Chapter 18: The Deal

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---Gonzo wolf POV (Travis)---

"If I gave you a chance?"
"Would you have taken it?"
"Or give it away?"
"Watch me lay on dirt?"
"Or pick me up when I'm hurt?"
"Kill me?"
"Or love me?"
"Choose or lose"

Sienna and Catherine were fighting for dominance as their voices kept on changing. In the end it was Catherine who won and my face was slowly changing. She whistled for her dog to come. I watched as the dog came close to Catherine but glared at my new appearance. Once Catherine found what she was looking for she stood up and whispered something to her dog which it obeyed. Both walked closer towards me and I stood still and Catherine scanned my body. Once she touched my face I just froze. It was different then any other girl. Shivers went down my spine.

Her hand roamed my face and touched my nose. When her hand landed on my cheek she stopped. She gently rubbed my cheek then smiled.

She was quiet for a well then shouted at me.

"Your so frustrating!"

"I know but I said I was sorry." I apologized for Gonzo's behavior.

"Oh no no no no, not you. I was talking to Sienna." She tried to move her hand but only for it to have it placed back on my face.

"I like it...." I kept her hand on my cheek.

"Your not Gonzo are you?" She said making me break out into a cheer.

"I DO HAVE A SMART MATE!" I celebrated then kissed her on her face. She laughed at my way of kissing.

"You don't know how long I wanted to see you like this. From the first time I laid eyes on you to the time I saw you running." I continued to kiss her then she stopped me. I changed my face again to my human version which may I point out is different from Gonzo.

"Why didn't you stop Gonzo from destroying 'us'" She said in a whisper and started to cry. It broke my heart to see her like this.

"I tried to. Believe me when I saw I tried. I tried to make him to stop having sex. I told him that it not the right way. I told him to stop everything but he's still a Necromancer and your still a grim reaper. I personally don't get it but I hope you change this fools mind. I thought Sienna was gorgeous." I spoke out saying the utmost truth.

"Careful you might get her-" Catherine tried to warn me but was cut off.

"Your not so bad yourself cutie." Sienna's cooed making me want to howl. Her voice would always be a turn on for me.

"Means a lot from you beautiful." I could tell she was turned on my my Cuban accent. Her smile was enough for me to move in at any second now.she didn't speak so I spoke for her.

"Would it be better if I took my shirt off."

She still didn't open her mouth but was just gazed.

"Take a pic it'll last longer." I kept on closing in.

"Ok..we....might be able to forgive you guys.....only be in a relationship with us for a week without cheating, no more rejection and no more bad talking. Deal?"

"What would be my reward?" I moved in close to her. I know my speed shocked her as she was now shaking. I was squeezingher soft ass wanting to feel them. They were soft so I squeezed her ass even harder making sure to leave my mark on her. It was harder to contain myself each second that passed by. She moaned out my name making me smirk and hard. I could smell her sexual arousel. After a few more squeezes she regained or tried to regain herself.

"You might get a taste.." I glint of Catherine seeped through and I know that I had to be quick but I still wanted to respect my queen.

"You sure riding hood." I asked and immediately regretted my cringe worth comment.

"Now that was just corny!" She laughed. I hope that I get to hear her laugh every single day.

"Can I get a preview?" My staff was getting unbearably hard right now.

"Be a good little wolf then I'll think about it." I tried to make my way to her region but I was stopped her soft hand last second. I smirked then looked at her. I took some time then continued to restrain myself.

"Deal!" I agreed and we shook hands merged with a kiss at the end. Look like Gonzo will be taking a long ass cold shower tonight.

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