Chapter 22: Lullaby

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(Catherine POV)

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(Catherine POV)

Sleep now young child,
Let my melody sooth you,
Speak not now child,
Your mothers here to guide you.

The spirits are your friends,
The world is your muse,
So sleep now young child,
Let death take you soon.

My mom's melody kept on ringing in my dream. I was sleeping in business class but my eyes were wide away. This melody was used by my ancestors to round up souls. It was like a lullaby for the lost souls. So you know what happened next. Nikita, the girl who was beside me, accidentally grazed my arm and was greeted by all the souls in the room.

She was hyperventilating and abruptly stood up. She kept on screaming that I was a Monster and that I was the devil. Though I don't see how I look like my uncle at all. Strange I thought but the souls were now aggravated by her constant insults so I ran out the room as fast as I can. I was running down the hallway, wishing that I had snowflake with me right now. I've been following Sienna's instructions in order to run.

I was suddenly pulled inside a room vacant room by two girls. I recall seeing them at the party in the beginning of the semester. I looked over the room and saw Snowflake's little body now red. I made my way over to her but one of them smashed my head with a measuring cylinder causing glass shards to be imbedded into my scalp. I felt cold metallic blood drip down my face as I was now falling unconscious.

I soon later woke up to the excruciating pain in my torso. I scanned the room, in search for someone to help me. My else landed on Gonzo or now his wolf Travis. He was frozen in shock as my regeneration seal started to glow.

I only receive a seal once every decade. This however means that Sienna now has to take control of my body. I screamed in pain as they continued to stab my torso wider than before.

Sienna took control then laughed.

"It's funny how mortals can be so blind HAHA! How about I open up your eyes buttercups." She snapped her fingers and bother  the girl's eyes widen with terror. My faded bronze seal now shined brightly on my chest. The girls already ran away in terror.

All the lost souls who've took refugee inside of me came back in. My hair extended and grabbed every single soul in sight. When I was done. Sienna was weaker now. We both fell unconscious.

A flashback started to recreate itself in my head but it wasn't my own memory. It was Sienna's. Her long curled locks. Her golden faded dress contrasted with her tan olive skin. She was run in a field of grass. She was humming a lullaby. The same one my mom recited to me when I was a baby. The same one she recited to all of us. She fell back on a pile of autumn leaves. Her ice blue eyes were now on full display.

"SIENNA!" A tall man came running towards her. His demeanor was very Victorian like. He looked like a noble. Sienna stood up and walked over to him. He grabbed her waist and pecked her softly on her lips.

"Don't scare me like that."

"Why would I ever do that to you Travis?"

"I'm sorry. It's just that I'm worried that that prince fellow is going to steal you away from me."

"And why would he do that?"

"You are the most beautiful girl in our time and you know how the king gets with his sons suitors. Just promise me that you'll be careful okay." Travis look deeply into her eyes searching for a sign that she'll do as told.

"I'll be careful. So you don't have to worry your pretty head."

The scene faded and was replaced by a different scene. It was dark and the only light that was provide was that from the moon and silver stars. Sienna was now running again but not in her previous joyous mood.

She was running away from knights. She was also running bare footed and in her night dress. Her long curled hair was now disheveled by the wind and her tan olive skin was now pale with terror.

She stopped running for there was a cliff in her way. A knight grabbed her hand and roughly pulled her towards him.

"Just come with me and stop struggling! You should be honored that the king and the heir have taken a liking to you!" His friends surrounded Sienna, holding her in place. Sienna kept on backing closer towards the end of the cliff until...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhh" A continuous screech filled the entire woods. Wolfs began to cry. Birds chirped to sorrow. All of the animals seemed to cry in pain as Sienna's head landed head first. The birds began to swarm the knights and the wolfs transformed to humans killing one off by one. One stood out in particular. Travis.

He was about to jump over the cliff until a white wolf stopped him. Holding him back.

Sienna was still alive though. Bearly. My mom appeared from the shadows. She was about to collect her soul when she stopped. I stared at their swollen stomach.

Sienna was pregnant.

My mom stopped. Sienna used the last of her breath to pleaded with my mom to spare her unborn child.

"Ple...ase my unb...orn chi...ld.....a..nd... I... wil...l... g..ive you ....soul."

My mom made another proposal.

"Sienna Windwood, I hear your cry's to spare your child. But let's get one thing straight. When I have my second child. You will guide them. The forest mourns for you as they can sense that your soul is slowly departing. The shadows now welcome you. I will make you a shadow Grimware and your child will live. The child will drink my blood and from this they will be able to see what you cannot."

"I acce....." Sienna was dead.

My mom placed a rose on her chest then tore open her stomach and grabbed a premature child. It was still healthy nonetheless. She did as she promised and gave the baby a drop of her blood. The baby was back to life and was crying at the top of its lungs.

My mom wrapped it in it's mother's cloth and flew back to the top of the cliff were Travis still reside. He rose his head and stared at my mom. My mom, who was still holding the revived baby handed it to Travis.

"Your lover is dead but your child still lives. Show your child your ways and teach him your lifestyles. Protect him with your life as his mother did with him." And with that the scene went back to darkness.

"Did you do this?" Travis eyes darken at the blood clearly visible on her hand.

"Yes. She said that she wanted me to spare her child. Your child. Now don't make me regret it."

Complete Darkness....

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