World Gone Mad

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Drakken threw a punch at Ron but was evaded by a dash from the blue flaming teen. As he dashed, he pivoted around on his left foot and threw an elbow at the monster's temple. Barely flinching, he grabbed Ron's flying arm and flung him into the snow next to him. "You may have been able to foil me in the past, Stoppable. But this is an entirely new ballgame.  I have the advantage here!" Drakken smiled, seeing his foe buried in a face full of snow.

"Okay, this isn't the eighties, nobody says foil when referring to destroying a plan." Ron rolled his eyes, as he hopped back to his feet.
"You're starting to be as annoying as that mouthy girlfriend of yours." Drakken said in an irritated tone.

Ron dashed back at the monster, attempting to tackle him to the ground. "Nuh uh uh." Drakken retorted, and grabbed the arms of the boy, holding them behind his back.

"Say uncle!" Drakken yelled, hoping to get an easy victory from Ron. "No! NEVER!" Ron yelled back, trying to break free. "Say uncle! Say it!" Drakken repeated. "Never! RAUGH!" Ron screamed, as he slammed his head backwards, hitting the blue monster straight in the nose. Drakken quickly let go of the teen, and grabbed his nose with a squeal of pain.

"That's not fair! I had you!" Drakken whined, and readjusted his nose to make sure it wasn't broken. Ron just shrugged his shoulders, no idea how to react to the childish situation. But while he was focused on his own confusion, a left hook knocked him square in the mouth. He spun to the side, and hit the ground once again. "Ooo. That really looked like it hurt." Drakken smirked, picking Ron up by the collar of his torn shirt.

Ron quickly turned, and elbowed down on Drakken's forearm, digging straight into his muscle. Drakken screamed in pain, still having a tight grip on the boy. Noticing Drakken wasn't going to let go anytime soon, Ron brought his elbow up, and drilled it into him several more times. He finally did it one last time, eventually causing Drakken to let go. As Drakken went to grab his arm, he felt something wrong. Like something wasn't right.

When he reached for his arm, he couldn't feel his hands grab his own forearm. "What?" He said in shock, grabbing it more aggressively. When he tried to stretch it out, that's when he realized he couldn't even move his forearm. "What—NO!" He yelled in anger.

"It's a little technique I learned during my days in Yamanouchi. Oh don't worry, it's only temporary." Ron said cockily, checking his fingernails with satisfaction. "No worries." Drakken gritted his teeth, and swung his other arm at Ron. Ron easily stopped the slow beast, and spin-kicked him square in the face. Drakken dropped to the ground, not even able to catch his own fall.

"Look who's the big dog now be-otch!" Ron bragged, doing a ridiculous crane kick in the air.

"ENOUGH!" Drakken finally yelled in full fledged anger, and grabbed Ron's ankle. He then quickly rolled over to his back, slamming Ron down on his face. "I will NOT be berated by an annoying teenager! Especially YOU, Stoppable!" Drakken stood back up and grabbed a handful of Ron's hair. He held his head up by its strands with his weak grip, and punched him in the face with the arm he had full power with. He then punched him again. And again.

Ron's face was already covered in scrapes and cuts, now adding his own blood to the list. "God I've wanted to do this for too long. It feels so good to win again!" Drakken cheered like a school girl, filled with total joy. Ron's hair was still in his grasp, feeling his head get yanked every time Drakken jumped up and down.

Drakken looked back down at Ron, once again smiling with his sharp teeth. "You know it's such a shame to see you two kiddos oh so beaten. How does it feel... to be on the other end of failure?" His gross breath heavily nauseating Ron. Ron's only answer, was spitting blood back in Drakken's face. Drakken's face quickly shifted to disgust, then back to anger. He then slammed Ron's face back into the snowy pavement.

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