"Awe man, why do I never get anything cool!" Ron whined, as he stared at his girlfriend, nearly drooling at her sweet curves in the new Battlesuit. He hasn't seen Kim in the Battlesuit in so long, it's like he was seeing her like this for the first time all over again. She had grown stronger, and filled the suit out just a little bit more than she used to."Pff. An outfit... really?" The Reaver rolled its eyes, a small grin on its face. "You wanna test it out?" Kim stood in a fighters stance, ready for anything the vile demon threw at her. "I will when I rip it from your corpse!" She yelled, and ran back at Kim. Kim and Ron both dashed at the demon, ready to clash at any moment. They then engaged in combat, throwing combos of all kinds. The demon stood her own against the two, now understanding the skills of combat that Shego possessed. But even taking on two at the same time, was beginning to wear thin on the demon.
Ron was able to get a solid punch it, right at her fiery face. While she spun in a daze. Kim kicked her in the ribs. Even the Reaver got a few hits in, elbowing Ron in the temple and kneeing Kim in the stomach. Desperate to reignite her sun beam, she began to lose her patience with this annoyance. To end this soon, she had to think dirty.
Without hesitation, she grabbed Kim by the back of the hair, and yanked her down to the ground. The teen screamed in pain as she felt all her hair be pulled to the back of her skull. Ron tried to attack it on the other side with a flying kick to break her grip from Kim. Still grasping every strand of her hair, she used her other half of her body to kick Ron in the stomach, then spin-kicked him in the cheek.
Still lying in pain, Kimberly knew she had to do something.
You wanna fight dirty huh. She thought to herself, anger now overwhelming her. She quickly brought her knee up to her chest, then fired her foot directly through the demons knee.
"RAUGHH!" The demon screamed in pain, as she fell to the ground in agony. Kim quickly broke the grip off from her grasp, and stood at a safe distance to help Ron off the ground. When they both looked down at the blazing demon—now full of nothing but rage— they saw her knee, completely caved in backwards.
"OH my god... I think I'm gonna be sick." Ron covered his mouth, staring at the misshapen leg. To their surprise, then demon slowly got back to one foot, and started putting pressure on the disfigured leg. As soon as she did, the teens watched as she smirked, and popped the knee back into its natural form without even having to touch it.
Ron gagged as he turned around, feeling nauseous from the sight. Kim sighed, as she looked at her sidekick boyfriend. But as she looked back at the Shego-Reaver hybrid, the smile was long gone. Her yellow glowing eyes, had dark rings around them. Her angry smirk was now a sharp frown, showcasing her dagger teeth. Internally, this made Kim's skin crawled. As if she wasn't terrifying enough as it was, now she was really repulsing to look at.
"No more games, child." The demon spoke, but this time it wasn't in the feminine demonic voice. She could tell this was the actual Reaver's voice speaking instead of Shego's. It was in a surprisingly calm tone, so she knew the demon was seething with rage at this point.
They watched in confusion, as the demon slowly raised her arms in the air, still glowing hot with green flames.As Kim studied her movement, she gasped loudly as she realized what she was doing. "Ron! GET BACK!!" Kim yelled in terror. But it was already too late. The demon smashed her hands down to the ground below their feet, green flames igniting the entire skyscraper. Kim grabbed Ron's hand, and quickly ran to the closest edge of the building. The massive building shook, now beginning to cave in.
"Possible!" She half paid attention to the voice she heard as they approached the edge.
When she quickly looked up, that's when she saw the Global Justice gunship that had appeared not much earlier. Only briefly, she could see the dead pilot leaning into the window with a massive hole in his chest. Reached around him, was Dr. Betty Director. She had a hold of the controls, trying as hard as possible to keep the vehicle in the air.

Kim Possible: A Beautiful Death
FanfictionIt's been barely a year since the invasion of Earth. The heroics of Team Possible and their ex-nemeses haven't gone unnoticed in the villain world. The other Rogues of Team Possible's gallery have gone silent. But things have changed. An ancient ev...