Chapter 27: Mine part 2

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The room fell silent.

The judge slammed his malet on his desk.

"Miss. Lodavic, please refrain yourself from loud out burst. Miss. Lodavic may you come and sit beside your sibling's attorney."

The court commenced and everyone was now whispering. The ones who stabbed me names are Galina Lodavic Ivanov and Dalilia Popov. Those two jack asses! Do they know that I only get a seal every decade! Oh wait... they don't.

She walked up to the podium and sat down. Once her eyes landed on me her eyes widened with terror. I noticed she had a cross earring around her neck.

My attorney walked over towards her.

"Miss. Lodavic did you attempt to murder Miss.Howard Grim?"

"Yes I did."

"Did Miss.Popov help you?"


"What happened in your words?"

"Well my sister was getting jealous that she wasn't close to the witness as Miss. Howard Grim was so she said," Why not kill her? One less problem to worry about." I was shocked so I tried to warn her to stop. She forced me and Dalilia to hide inside the third floor abandoned science lab. She said that if I didn't that she was going to tell my ex that I was pregnant. I didn't want to I swear but when I stabbed her something weird happened. It was like dead people starring at me so I got scared once I saw a bronze marking that wasn't there before. I ran away and hid in the girls bathroom with Dalilia. We were caught by the police later when they found our fingerprints on the knifes." She broke down while holding her stomach.

"That's all..." my attorney help her to her desk. Her attorney thanked him then stand up.

"I will like to call Mr. Rodriguez to the stand."

Gonzo released my hand then went and sat down.

"What was your relationship with Miss. Lodavic older sister?"

"She was nothing more than a one time thing."

"What is your relationship with Miss.Howard Grim?"

"She's my girlfriend."

"How did you know the specific area that your lover was?"

"My girlfriend" he corrected" ran out of class. We're both part of our track team so I ran from class to class until I reached to We're I found her hung up."

"Now I've heard that you've once disliked Miss.Howard Grim. Please explain."

"I've never really disliked but I didn't like her at the very beginning but I knew I felt a connection with her."

"So if you never really disliked her as you claimed then...why would you ever try to kill her by smashing into her car with her friends inside?"


What the fuck is wrong with him?! Gonzo would never do that to me!

Sienna popped back in my head then pointed out " He's a Necromancer. It what they were born to do and we can't change that so accept the facts. Stop being a fool."

"HE WOULD NEVER HURT ME!! TELL THEM!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs I refused to believe that he was the one to try and ram me over. I refuse to believe that he was the one to make my life a living hell! But everything fell into place when he didn't speak up. He didn't deny it.

He can't...he didn't...


"Why the hesitation?"

Because he did..,. No way....



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