Chapter 13

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Hehe I'm writing this in 2nd period >:D jk jk It's cool. I'm allowed to :D ~Hannah

She knows Luke . . .

Speaking of Luke, he walks in at this particular moment.

"Stephanie?" Luke gasps.

"Luke . . . Hi . . . "

"Hey . . . Uh . . . What are you doing here, Stephanie?" Luke asked awkwardly.

"I'm here to hang out with Michael and T-Talia . . . "

"You know them?" Luke raises his eyebrows.

"I met them today . . ."


"Why the hell are you interrogating me?!"

"Because last time I saw you, you lied to my face and said I wasn't your friend and that I wasn't cool enough to hang out with you anymore," Luke spat at Stephanie.


"You implied it," he said quietly and walked out of my house.

We all sat there shocked.

I stood up.

"I'll be right back, Mikey." I kissed his cheek.

I ran out of the house and saw Luke get into his car.


He ignored me and started the car.

I grabbed my mom's car keys and ran to her car.

As Luke pulled out, I followed behind him.

I watched him drive away quickly, and I followed closely.

Luke drove faster and I did too.

He obviously didn't see the red light--That or he didn't care,-- and he sped right through it, but then I heard horns and tires screeching.

Glass shattering, breaks squealing.

I slammed on my breaks and jumped out of the car.

I ran to where Luke's car was.

"Luke . . . " I whispered and I saw blood everywhere.

I pulled my phone out quickly and called 000.

After I hung up, I called Michael with hot tears running down my face.


"Michael . . . It's Luke . . ."

"What happened?"

"HeranthrougharedlightandgothitandIdon'tknowwhattodoandIcalled000butIcan't!" I rushed.

"Talia . . . Shhh . . . Slow down . . .Say it again."

"He ran through a red light and got hit . . ." I said slowly. "I saw it all happen . . ."

I felt another wave of tears run down my face.

"What street?!"

"42 and 69th street . . ."

"I'll be right there."

I hung up and fell to the floor as the ambulance arrived.

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