Burning Skies

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James Possible rolled around in his bed, tossing and turning. It wasn't like he was having trouble sleeping, but he kept waking up. Why? The last time he tried to shut his eyes again, he had it. He finally sat up, now irritated. He rubbed his eyes harder than necessary, and looked around the room. "What is that awful noise?" He said in an annoyed tone, as he swung his feet off the side of the bed.

That's when he heard the gorgeous Mrs. Possible begin to wake with a moan. "James..?" She exhaustingly said, sitting up with tired eyes. When her fuzzy vision cleared up, she looked at him and saw him open the door. "Where are you going?" She asked, fixing her hair. "I'm going to go find out where that annoying rumbling is coming from! I haven't been able to stay asleep for more than an hour." He turned back around, and walked toward the window.

He grabbed the curtains, and threw them open with annoyance. He looked out into the cold neighborhood, hoping to see the source of the noise. As soon as he looked around, he saw two small, red orbs just hovering in the black of the night. "Is that.. an animal?" James said, as he narrows his eyes to figure out what the two circles belonged to. As soon as he did, he noticed the orbs move to look his direction. Yup, those were eyeballs alright.

"Damn! Is that a.. a bear?" He questioned, beginning to see the street light illuminate its side. It locked eyes with James Possible for a split second, then darted off, out of his view. "Honey... since when do we have bears around here..?" He asked strangely, curious as to what that creature was. Then, he heard the rumbling again.

"We don't have wildlife around here..?" Mrs. Dr. P stood up, and walked to be right next to him in her night gown. They both looked outside, where the creature stood. The rumbling began to get worse, as they now felt the ground beneath them shake. "Earthquake! I'll go wake the kids up! Go get inside our hydro-electric powered titanium earthquake shelter out back!" He grabbed his wife's wrist, beginning to run off.

"Now slow down! What if it's just a small tremor?" Ann said calmly, stopping James from running off. Then, they both fell silent. The shaking stopped, as the looked around quietly. "Ah, see. Just a small tremor. Nothing for you to worry about hun." James confidently spoke, walking back to close the curtain. Ann was beginning to say something sarcastic in return to his remark, but then the couple heard something bloodcurdling.


A loud, ear piercing shriek then filled the neighborhood. The Possibles both froze in fear, staring directly at each other. "What... the hell.. was that?" Ann then asked, not even moving a finger. Before James could answer, that's when they felt the rumbling once again. This time it didn't just sound like an earthquake, it sounded like ten-thousand feet hitting the ground at once.

That's when they saw it. They saw a similar creature return in the middle of the dark street, only this time it had its own light illuminating itself. They could see its veins through its thick, leathery skin glow in the dark. He continued to run, then finally stopped in front of the streetlight. The couple were at a loss for words, staring at the creature with spine tingling terror. "Holy shit.." James said blankly. Split second after, the same creature yelped out another scream, then dashed directly at their window.

"Quick! Get the gun!" James yelled, snapping out of his fear state. Ann reached around the bed to his side, and opened the drawer by his bed. That's where she pulled out a handgun—never once been fired.

As soon as the handgun was in James' possession, he cocked the hammer back and fired directly at the running creature. The bullets broke through the frozen window, hitting the creature dead in the chest. It stopped, to their surprise. They then watched it look down at it's bullet wound, and rub it like it was a cold sore. It looked back up at the frightened couple, a newfound smirk on its face. James fired the gun six more times, hoping for it to drop dead. But, none of them pierced far enough through its skin. It then darted back at the house, now only feet away.

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