Chapter 14: You're on Earth

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AN Long time no update! Sorry guys, I understand if you disappeared on me. Don't worry though, I'm going to make sure that these stories WILL be finished :) To be honest I'm really looking forward to how things end up. While I was writing a lot of things kind of shifted and changed courses. Sometimes I got serious writers block, or I'd be bored to write. But now I'm back ;) Hope you enjoy :)

PS I could use suggestions for chapters and chapter titles. *cough cough, as you probably noticed my chapter titles are... um... yeah.

Melody! I watched as blood trickled down her stunned face. I shook her until she fell to my feet. Almost like she was kneeling. Melody! What the hell Raven! Control yourself! 

I backed away slowly.

No! No, no, no, no!!!

I glanced at my hands and run. I could see a silouette of a person and I gasped. 

She had i devish smirk, she was covered in blood and glisened with blue and teals. Her dress was gone and puddle of water trailed around her feet.

"Good bye Raven, really is wasn't a pleasure."

I raised my hands and stepped away from her. Her eyes were like that of a cat. Narrowed down on her prey. God please help me! You did this to yourself, to Melody, and now you are suffering. What a pathetic piece of work.

"Please!"  I dropped to my feet and begged. I didn't know what else I could do. The flames seemed to echoe sadness and I felt pain echoe around me. 

"Don't you know Raven? Water, puts out fire." My eyes widened. I was weak, this was all stupid a dream. I sniffed as tears rained down like the dreams of the thousand villains in time. I wasn't good. I tried to fit in, I tried to be great and not good. I tried to live the expectations, but now I knew. I wasn't good at all. Fire burns all!

I let my head fall to the floor. Then I raised it smirking. It was as if my emotions had vanished. I raised my leg and hit Keira with a force I never saw but only could feel. "Don't you know, fire melts ice!"

She gritted her teeth and hollered, "Well will see about that won't we!"

Someone yanked me by the collar and I found myself in my room. What was I doing here? Be grateful you ungrateful soul! You could probably say that my inner self had turned on me. But I didn't understand why? Was it a dream?

I didn't have time to think because a hand was placed on my head and I shivered at the cold temperature. I shuddered and jerked away when I realized I didn't recognized the face. But it definitely was male. Was I drunk? No I didn't drink anyway. Wouldn't even dream of it. Besides, I was underaged.

I stared at him intently, trying to figure out his purpose. But he didn't move, not even an inch or a bit. Was he... human? I didn't think people could be born this still.

I thought over my dream, and Keira. How did she escape? Didn't I get binded with her. She shouldn't have been able to move? 

His eyes suddenly opened and revealed a endless pool of darkness. I gasped and almost lit a pillow on fire.

"Your hot." He stated. What? I immediately blushed.

"No I'm not." 

"Your face is red." I blushed even harder. Great way to be introduced, oh I wish I could be normal and just slap him already but my hand was plastered to my stomach. "See, I think you have a fever."

I slapped my head in realization, at least he didn't seem to notice. But really, who was he? Was he friends with Krystal? I didn't want to get to know him so I slouched down and tried to sleep. But what kind of person could sleep around a guy that called you hot but didn't mean that kind of hot. I mean, this was completely illogical. I didn't mean to be rude or anything but come on!  I mean every girl would have thought that right? Even Melody, whom wasn't into guys ended up with Henry.


"What's going on? Why are you here? Do you want me dead?" I started questioning him, blasting the puzzle pieces from my brain into his. Hoping and believing that he had the answers for all my questions.

He only closed his eyes. My blood was boiling. The nerve of this guy! Cool it or lose it! Your choice, choose right this time! I took a deep breath and let it out hasily. 

"Please tell me. I-i'm so confused! One minute I'm the failed and embarrassing student. And the daughter who could do better. And the friend who was adorably cute. And then this, the fire..." I trailed off as my brain ignited with a series or horror filled scenes. Me on fire. Me out of control. It was my dad's worst nightmare that I wouldn't be able to control my emotions. I always thought that he was over reacting. But now I realized that maybe my dad was right. 

But that left me wondering, had he known all along? About the monster I am? Maybe it would be better if I didn't exist.

"What so you want to die now?! After that! Everything everyone's done! Then you'd be selfish, you alone don't understand that the way people care for you, it should be a sign to keep on living. Don't you see?"

I should have been touched but all I could do was ball my fists and glare at him with such fierceness that he turned away. "Why?! Who cares anyway? My parents, my friends! I'm a monster! So it was true." I glanced down sadly and he turned back to me. He opened his mouth to say something but shut up and covered his mouth with his hands. "I guess I am a monster, the monster that killed her best friend. At least, she was my b-"

"Shut up!" He recoiled, suprised be his reaction. I stared wide eyed at him, my eyes pooled with confusion and hurt. His voice was so strong... strong enough to break me. "Sorry." He mumbled. 

I didn't respond. We sat in silence until it was unbearable. "What-Who are you?"

I was feeling uneasy with his towering presence. Cautiously I turned to face him. He was looking down, I could feel the weight of his glare against the wooden planks. I started to fear that the wood would snap.

He reached over and gripped onto my collar. I froze, was this death? I saw him say something but I couldn't make out the words because my ears were ringing so hard.

"Don't forget it!" He stood up and took off in a swift motion that pulled me to my senses. I stood up watching him run. My ears were steaming, he wasn't getting away. Not like this. 

I started running after him and I saw him turn around and smirk. What for?

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