Chapter 30

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>One year later<

How long will it take for me to grab my diploma and get on the next flight to New York.

'Give or take since you got me around ten minutes but knowing dad he will make us fly instead so your out of luck.'

There was a long silence.

'Why don't you talk to him? I mean tomorrow is going to be the last day you see him face to face.'

"Are you saying that only because you want to get a conversation with Travis?" I sang out the name of her mate and mine. She blushed and poured her lips.

'We were a thing ok so his mine back off!'


I was putting on my outing dress for the last day here. We were going to a expensive restaurant so I had to wear something nice. Surprising how a year can fly by so fast. I grabbed my pale blue dress and laid it on my bed next to my matching heels, purse, bra and underwear.

I washed my curly mane and scrubbed my skin clean from training. I brushed my already pearly teeth and let my hair dry while I rubbed in my coco-butter relaxer. Once satisfied I walked out with a towel wrapped around my bare skin.

I stopped and looked around. It's funny how all my memories are in such a small space compared to a few of my past bedrooms. I put on my lace black bra and panty then my heels and dress. I looked in the mirror and finally saw how much my looks had improved. Due to all of my training since the trail I now have toned but thick features. My 6 pack toned but settle, my long legs on display in all of their toned glory. My chest and ass having a perfect circular shape and perk. My deep facial features and long wild light tipped hair as if I were one of Leonardo de Vinci's artworks.

I walked downstairs and met with parents and brothers seated on the sofa in our living room. I hugged my little brother from behind and smothered him in kisses as his giggles echoed. I'm going to miss this so much.

"Hey we have a clip for you but your going to have to open it when you reach New York." Christopher said and turned to face me stopped once his eyes reached me. He frown. "Your not going out like this. DAD!"

My dad ran in with my mom and his frown matched Chris' own. "Catty.No." My mom slapped both of them on their shoulders.

"Men. Can't you let her look how she wants for one day? Hmph. You look like an  angel sweetie." Mom pecked my forehead as she turned sending daggers at dad and Chris. I laughed as they both cowered away at my mom's intense glare. Mom soon stopped and everyone went in the car. We all sang to Sucker by the Jones brothers. Joe has always been my favourite.

"We're here." Everyone got out and went to claim our reservation. Well I wouldn't call it a reservation as my dad actually owns the restaurant. We sat down by a window and talked till a waiter came to serve us.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Our your orders ready?" His dimples appeared at as he smiled showing of his own set of pearls.

"Yes please. A cup of fruit punch for the child, two cups of red wine and two cups of mango delights." I frowned at my dad and he gave me a fruit punch. " No matter how old I get your never going to treat me as an adult are you?" I asked looking in disbelief.

"I don't care if I'm in a pair of pampers. You three will always look like infants to me." My dad huffed our as our orders came back. We thanked him individually for our drinks.

" Would you ladies and gentlemen like anything to eat?"

"Yes." Now I spoke first.

"Two grilled steak medium, two spicy egg rolls and chicken tenders with garlic breadsticks. Thank you." The waiter blushed and nodded his head to walk away.

"So you excited. I'm sure there's going to be lot of options for you to find your dream theatre." Mom took a sip of her vine.

"Excuse me men. I'm going to have to talk our lovely Catty away for a trip to the loo." She grabbed my hand and dragged me to the bathroom.

"Sienna and Catty how do you feel. I know it must be hard for you considering the circumstances." She looked me in the eyes. Her dead soulless eyes displayed worry and love that I was used to for all my life.

"It's just.. what do I do mommy? I won't get to see him again. Or you or dad or Chris and Charles." Mom hugged me.

"It's going to be just fine. Something tells me that the zodiacs are very kind towards you Catherine. So don't fear a thing. I would go to hell and back to make sure my babies are safe and happy."

"Thank you mommy."

"No problem now let's get a move on. I'm pretty sure one more minute and they would think that we abandoned them." We laughed and sat down. We ate as while we were in the bathroom our order had already arrived.

We payed and left once finished. Once at home I took of my clothes and exchanged them for pjs. I was about to sleep when I heard a rock hit the glass of my window. I opened it and a pure black wolf with intense green silver eyes looking at me. The wolf soon disappeared and I smiled as Sienna smiled as we knew who it was.

"Mine telling me why you come at 11:30 in the night in wolf form and naked after." He smirked at me.

"To see you of course. And to give you this." He opened a small red velvet box and handed me a rose gold ring.

"Oh my god..." He stalked closer.

"Will you be my forever. My mate and promise to be loyal and faithful. I promise I will never betray you again. Never. And if I do you can castarate me."

"I accept." I leaped in his arms and kissed him. Fighting for dominance only for him to win at the end. He lifted me up and lend me against my wall. He trailed kisses all the way to my soft spot on my neck. He kissed it and left me shivering.

And just like that needles were felt but it took no time for the pain to turn into blissful pleasure. He licked it and I suppressed my moan and pant. He back away to admire his work.

"I'll be back tomorrow before you leave. And Catty goodnight." Just like that I drifted off being carried to my bed.

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