Chapter 2: Hell hole

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"Up up up Cathy!"

"5 more minutes"

A heavy force landed on my stomach and I gasp as all the air is pushed out of me. I look up to see a smirking Chris and an innocent looking Charles on my stomach.

"Up up!"

"I'm up up Charles." I sighed. I can't stay mad at him.

"Up up Cathy." But I can stay mad at Charles accomplice.

Once they were out of my room I headed for the bathroom and took off my pj's. I stepped inside the shower and allowed my aching body to relax under the steaming water. After the shower I brushed my teeth then exit into my room wearing a towel.

"What should I wear?" I looked at all my options and decided to wear a pair of black short ripped jeans , my purple crop top and a pair of Converse. Cool but simply. I just let my Afro loose as it will taken 30 minutes just to maintain it.

I headed downstairs and my brothers and my dad are giving me a disapproving look.

"Skin" They all said in unison

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"Skin" They all said in unison. Well Charles tried to say skin but only said " Skwin" Cute. I shook my head and went back to change outfit. This is the downfall I was talking about. I went with my converse but changed my crop top into a purple sweater and my short black ripped jeans into long black ripped jeans.

I mad my way downstairs again, ate my breakfast and I left a note for my mom to tell her we left her pancakes, eggs, toast and oj

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I mad my way downstairs again, ate my breakfast and I left a note for my mom to tell her we left her pancakes, eggs, toast and oj .We all left the house with our backpacks on and entered our BMW. I strapped Charles into his car seat then buckled up myself. My older brother got shotgun and once everyone was in place my dad took off and drop all of us at our schools.

 My older brother got shotgun and once everyone was in place my dad took off and drop all of us at our schools

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Schools in England were bigger than the ones in America. I've seductive looks from the boys and glares from some girls too. Why are they looking at me like that? I went into the administration office for my schedule and thanked the woman there. She seem nice and apparently she's British too. I could tell from her faded accent. It may have not been fully there but you can't fool me.

I made my way to room B-6 and opened the door. The room was quite empty. There was only a group of boys in the back glaring at me. I went and ignored them because trust me when I say I don't want drama. After 15 minutes the rest of the class started to flood in, chatting amongst themselves. The teacher walked in and everyone went silent.

"Today we have a new student from England. Please introduce yourself to the class."

"My name is Catherine Howard-Grim. I moved her from England and I hope to make some friends here." I'm so shy and I can tell my thick British accent was there as I got some strange glances her and there.

"Thank you. You may take a seat."
I obeyed and took my seat once again. The teacher commence talking.

" Today we'll have a free period so you may all get to know Catherine a bit more."

5 minutes into our free period and nobody walked towards me yet. I kept myself busy by asking the teacher for some work to do in class. He looked at me like I was the first one to ever said I wanted work. He beamed and gave me some calculus worksheets to start and I thanked him.

They were easy.

Math is my forte after all. I was once again left with nothing to do and it was now 15 minutes gone. Did I finish those worksheets to fast? Nobody walked up to me. A few more minutes later and I realized something. I'm the only person of color here at the school. Is that why people kept on glancing at me?

It lunch time and I'm once again sitting by myself. Like always. I've brought my own lunch so I didn't have to eat the cafeteria's food. Once done eating I opened the cafeteria's door and tried to walk out. A bucket of water fell on top of my Afro drenching me whole. My clothes were now tight on my skin now showing off my hourglass figure.

I'm pissed.

I whipped my head around and scanned the whole area. When a grim reaper's angry its best to not stay within 30 feet. My rage was seeping through my aura now. Everybody's face went pale with fear as the lights began to break one by one. People within my range were grasping for air as my aura was chocking them. I tried to calm down by walking away, out of the sight of people. Once far enough I meltdown and rang my phone for my dad to pick me up.

What a 'wonderful' first day.

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