"Okay, okay. Yes KP, I am. I'm listening." Ron tried to comprehend what Kim was shouting to him over the phone. "Give me just a little bit, I'll get some clothes on and take your car." He wasn't getting any clear explanation, only fast paced babbling from Kim, begging for him to meet them at an undisclosed spot. "Yes... okay... uh huh... 14500 McCutchan. Twenty first floor. I got it. Yes, I promise. Uh huh. I'll be there soon." Ron finished, as he hung up the phone.He scrambled to get his warm clothes on, and put on his belt. He saw Rufus out of the corner of his eye, sleeping hard as a rock on his bed. He reached out and started to easily shaking his best friend awake. "Rufus, cmon buddy." He said quietly. He saw the naked mole rat begin to open his eyes, yawning loudly. He easily sat up, and looked at Ron. "Hop in buddy, we gotta go meet KP and Shego." Ron whispered, as he finished zipping up his coat. He held out his pants pocket for Rufus to jump in, only to be rejected.
"Nuh-uh! Nuh-uh!" The grumpy naked mole rat said, pointing at the clock on the wall. "Sorry buddy but they really need our help. Cmon, what would Kim do?" Ron held him up and guilt tripped him. He watched Rufus glare at him, then finally sigh. He sternly pointed at Ron's pocket, signaling him to put him down. He did as told, and put his best friend in his pocket.
Bundling himself up nice and cozy, he easily slipped out the front door, locking it from the inside by the knob. He then proceeded to race walk from his house, to his girlfriend's house. It wasn't a bad walk, but it surly wasn't fun in the snow either. He snuck his way into the Possible's garage by the spare key he always had, and found the cold purple car. As he hopped in, he shut the car door as quick as possible to keep out the cold.
"Alright Rufus, GPS that address for me." He said, putting his uncomfortable seat belt on. Rufus scurried out of his pocket, and pulled out Ron's Kimmunicator from his other side pocket. He entered the location in the pda, his jaw instantly dropping. "What's wrong buddy?" Ron asked. Rufus turned the device to face the freckled blonde. His blank smile, instantly dropped to a frown.
"Go City? Are you shitting me?" Ron complained loudly, followed by the naked mole rat covering his mouth. He lightly pushed Rufus away from him, and sighed deeply. That's an hour and a half drive.." he slammed his forehead on the steering wheel in defeat. "Well, better get comfy buddy. We got a fun drive ahead of us."
_______________________________Dr. Drakken wondered around Shego's loft, anxiously waiting for her to get back. The tv was on, advertising some ad about Coco Moo. But in a situation like this, he couldn't pay attention to the commercial on his favorite product. Even though there were empty packets of Coco Moo scattered across the kitchen floor. "Rrr... this is getting tiresome!" He complained out loud, still pacing in agonizing circles. He then walked back to the kitchen counter, and grabbed another packet of his favorite chocolate beverage.
As soon as he was about to make a fresh cup, he heard the turning of a doorknob. He quickly turned around, the packet half torn open in his hand. That's when he saw Shego walk in, still in her biker gear. And walking right behind her, was a face he never thought he'd see in person again. It was that of his old arch-foe, Kimberly Ann Possible. His eyes widened, as he made eye contact with her—completely ignoring Shego's rant about his Coco Moo packets all over the floor.
"Kim Possible." He said blankly, still with bulging eyes.
"Drakken." Her voice tone matched his—not threatening or happy. "My, you've grown." He said, as if he were an aunt who hasn't seen her in years. A year, in this case. "And you've... aged.. well.?" She hesitated, as she tried to compliment him—not knowing how to answer his remark. "Wait.. where is the buffoon?" He then questions out of the ordinary.
"Ron." She said sternly.
"Ron. His name.. is Ron."
"Oh.. yes, of course. Where is.. Ron?" He questioned again, now feeling more uncomfortable than ever. "Alright look, this is getting awkward even for me." Shego griped, throwing away the last of his empty packets. "He'll be here soon. I called him on the way here."
"He better hightail it and haul ass here because my patience is worn thin enough as it is." Shego nearly growled, walking over to the couch. "Patience is a virtue, Shiela." Drakken remarked, a faint grin crawling upon his face. "Sheila?" Kim immediately questioned, while taking her thick coat off. "Argh! See what you've started?" She yelled at her former boss.
"Sheila huh... yeah, I can see it." Kim said with her friendly smile. "No, shut up. You don't get to call me that." Shego pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. "What's wrong with it? It's a pretty name, and it fits pretty well." Kim began to get satisfaction out of the fact that it annoyed her to death. "I don't want to hear another word out of you until Stoppable gets here, got it?" Shego said, her face stern as ever.
Kim rolled her eyes, and looked back at Drakken."So... Global Justice now, huh?" Kim crossed her arms, enjoying every moment of bugging her ex foes.
"Don't start giving me lip, Possible. When it became very clear to me I could never succeed at villainy, I realized after we saved the world, that I could actually give being a good guy a shot. And now look at me. I make paychecks like nobody's business! And for what? Creating things for Global Justice and benefiting mankind! I find myself quite good at this good guy thing." Drakken bragged, as he smiled with his arms crossed.
While Kim and Drakken were busy softly comparing who was a better person, they weren't noticing Shego. All the color had drained from her already pale face, as she began to feel weak. She began stumbling over herself, the further she walked. Her forehead felt as if it was carrying three tons, now bringing her vision to a daze. She tried to catch herself, by placing her hand flat on the table by her couch. As she began to put pressure on it, her hand slid, and knocked the lamp clear off the table.
The loud crash of the now broken lamp was enough to get the attention of the two in the open kitchen. They saw her arm then give out, as she dropped to the floor on her hands and knees.
"Sheila!"That's when a specific blonde with freckles stuck his head in the doorway. "She-who?" He questioned, as he looked around. He stuck his whole body in the door, and saw Shego on the floor. He gasped loudly, as he completely ran inside, to Kim and Drakken's surprise. The new trio then ran over to the raven hair woman who laid on the ground.
"What's wrong with her?" Kim began to panic, as Ron joined her side. Her eyes were barely open, looking around the room trying to regather her mind. "Shego? Shego can you hear me?" Drakken put his hand on her back. She looked at him from the side of her head, her hair now blocking most of her face. She rolled to lay on her side, and turned her head to look at him.
"I-it hurts... it hurts Dr. D it hurts..." She said in a swollen voice, and clenched her eyes closed tight. "Talk to me. Tell me everything you see." He said calmly, but internally he was panicking as much as the young adults next to him.
"Everything you see?" Ron then questioned, exchanging glances with his GFBF. "Am I missing something, or is everyone confused here." He scratched the top of his head. "D-Drakken... I see it all.. death! Pain! It's too late. It's already too late!" Her speaking became screaming.
"He's already here!"

Kim Possible: A Beautiful Death
FanfictionIt's been barely a year since the invasion of Earth. The heroics of Team Possible and their ex-nemeses haven't gone unnoticed in the villain world. The other Rogues of Team Possible's gallery have gone silent. But things have changed. An ancient ev...