Chapter 21: Second Day

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My life is shit....

My life is shit....

My life is shit....

My life is shit....

I was in Business class and of course my 'soulmate' had to be there as well. It makes sense. Her father is a well world renown CEO. But she's seated next to Nitasha. My day is the definition of utter shit. Nikita just send me the most sexual glances I've ever seen from her and it might be because she has some competition. Catherine on the other hand is just ignoring her presence and is pretending that I don't exist. I feel sooooooo loved. Doesn't she know I'm not having sex because of her! I might as well be labeled a virgin! UGHH!! The thought alone is haunting!

It's close to the end and the whole dull scenery has exulted.Nikita was now standing in cold sweat. Tears clearly visible on her Milky pale complexion. On the other hand Catherine, just started down at her book. Nikita was hysterical.

"MISS. IVANOV SETTLED DOWN!" Mrs. Burnwood turned around at the commotion and tried to calm the now delusional Nikita. She kept on pointing her finger at Catherine while shouting out FREAK and DEVIL. It came to the point were Catherine just stood up and ran out the room. My wolf started to warn me.

"SOMETHING BAD IS GOING TO HAPPEN!!" Travis repeatedly tried to warn me. I just disregarded him and just watched as Mrs. Burnwood finally managed to calm Nikita down. Nikita sat down and grabbed my arm. She rushed us outside the class.

She effortlessly lend her hip to the side

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She effortlessly lend her hip to the side. She looked both sides before she began to speak.

"Gonzo I know that this will sound ridiculous but that new girl is haunted. She managed to reveal my ex's soul in class!" She was holding my shoulders and a bad vibe started to rise from her body. She wasn't telling me the full truth.

Just then my wolf took control.


"YOU IDIOT! SHE ABOUT TO DIE!!" My body started to move on its own. I started running towards the abandoned science lab. Our old science teacher was murdered here. Travis slammed the doors to the side almost breaking the holds on it. What I saw next was haunting. Nikita's sister and her little lap dog hung Catherine and was tearing her stomach open with a knife. Souls were screaming in my ears and swarming Catherine. Catherine's eyes scanned the room screaming until her eyes met mine or Travis'. She screamed as the two girls continued with their deed. She fell silent.

Then she laughed......

Not Catherine.....Sienna....

"It's funny how mortals can be so blind HAHA! How about I open up your eyes buttercups." She snapped her fingers and both girl's eyes widen with terror. A bronze seal appeared on Catherine's chest. The girls already ran away in terror.

Her eyes opened but they weren't there now white pearls.They were back to how they were. Her hazel eyes glowed brighter when the seal grew bigger. Her curly, highlighted hair grew, taking hold of every soul in sight. Her stomach was still bleeding. Her skin grew paler, eyes more distant. Suddenly she dropped. I rushed to grab her of the ground last second. Blood covered the whole area were she was hanged. Her body became limp. I turned to scan the room to find a dead white furry figure in the corner of the lab.

I took hold of the situation and grabbed my phone out of my pocket. Each second that passed was each second of her life fading. It came to the point were her body felt beyond her normal cold temperature. The police finally picked up.

"Hello This is Manhattan Police Station please state your emergency." The operater spoke.

"Hi, I'm at Casper Academy holding a limp female." I tried to stay calm.

"Okay. Please state name, location and whether she's breathing or not."

"Catherine Grim Howard. We're in the abandoned science lab on the third floor.No she's not responding but I'm not sure if she's dead or not."

"Alright help is on the way. Just stay where you are."

"Yes ma'am."

The line broke and silence once again filled the room. More time passed until the ambulance finally arrived with the police. I was taken away for questioning.

"So tell me how you came across Miss. Howard... Mr...."

"Oh Muhammad is fine. Catherine is actually a new kid in the school and is in the same track team as me. Today in class, a student started to accuse Miss. Howard of mind play. Later I went to go find a place to find some solitude when I stumbled across two girls with a knife each, cutting open Catherine's torso. They left once caught and I untied Catherine body and called 911."

"Do you know who the girls you've mentioned identity's are?" He questioned me with pity in his eyes. I've killed and tortured many gang members. I don't need his pity.

"Yes sir. Galina Ivanov and Dalilia Popov."

"Ok that would be all."

"Thank you.." I stared at the ceiling. Today was just fucked up....

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