Yukine's Route 1: Study

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"Yato, where's that sweatshirt I bought yesterday?" The blonde haired boy asked as he searches for his clothes.

"Why? Are you going somewhere, Yukine?" Yato leisurely laid on the floor while reading a magazine. "It's drying outside. I washed it this morning."

"You did what?!" Yukine shouted angrily at him. "Why did you washed it?!"

"Huh? It's just lying on the floor earlier so I thought it's one of your used clothes." Yato answered. "Why are you so mad about that sweatshirt anyways?"

Yukine blushed at his question. "I-It's nothing. I'm just going to clean my desk."

At this moment, Yato knew the reason why Yukine is panicking. He wrapped his arm on Yukine's shoulders and whispered. "You have a crush on (y/n), do you?"

Yukine's face reddened even more as he tried to deny Yato's speculation. "T-That's not true! I... I-"

"There's no use in hiding it. I can tell it, Yukine. Your my shinki after all." Yato said.

"D-Don't tell her, ok?!" The boy demanded. "(y/n), m-might-"

"Don't worry about it. I promise I wouldn't tell her." Yato patted his head. 'Now, I can borrow his savings without trouble~'

Yukine sighed in relief without a clue about what his master is thinking. "Thanks, Yato."

"So what do you like about her?" Yato suddenly asked which made the young boy uneasy again.

"W-well, sh-she's kind, smart, sociable, and... and..." His face heated up even more just by saying those words. "She's beautiful."

"Eh? Who's beautiful?" As if on cue, you barged into their door without knocking.

"(y-y/n)?!" Yukine started to panic. 'Did she heard it?! Did she?! Did she?!'

Yato give his back a weak push, stood, and turned towards the door. "Well then, Yukine, I'll be downstairs. (y/n), take good care of my shinki, got it? And don't do anything reckless, ok?"

"Y-Yato! What do you mean by reckless, you moron?!" He shouted as the man exited the room.

"Now that I'm here, shall we start now, Yukine-kun?" You said in a sing song voice.

"Y-Yeah!" He nodded in reply. "Right away!"








"(y/n)." Yukine called your name several times as you both panted. "Let's stop this, (y/n). I can't do it anymore."

"Mhm." You nodded while doing the same, wiping the sweat on your neck. "I'm already tired and it's kinda hot here too."

"(y/n), stop. Ughhh. Why do you still keep on..." He panted even more. "Why do you still keep on giving me this hard equations?!"

You giggled at his reaction. "You also need to learn it, Yukine-kun. If you learned it, I'll give you a... reward~"

Yukine blushed once again at your seductive pronunciation of the last word before Yato screamed from downstairs.

"Oi! Yukine! You're stinging me again, you brat!" The delivery god said.

"S-Sorry, I didn't mean to do that!" Yukine answered back.

"Well then, shall we continue studying again, Yukine-kun?" You smiled at him. "What do you want? English? History? Science? Or maybe... me~?" You winked which made the boy's face flushed once again.

"Goddammit, (y/n)! Stop tempting Yukine or I'll beat the crap outta you!" You heard Yato scolded you from the first floor.

"I'm just kidding. Hahahahaha! It's fun to tease the two of you once in a while. Science it is then." You ignored him and smiled at the boy while holding his Science book. "Heredity, huh?"

"Hiyori hasn't taught me about that yet." Yukine said. "If I'm right, it's about the passing of traits of a parent to it's offspring, right?"

"That's correct, Yukine-kun!" You put your thumbs up and then smirked after. "But do you know what happens during the passing of genes?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Yukine asked in confusion.

"Two people of the opposite gender mates, Yukine-kun. Hiyori-chan already taught to you about the reproductive system, right?" You asked him with a playful smirk on your face. "I was just wondering if you'd need an explanation or would you rather prefer a demonstration~"

Smoke came out of the boy's face as his body temperature increases rapidly. Blood also started dripping from his nose because of the embarrassment from the scene you created in his imagination.

"(y/n)! What the hell are you doing to my shinki, you pervert!" Yato bursted to the door as Yukine stung him again. "You never listened, do you?!"

You rolled on the floor, clutching your stomach while laughing. "Oh my god! He's so innocent! I can't! Hahahahaha! This is just too funny! Sorry, Yato, Yukine-kun! I just can't resist myself! Hahahaha!"

Yato threw a pillow to your face while Yukine is a blushing mess. "You and your sh*tty pranks! Get out of here this instant!"

You pouted as you catched the pillow. "But me and Yukine-kun aren't finished yet~ And it's still early."

"I don't care! Just continue tomorrow! If you're going to continue flirting with him, I'll ban you from this house!" Yato shouted angrily.

"Look who's acting like a landlord~ You're also just staying here." You talked back at him.

"Just leave!" He ordered you.

You sighed in defeat and once again smiled to Yukine. "Seems like I went overboard this time, Yukine-kun. Yato is really pissed so I'll just see you tomorrow, okay? Bye bye~" You left through the window not without kissing Yukine on his cheek.

Yukine touched his cheek where your lips came into contact with and blushed deeply. "Sh-she kissed me."

"Huh?! Well, good for you, Yukine, but next time don't sting me, you damn brat." Yato clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"You're just jealous because Hiyori never even tried to hug you." He stuck out his tongue and teased him. "Baka! Baka!"

"What did you say?!" They argued all night about the girls they admire while the couple below listens.

"Those two are always lively." Kofuku commented as she drinks her tea.

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