Chapter 5

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|Chapter 5|


~Talia's POV~

Honestly? I thought I was crazy for saying I'd go to Michael's party. I bet you that Luke told Michael, and he feels bad.

~Luke's POV~

I told Ashton and Calum that Talia was "the" Talia..

So yeah, we decided to keep it a secret and suprise Mikey.

"MICHAEEELLL!!!" I shout.

"WHERE ARE YOU DUDE?!" Ashton screams.

{A/N: Hai it's Melissa cx I love Ashhyyy. And Michael 😳.. and Lucas and Calum 😂😂👌. <3}

"LIVING ROOM!!" Michael finally answers.

Ashton and I run down to Michael, and Calum.

"Ello, chapplins!" Calum beams at us.

"Hi Calum. I see the Malum bond here." I say and add in a wink.

Calum snuggles into Michael.

"Ugh, no." Michael screeches like a girl. "BOYS HAVE COODIES!" He schooches away.

Calum fake cries, "LOVE ME! JUST LOVE ME!"

"I can totally see why fans ship us." Michael shruggs.

Ashton turns his sass on and puts his hands on his hips, "MHMMM." he snaps his fingers.

"Oh God, Ash. I APPROVE OF MALCUM!" I scream.

"Did anyone else notice Michael and Calum are next to eachother on all off our photoshoot posters?" Ashton gasps, and takes a seat in between Malcum, and pats their backs.

"I will love you for who you are." Ashton smiles.

"Why are we even talking about this?" Michael rolls his eyes. "Lets get my party started, bitchesss."

~Talia's POV~

I had gotten permision from my sister so I could get to wear anything I want, not my uniform.

I put on a -------- (Hannah starts writing here) --------------white crop top with blue skinny jeans and white converse. I looked at myself in the mirror, Trying to see if i should put any make up on. Maybe just some mascara and lip gloss. Once I finished my make up, I curled my hair, and looked at my full body in the mirror.


I checked the time. 11:00 A.M.

I have to be there with the cake in a half hour.

One problem. I have no car.

I pulled out my phone.

"Hey, sis!"

"You need me to drive you somewhere right?"


"That party that you have to deliver the cake to?"


"I'll be there in five minutes, Be ready." She said then hung up.

I walked to my closet, grabbed my black jacket, and walked out the front door, to see Jennie waiting for me in the bakery van.

We drove in silence to the adress listed, and I texted Luke, telling him we were on our way.

Luke: See ya soon, cutie ;)

Me: Haha we r here

Luke: ik i see ur bakery truck haha

Me: Yep thats me!

Luke: Just get ur arse in here!

Me: kk

I grabbed the cake from the back of the truck, and braced myself to see Michael again.

I walked to the front door, and knocked. I saw the familiar green eyes, of Michael.




"Talia. . . "

"Hey, Mikey," I smiled a bit.

Truth is, i'm not that mad he left. Look where he is now. He has good people surrounding him, and he achived his dream.

"What are you. . . What are you doing here?" He said astonished.

"I brought a cake, and your friend Luke invited me to stay for the party." I smiled.

"Oh. Well, c'mon in, then." He said.

"TALIA!" Luke yelled, as I stepped iin the familiar house.

"LUKE!" I set the cake on the table and ran to give him a hug.

He embraced me into a nice, warm hug, as I felt Michael's eyes on us. As I look at Michael, he was glaring at Luke, Jealousy in his eyes. What the. . . ?


Question: Do you ship Taliuke or Michalia?

This chapter is dedicated to @FanFictionFanatic_ for being the first person to comment on this book! Comment in hopes of getting the next chapter dedicated to you!!! BYYEEEEE

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