A Beautiful End Part I

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"If I were a batshit demon from the beginning of time... where would I be..." Kim said out loud, as she floored the Jeep through the abandoned streets of Go City. The monstrous vehicle plowed through anything in its path, from broken off pieces of buildings to trash cans and small fires here and there. The bottom teeth of the vehicle took most of the impact from the street blockage.

Kim was gripped on to the steering wheel as tight as possible, while Ron held the safety handle on the ceiling. His nerves weren't so much aimed at the battle he knew was coming, but aimed more at his determined redheaded girlfriend who drove through the empty city like its the end of the world. Oh... wait.

As Ron held on for dear life, he looked out his window into the snowy city. But the very first thing he noticed, was miles down the road. On a skyscraper he saw off in the distance, there was a large funnel cloud circling around it. With a thick yellow beam burning directly into the roof. He could see it plow directly through the building through the broken windows. "Uh.. KP.." Ron tried to bud in to her thinking out loud.

"The center of the city maybe?"


"Ron, keep your eyes open for any clue that would lead us to the Reaver." She said, still staring directly ahead at the road. Ron looked out his window again, gazing at the ever-growing beam. "Um... I-I think I've got a pretty good idea.." Ron fearfully gulped, still staring in horror. Kim looked over her shoulder, and saw out his window. Her jaw dropped with a surprise look, as she saw the same landmark he did. Not paying any attention to the road, she didn't realize she was about to impact hard. On something even harder.

The front of the vehicle hit a blunt object, throwing Kim and Ron forward. Their seatbelts kept them restrained, but the absorption from the seatbelts still knocked the wind out of them. Kim's head almost hit the steering wheel, barely missing it by a hair. Both recovering from shock, they looked up. Through the front window, they saw one of the hefty demons, the spikes of the vehicle jammed into its waist.
As soon as they looked up at it, the two teens made eye contact with the beast.

"YEREEEEEEAAKKKKKK!!" The beast roared in agony, purple blood gushing from it's open wounds.

"AHH!" The teens screamed in unison.

Kim quickly threw the vehicle in reverse, backing up faster than the monster could catch up. But something was off about this, and she knew it. It wasn't just the monster, but it was her feeling of her surroundings. She noticed the monster stop running, just staring at the Jeep with hate. A big slimy grin crawled across its face, as Kim continued to floor it in reverse.

That's when she saw more beasts, crawling out of anything in sight. From broken buildings, to alleys between them, they quickly spread like a monstrous infection. Terrified, Kim turned around in her seat, to find a way to get off the street. But, that's when she saw even more appear behind her. She quickly slammed on the brakes, and skid in the snow to a rough stop.

She could hear all the creatures laughing at them, knowing she was ridiculously outnumbered. "Shit." She crushed to herself, smacking the steering wheel.

"You will not reach the Reaver." She heard a masculine, demonic voice. Silence fell between the two teenagers, as she looked at Ron. "What? That wasn't me!" He defended himself, with his arms up. They exchanged glances one last time, before looking forward. They saw the bleeding out creature, still smiling.

"Children. Pathetic. You will not pass us all." It spoke in the same voice they heard before. "Holy shit they talk!" Ron screamed in terror. That was the last straw for Kim. She was so not going to deal with this right now. She placed one hand back on the wheel, and the other on the gear shift. She quickly placed the vehicle back in drive, and floored it to Ron's surprise. The back tires spit snow and burnt rubber in the face of the demons, as it rushed ahead.

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