The Prophecy

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"Kim, listen to me. We're going to be okay, okay? It was just a nightmare. Right now, we need to focus on fixing... whatever this is." Ron said, his hands directly on her shoulders. I've never seen her this shaken up, He thought. He hated seeing that worry in her eyes—only except this wasn't worry. It was straight fear.

"Ron this is how it starts! We try to fix this, but instead we begin the end of the world!... the end of my world..." She said quietly, directly referring to seeing the dying Ron she saw right before her eyes in her nightmare. "KP, look at me... I believe you." Ron said, instantly bringing shock to her. "If this really is what you say it is.. then maybe there's another way to stop it. But the only way to do that, is if we go inside, okay?"

She looked directly into his gorgeous eyes, reading his soul. She knew he believed her, and that he had faith in her. "Whatever happens in there, I'm with you one hundred percent of the way." There he was again, with that infectious smile. She took a deep breath and nodded. He pulled her in, and pecked a kiss on her forehead. He then grabbed her hand, as they proceeded towards the glowing and shaking temple— Wait, shaking?

The teens felt the ground before them shaking, as they looked down. The ground was beginning to crack beneath their feet. Their gazes went to each other—back to the ground— back to each other.


They both then took off, booking it as fast as they could. The ground below them nearly catching up to them as their running feet picked up. As they approached the temple, they saw a stone opening. There was no door of any kind, or any block closing it off to the world. Once they got close enough, they felt their feet start to rip under them. "Shit!" Kim yelled, as her foot began to fall through the fast moving crack. Ron grabbed her wrist, and threw her inside the entrance like a rag doll.

She hit the ground hard, as she began to roll further inside. Ron—not far behind— leaped right in, barely making it inside by a millisecond. They both laid next to each other, facing the ceiling with wide eyes.

"Not gonna lie.. didn't think that was gonna work." Ron said, followed by a smack to the chest by Kim.

The both painfully sat up, and looked around the dark temple. Kim looked to her left passed Ron, and noticed a hallway. It had spots for torches, but not of them lit. "Hand me the laser lipstick." She then ordered at Ron. Ron proceeded to reach in his bag, then stopped to look at her. "You still have that?" He asked curiously. She just gave him a shrug with a slightly annoyed look. Ron reached in the bag and took it out anyway.

Kim took it out of his hand, and stood up. She walked towards the hallway of torches, and picked one up and lifted it out of its hold. She pressed the button on the lipstick, beginning to smoke the top of the torch. As the smoke got darker, the torch began to light. Soon enough, it was burning bright with a controlled flame. "Here." She said to Ron. He got up, and walked towards her while dusting his pants off.

She picked another one up, and lit it with the current torch. She handed the other one to Ron, as they both looked down the hallway. "After you." A frightened Ron said with a fake smile. Kim rolled her eyes, as Ron followed close behind.

The long hallway was empty, which made them feel uneasy. All the saw were spiderwebs, dead bugs and some bones. The stopped to see two hallways, both going different directions. "This temple is huge, how do we know when we found... something?" Kim asked. "I guess look for something out of the ordinary?" Ron suggested.

Then, they saw the glowing green light, begin to light through the cracks once again. It started glowing from the left hallway, and spread all the way down the right hallway. "Like that?" Kim said with a smirk, and peaked around the corner. "I'm guessing we're gonna have to go that way..." Ron sighed in defeat. Kim patted hit on the back, as they made their way down the glowing hallway.

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