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A/N: I drew the picture above because I was inspired when we finally got rain where I live. I know the story is set only days before Christmas where it's snowing everywhere, but the picture still fits the tone of the story.

The green-and-black-clad woman stood in the elevator, patiently waiting as she felt the jerk of the elevator begin to ascend. She stood facing the window, watching the outside world. Even she had to admit she liked the view of the city. The white wonderland to clash with her dark and faint-colored personality. Even at this time of night, the white snow reflected off the pale moonlight.

The elevator came to a surprising stop, throwing Shego out of her wondering daze. She saw the light around the 11 button was lit up, showing someone else was about to get on. The double doors opened to a young brown-haired male. Couldn't have been any older than 24, with light facial hair that matched the ones on his head. He nodded at her in salutations, and walked inside. She couldn't help but take more than a couple glances at him. Not too bad looking.

He looked at the other lit up button and hesitated to push it. The 21 button was lit up, taking him by surprise. "Twenty first floor?" He finally asked her, the doors closing them in. "Yep." She briefly answered, leaning against the railing and looking out the window from the side of her head. He turned to look at her, instantly recognizing her.

"Ya know, it's not often you see a member of Team Go in an apartment complex." Chucking, still looking at the doors. Shego's head rose at the name. She looked back at him, seeing the grin on the side of his face. "Let me just stop you right there. That's not me anymore." She briefly snarled at the statement.

"No? So who was that standing next to that blue doctor on television last year? Ya know, the one who helped save the planet?" He smirked again.

"Look, whatever you're implying, that's just not me. Yes, I helped Team Possible save the world from aliens. But I am not... one of them. Get it?" She quickly turned around, and looked at him with an annoyed face. The smirk left his face, as he noticed how irritated she began to be. Still locking eyes with the angry woman, he reached to the side, and pressed another button on the elevator. The elevator came back to another stop. The doors opened, as he began to walk out. Halfway out the doors, he shortly turned to look at her from the side of his eye.

"Ya know.. you may not see yourself as a hero anymore... but I definitely do. And so does the rest of the world. Just thought I'd let ya know." He said with a light smirk. He walked out, leaving the elevator close Shego in. She stared forward as it began to ascend again, face full of emotions. She looked conflicted, confused.

"I'm... damn it!" Shego then yelled, bringing her fist up and instantly plowing it directly through the console of buttons on the elevator. Her breathing got heavier, as her anger took over. She could feel the green aura surround her hands without intention, but by instinct.

She realized her hands were getting warm, and looked down at them. She saw them glowing, and sighed deeply. She took a deep breath, and tried to calm down. The elevator came to a stop, just in time for her to extinguish the green flames from her palms.

As soon as the double doors opened, she walked right out in a calm fashion. She saw a woman begin to enter the elevator out of the corner of her eye, looking inside at the now smoking console. "Elevator's busted." She said briefly, still walking away. She felt the bulging eyes of the woman crawl onto Shego with a look of confusion and shock.

As Shego turned the last corner at the edge of the floor, she saw her door. 2115, the metal tag on the door read. Shego unlocked it with the key from her trench coat pocket, and walked inside. Before even touching the light switch, she calmly shut the door, and sighed in relief. She looked around at the dark loft, only being illuminated by the night sky.

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