Chapter 1: Welcome to America

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America is so much bigger than England. I can see all the buildings and highways. So much souls !

My dad pulled me back and said to behave. I can see why he's stressed. Christopher,my older brother and Charles, my little brother we're both face planted to the windows. My mom already been here but seems like she never actually saw it like this.

My name is Catherine, my friends call me Cathy...if I actually had friends. People never come close to me and my family because of the dark aura they can sense around us. I'll like to think of it as if it were a force field to hide my secret identity.

There's some perks of being the only girl besides my mom and there's some...downfalls. Like one time, I liked a boy for two whole years. I told him how he felt but he broke my heart and my older brother took his soul. I tried putting his soul back but I haven't received my scythe yet at the time.

We finally landed after 12 hours of being in the sky. My dad already had purchased a car so all we need to do is drive to our brand new home. My dad is the CEO of many businesses around both America and England. My mom well has her thing going as the grim reaper but she's also my dad's PA.

The new house is absolutely. WOW. The interior to the exterior. My room is as equally fantastic. The soft feel of the house is welcoming and warm. My dad flew here earlier on our family's private jet to decorate the inside before we came together. Way to go dad!

 Way to go dad!

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My dad led us all to our rooms and I immediately flew onto my bed,

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My dad led us all to our rooms and I immediately flew onto my bed,

" So soft."

" Come on Cathy, dinner's in a few minutes. We're ordering Chinese food." My dad cooed and I immediately shot out of my room and ran past my dad. I ran to the front door and like on cue

Ding dong


I swung the front door open, payed and went towards the kitchen to eat. My brothers were already there with my mom sitting and chatting at the island table. I gave each one of them a noodle cup along with chopsticks then sat down with them. My dad came in soon after and we all just talked.

"What do you guys think about going to school tomorrow?" My mom beamed. My mom never went to school but she was highly educated.

"Meh." Chris was going to university.

"Same" I was going to finish high school.

"Nuw fweinds?" Charles asked facing our mom. Lucky. He's going to preschool.

"That's right my little prince." My little brother hasn't got his aura yet so he at least gets to experience friends. Chris and I on the other hand, got our auras when we were a few months old.

After conversing we all retired to each of our bedrooms. We kissed our mom good bye. Remember Grim reapers. Death. People die all the time so my mom always has to collect souls to have energy. By collecting their aura she's setting them free into the after life.

That's were my auntie Debbie comes in. Once my mom collets the souls my auntie reincarnate them into new vessels she moulds.

Sleep is nice and so far America's nice too.


New book alert.

Thank you for reading my book and I am so happy that you were able to see it.




Bye bye my gumdrops 😘😘😘

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