The Ultimate Decision

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Kim's eyes were wide in awe, jaw hanging low at the request of the green woman. "W-what.." She stuttered, staring at her in shock.

"You have to kill me! Do it now!" Shego yelled again. She herself was terrified. Not just of the current situation, but of everything. She wasn't afraid to die, what she was afraid of was being responsible for billions of deaths. Innocent deaths.

Kim didn't know how to answer. She just stayed in the same one-knee stance, fear and sadness covering her face. "B-But I.." She continued to stutter, shaking vigorously.

"You have to! Please! If I'm still alive, this world is in danger of losing every bit of life! So now put on your big girl pants, and kill me!" Shego grabbed Kim's shoulders and shook her with frustration. As she shook the teen, she saw the light whip of her head jerked a line of tears from her left eye. As soon as she saw the tear drop from her chin, she stopped shaking her.
The look in her eyes matched that of Kim's. The destroyed feeling, deep inside.

When she looked back up at Kim, she could see that pain in her eyes. It was an extreme burden, asking her to kill her own rival—and most recently, friend.

"Kimmie... listen to me, okay? We've spent years.. years fighting for different sides. For nothing more than a useless cause. I've watched you grow up from that shithead preteen... to the amazing person you are now. And as much as it used to pain me to say it... I am proud of you. So damn proud. In the end, you made me see the error of my ways and changed me. Along with many of your other enemies." She spoke softly.

Kim never thought she'd ever hear the woman talk to her like this. In her entire life. It wasn't ever something she'd dreamt of, but now that it was finally here... it hurt. Deep down it stung like fresh scrapes on her face.

That's when Shego finally let a few tears loose herself. Seeing the teenage girl she once wanted to end, now beginning to sob before her. Seeing her so broken, like she never had before. No one has, not even Ron. Kim was always a smart, cool-headed person. She had never felt inner pain like she had now.

"And for what it's worth... thank you. All those memories—good and bad—will never leave me. But Kimmie... this is how it has to be.." Shego felt the quiver in her lip start to grow as strong as Kim's. "Shego... I c-can't. I just c-can't.." She sobbed, barely being understood.

"Foolish bitch. Expecting a child to off you just like that. She will not stop our ascent to Godhood!" Shego then blurted out, as her eyes flicked back and forth again. She vigorously shook her head, regaining her conscience.

"K-Kim! He's regaining his power! You have to d-do it! Do it NOW!" Shego felt the sharp pain again, attempting to fight back. Continuing to sob, Kim stood up—still weak from damage— and stared at Shego. She flung her wrist out, extending the blade from her wrist she had used before. The sharp tip and the sides glowing red with a shiny black blade in the middle.

Shego watched the girl stand up, instantly knowing she was finally about to do it. She was actually going to kill, for the first time in her life. No teenager should have that burden on their shoulders the rest of their lives like that. That's why it hurt Shego so much to ask her to do so.

The two stared at each other, silence filling the void between them. There was nothing left to say. They both cried, knowing what was about to happen. Kim sobbed the hardest out of the two, as she took a step closer to Shego. This was the hardest thing she had to do as a hero.
She brought her elbow back, ready to drive it clean through her... friend.

"I-I'm sorry.." Kim sobbed to her hardest, as she gripped her hand into a fist. Her elbow cocked all the way back, but never launched at Shego. What is it?

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