Chapter 14: Beware

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(40 minutes ago)

---Catherine POV---

"Dad?" I waited for a respond.

"Yeah?" My dad seemed worried.

"Dad you don- AH!" Sienna what the fuck?!

"He's at it again. Why can't he just keep his dick in his pants?!" Sienna was also shaking.

"Dad! Call mom!" I tried to say but words were just cut off because of my sudden shaking. My dad seemed to get the memo but my mom wasn't picking up. My dad lifted me up and carried me to the car. He was driving and soon enough we were at the hospital. I heard slamming, shouting...

Cart rolling

Door open

Machine beeps

Dad's continuous contempts of calling my mom. This went on for thirty six more minutes until more doors opened. I was being restrained by multiple hands.

"He's here...he cares?" I looked to my right to where Sienna was looking from. Behind my mom, Chris,dad and a pretty brunette laid that son of a bitch. Strangely enough,I didn't feel resentment or anger towards him like I want to. I felt longing and yearning for him. My body calmed down and Sienna was jumping up and down in excitement.

"The line is fixing! Bitch can you hear me?!"

I can hear you DAMN BITCH!!

"He's so hot!!"

No he's so DEAD when I get my hands on his ass!

My body stopped shaking and I shot my eyes opened. I tried to sit up but I could only move my eyes. My body was paralyzed. I was still blind but I could still see in my mindscape and I could still feel everything around me. I could feel the heat on my eyes. I called out for somebody, anybody.

A warm feel touched my hands and I turned my head towards the direction of the hand.

---Gonzo POV---

"See what you caused! I told your dumbass not to fucking cheat on her but you did anyways now look she's blind because of you and that bitch!" My inner wolf was shouting at me but I ignored him as I just looked at Catherine's white pale eyes. Is she really blind. I waved my hands in front of her eyes but no reaction. She just looked up like she was searching for something. She really doesn't deserve to be mated to me.

"Gonzo?" She said in the most heavenly tone. My wolf went wild.

"I'm here baby, it's me! Say something!!"

"Yeah?" I was scared all of a sudden. I could see all the dead bodies she was harboring inside her body, ready to strangle me. She roamed her hands over my body turning me on. When she reached my face she paused.....SLAP!!

"CARAJO!!" My face began to swell and I looked at Catherine like she had a death wish. I looked around and realized it was only us inside. Out of no where she pulled my face and roughly smashed our lips together. I melted in her touch then use my arms to wrap my arms around her waist. After a while, I stepped back and saw Catherine new appeal. Her hair was longer, way past her knees. Her white pale eyes were now pale blue. She smirked then pulled my eyes.

"Listen here you piece of shit. You dare break my heart again or try in any to kill me ever again, I'll make sure that your soul won't meet the afterlife." Her warned me but looked so hot while doing so. She sat up then got of the bed allowing her hair to flow like a water fall. She suddenly hovered of the floor. She hover in a circle around me. She stopped behind me then ripped the back of my shirt. I turned around to see a scythe in the hand. She rose an eyebrow then frowned.

"Really? Hickeys and claw marks. I KNEW YOU CHEATED!!" She began pacing.

"Listen. Your cheating and your constant rejections is killing us. You already halfway killed me. Trust me. You don't want me to fully die." She pushed me onto the bed and sat on top of my lap.
"By the way, my name is Sienna. I'm Catherine's Grimware."

"Your not a normal Grimware are you?" I questioned her as she kept on shuffling on top of my region. She looked up.

"Your clever aren't you. Your right. I'm a goddess or was in my pastlife. You should be grateful. I had boys killing to be my next bed buddy in my past life that is. Catherine's still a virgin." In a snap her eyes were white again. Her face was red.

"You really are a bitch Sienna!" I could tell it was now Catherine in control.

"We have a very...unique mate don't we?"

Yes we do Travis.

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