The teens stared at the woman, unable to process what was right before them. The sight was so distressing, even their bodies had stopped shaking. They just looked at her wide eyed in silence.The woman slowly turned to look at them, blood now running down her chin. "I..I-I.." She couldn't even speak. Her body shook with weakness, as she could feel the life force beginning to leave her body. As she tried to turn her entire nude body, she finally fell over in the snow. The snow turned crimson as she finally dropped over.
"N-no..." Kim said with a quivering lip.
"Kimmie.." She exhaled, feeling the cold wet snow on her nude body.
"No... nonoNO!" Kim's voice raises to yelling. "SHEGO!" She finally screamed, as the tears she tried so hard to fight back began to roll down her cheeks. Shego's blank face said a thousand words, her half eyed gaze staring into Kim's emerald eyes. She weakly reached up, arm shaking like a mad dog. Between her fingertips she easily pinched Kim's red locks, and stroked down them.
"A-all the years I spent t-trying to kill you..." She said hoarsely. She spit up blood on the ground right next to her shoulder after she spoke. "And I n-never thought... I'd be the one d-dying to you.." they both watched her face, fade into a slight frown.
"A-and you... sidekick." She let out a brief chuckle, as she turned to look at Ron. "Of all the t-times I beat you black... and s-somehow you still managed to evade m-me.. lucky little s-shit.." She laughed again, followed by a violent fit of bloody coughing. He didn't respond however, his baggy eyes just continued to stare.
"B-but... just... why.." She heard Kim sob. She turned her head to look back at the crying teen. Her teeth were visible clenched tightly, as her eyes nearly bulged out of her head.
"I hated you.. God I f-fucking hated you. For so long I w-wanted nothing more than to see you finally b-bite the dust.." She returns to her blank face, speaking to the crying hero. "I was gonna save her... why did you—
"No. Y-you weren't... you knew as well as I d-did, you wouldn't have made it in time." Even dying, Shego gave the boy some sass.
Ron felt Kim slowly grab his hand, and clench on it with all her might."Damn it.. all that m-money gone... I was finally earning money for fighting the g-good fight. My f-future was so bright.." She finally felt a went tear stream down her face.
"T-then why did you save me.." Kim finally attempted to speak clearly.
Shego turned her entire head to look at the girl. That's when Kim noticed, Shego was close to crying as hard as she was. A weak smile crawled onto her lips, now crimson red.
"B-because yours was brighter..."
They froze. Hearing that sentence alone, shattered their hearts whole.
"You truly see it, don't you children." The finally heard the sinister laughter ahead of them. "As I have said before... death follows you everywhere." He laughed again, only this time harder.
When Kim looked up at him, her tears had stopped. The fiery rage brewing inside her, was unmatchable. Her eyes were beet red, with a hateful glare that no one had yet seen. As she held Shego's dying body in her arms, she felt something she had never before. She had the terrible feeling of bloodlust. Finally for the first time, she was just itching to kill. To kill him.
"Go on K-Kim... save the world..." Shego's voice finally began to fade off, as she felt she was only seconds away from seeing the true bright light. "You w-were always... m..meant... to..." She finally said. And with that last sentence, Kim felt the weight in her arms, begin to increase. The day had finally came she never thought she'd witness with her own eyes. Shego's death.

Kim Possible: A Beautiful Death
FanfictionIt's been barely a year since the invasion of Earth. The heroics of Team Possible and their ex-nemeses haven't gone unnoticed in the villain world. The other Rogues of Team Possible's gallery have gone silent. But things have changed. An ancient ev...