Chapter 13: Don't you dare

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---Christoper POV---

"Muhammad Gorenzo."

I let the information sink in and left the room. What he did was unforgivable. I ran down the stairs and made my way to my prize possession. I grabbed my shotgun and placed it next to me in the drivers seat only to meet Charles in the car seat in the back. I turned my body to a 180 degrees and watched as he strapped himself in the baby car seat.

"I'm redwey!" He jumped in his seat pointing his finger to the driveway gate. Then my mom came and sat in the back seat reloading her 47. Once she was done she slapped my head and pointed to front.

"So hurry up." I turned on the car and heard the sweet sound of the engine roar. I placed my foot on the gas and grabbed my wheel. We sped down the highway using mom's tracking power to lead the wa-

"RIGHT!" I followed her command and drifted ,almost missing the turn. We swerved cars left and right. Mom gave me a few more directions until we reached at a mansion. It was similar to our estate in Rome but smaller. My mom was the first to hope out. She knocked on the door and left Charles and I inside the car. We watched as my mom and a middle aged brunette were talking. My mom mind linked us...

"This's the place. Leave your guns though."

"Yes mommy"

I hoped out first then picked up Charles after he unbuckled himself. A little boy was standing behind the woman but when he saw Charles, he ran up to him.

"Ferny!" Charles squealed and hugged the boy. I watched as Charles eyes changed from purple to his normal hazel. We all walked inside the house and sat down on the coach.

"I'm so happy to finally meet you Mrs. Howard. My husband has been specks get the world of your husband and their new partnership." The bubbly brunette rested a few stones and tea down on the coffee table. My mom and I didn't touch them because of the poisonous aura coming from them.

"Same. My husband always said that Mr. Rodrigez was hiding a wall flower but I knew that you'd be more heavenly than me."

"Awe no I could never. I was always envious of your pale skin."

"Hahaha" They both laughed and talked more about women things. A few seconds later a boy close to my age walked in. He looked like a pretty boy. My mom just continued to talk and took one glance at the boy who was now next to me.

"I'm so sorry to hear that!"

"What are you talking about mom?" The teen asked referring to the semi short brunette.

"Mu-mu hear this. A bastard broke this woman's daughter heart then right after the girl had a massive tonic seizure causing her to cough out blood and to be blind. She goes to your school too." His face went white at the new found information.

"Yo you alright? You look like a deer in highlights." He turned over to me and smiled. "Yeah I'm good. Great in fact. It just reminded me of a horror movie I just watched with my new girlfriend." I glared at him. My grim was flaring.

"Let's just kill this son of a bitch!"

Patience Lucian patience.....

"You got a girl huh. My man! How is she 1-10?" I played it of.

"Yo she's a score solid 10!! She's a Russian and cheerleader." He crept close to me and whispered. "She was a freak in bed today too man." I was ready to shoot him. I moved my hand towards my pocket for my Grimware key until...

"Honey we gotta go!" My dad was heard on my mom's phone.

"What happened?!" My mom shot up and grabbed Charles up away from his friend.

"Catherine's having a another tonic seizure."


"Since you guys left! I was trying to phone you but I couldn't reach you!"

"That was thirty minutes ago!" I grabbed my car keys from my pocket. I raced to the door with my mom and Charles. I saw th Gorenzos doing the same. We dashed towards the hospital address my dad gave us. When we reached and went inside the hospital room, I saw dad helping six nurses to hold down Cathy. The doctor was trying his best to put the oxygen mask on her mouth. Soon after the Gorenzos stormed in and watched in horror as Cathy's body violently shock from side to side but when Muhammad walked in she began to calm down. I turned and saw it.

He love her.

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