door but I just can't touch it. I start running for it but it just keeps moving. I try to keep my patience but it was getting really frustrating. Especially since I am quite hot-tempered. Grrrr. I ball my fists and I notice fire shoots out of them, deciding physical strength is my best option I ran at the door and strike. I expected the door to burst open but instead smoke surrounds me, my fists are pounding in pain and the whole scene is flipped upside down.

"You fool what the hell did you do!"

"It won't budge, I tried force and-"

"Who turned it upside down!" I gulped, okay that was a my bad. Darn right it's a your bad!

"Hey on the bright side you get to see the world come a better-"

"Cut the rope! Just fix it will you!"

I stifle a laughter out of fear she'll blow my whole body to pieces. I concentrate on the door again. I reached for it in a slow manner but it just seems to keep moving away. This time I swing my fist at it to let out my anger but fire shoots out of my fist and blasts the door. The whole scene is still doing 360s with Witchy and I still inside.



Eventually it stops. But this time its sideways.

"You idiot!"

"Hey, sideways is better than upside down you know!"

"Fool stop messing, fix it!"

"You didn't say please." I was teasing her now. Was it my problem she invaded my personal privacy.

"Please!" I snicker because I realize how desperate Witchy is. Okay I decide since I'm nice, unlike the likes of her.

"Fine but your going to have to treat me a little more civilised then that!" I gestured to nothing in particular.

"Look I promise okay just fix the situation at hand."

I took a deep breath and entered her mind. Search for the door I find it. I raise my hands and they fall into fists, fire shoots out.


The room is filled with smoke so I shot my eyes open to avoid the blow. Poor Witchy.


No answer. Maybe she fainted from my terrible skills.


No answer. Did I open the door? I suddenly have a panic attack, Keira's released is that good or bad. That devil's probably going out to destroy me now. Are these my last words because if so i don't want to spend my last moments like this. Where the hell is Krystal when you need her!

Staying up to watch the sunrise I feel awfully tired. Should I go to school tomorrow? Normally I would go because don't want to miss anything important, now? Inside me I was just like forget school I'm tired.

"Education is power." My father's words echoed through me but for the first time in my life I'm making a decison not involving others. I want to stay home today.

I've never really watched a sunrise before. It lit the clouds pink like cotton candy and they looked as if to burst with colour.

Usually the beach is a better place to capture the picture perfect view but this is good enough. I feel at ease. This is highy unusual because of the disaster of a life I have. I can only be grateful for once to have friends and family to care. Yet, I can't say until now they just weren't enough.

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