Broken Reality

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End of days.
Flashing green lights.
Fallen temple.
Shattered reality.
Herds of creatures.
Dead. Everywhere, everything is dead.
The Reaver.

In front of it all, stood Kimberly Ann Possible. The worst sight of it all, was Ron Stoppable, laying down in front of her. Blood trickling from his mouth and the gaping wound in his chest. She stared at the sight with fear, tears running down her cheeks like waterfalls.
"No! RON!"

"NO!" The young redhead yelled as she began to see the bright light hit her eyelids. She quickly sat up, from sleeping in a cold sweat. She could see the outside shine, right through her thick sheets. She huffed and puffed, trying to regain her breath. As she looked around, she just realized she was dreaming. She whipped the covers off, and sat up in her bed. Her red hair all over the place, with parts of it sticking straight up in the air.

With her squinted eyes she looked outside and saw the bright, pale white light from the sky. It wasn't sunlight, it was just nothing but bright grey—some would argue its pale white. Snow stopped falling, but she could tell it was still cold by the frost on the window.

She was in so deep thought about her nightmare, she totally forgot what happened the last hour before she had fallen asleep. She stoop up out of bed, and stretched high into the air as she yawned so loud she felt her jaw nearly tense up. She stretched her legs out with little kicks, then fixed her sleeping shirt. She walked down the stairs, and first thing into the kitchen. She was expecting her mom to be cooking breakfast. But, all she saw was a note on the kitchen table, where she and Ron sat only hours before.

Morning Kimmiecub! Your Mother tried to wake up you and Ronald but neither of you would budge. We both went out for breakfast, and are going to the mall to do some last minute Christmas shopping. Stay out of trouble, and tell Ronald to stop drooling.

Kim looked at the note, then looked around trying to comprehend the note so early in the morning. If you consider eleven o'clock early.
"Wake up Ron?" Kim mocked the note out loud in confusion. That's when she realized she heard snoring. She looked around the corner, and saw him laying down on the couch, cuddled up in a little ball of Ronness. She stared blankly at the sight of her BFBF sleeping peacefully. She walked over to the couch, and sat next to his curled up feet.

"Ron." She said calmly, easily shaking him. But he wouldn't budge. Her dad was right, waking them up was harder than he thought. "Ron. Wake up. It's eleven." She said, her voice more solid than before. Still, not even a shake. Then she had a bright idea. She stood up, and walked towards the curtains. She grinned, as she then spread the sheets across the railing of the window. The infectious white light then shined directly on Ron Stoppable.

"No! Evil! Hiss!" Ron whined, as he rolled over to face the other side of the couch. Kim smiled in satisfaction, knowing it would work, from personal experience.

"It's eleven, Ron. Time to get up." She said, walking back into the kitchen. He threw the blanket off his head, morning hair rivaling that of Kim's. "Where's Mr. Dr. P? Mrs. Dr. P?" He questioned, as he rubbed his eyes. "They're out running around town. Also, how did you fall asleep here?— Hold on, how did my dad let you sleep here?" Kim asked, as she grabbed a coffee mug.

"I don't really remember *yawn*, I just remember us finishing The Nightmare Before Christmas. Then you went up to your room to get something but you never came back down— okay it's very clear now what happened." Ron spoke, answering his own question about Kim falling asleep. "Oh yeah.. to be totally fair I probably wasn't going to come back down anyway." He heard Kim laugh in the kitchen.
She sounded happy, but she was almost done shuttering over the nightmare.

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