White. Kimberly Possible opened her eyes, and saw nothing but white. The first thing she thought of, were her recent injuries. She quickly looked down at her body, hunting for scars or cuts or even burn marks of any kind. She quickly checked every inch of her arms, and some of her torso—lifting up her shirt. She found nothing, and even felt up her back, where the glass had cut her. But still, nothing. Her realization came to her, as her eyes bulged out. She rubbed the back of her head, trying to find the wound. But not even that was there.She easily sat up in the blank wonderland, and stood on her feet. "Where am I..?" She questioned out loud, beginning to look around. Everywhere she turned, she saw the endless white surroundings. "Hello?" She said louder, continuing to gaze around. Curious, she chose a direction and began to walk. She could hear the echoing of her own footsteps every step she took, which was near maddening.
Her speed picked up, now beginning to lightly run. Something about this eternal abyss just didn't feel right. She felt uncomfortable, like eyes were on her no matter where she ran. Her anxiety began to pick up, causing her to start running. Then in the empty quietness, a voice was heard—no, voices were heard. It was inaudible, but they began to echo like her heavy footsteps. The echoing voice swarmed her—she could heard them everywhere.
"Who are you! What is this!" She yelled in fear, as she continued to run. The speaking still rattled her mind, as she began to go mad. "Stop this! Stop!" She then grabbed her head, screaming with her eyes shut tight as she ran at an incredible pace.
"No! STOP!" She yelled a long, drawn out stop, followed by more echoing of voices.
Not looking where she was going, she then smacked hard into something. It knocked her hard to the ground, causing her to hit the back of her head against what felt like cement. She moaned in pain, as she laid down and tried to stop the world from spinning. She lifted her head up, and slowly opened her eyes. What she saw, was no longer the white emptiness as before.
She was finally back on earth. But not her earth. She looked around, and saw nothing but terror. The night sky illuminated the snow falling, but with a red tint. By the looks of it, she was back in Middleton, but a frightened and fear-stricken version of her hometown. The creatures she escaped from in Peru were hoarding the streets. There were no people in sight. Only destroyed homes, roads and buildings.
"This can't be.." She steppe back in fear, now touching the wall she ran into. That's when she realized, she needed to find her home. "Mom!" She then screamed, running off down the neighborhood.
She ran for four blocks, finally reaching her residential neighborhood. She could see her house coming up on the horizon, praying to god it was still in one piece. Along with her family. Her running came to an easy stop, as soon as her feet touched the singed grass of her front yard. She stood in horror, staring at her broken down and mostly destroyed house. She quickly shook off the fear, and ran inside the house.
"Mom! Dad! Tweebs!" She yelled, as she entered the living room through the doorway that was missing the door. She got no answer. She then ran up the distorted stairs, praying to find her little brothers in their room. She pivoted the corner with ease, and kicked the broken door open. "Jim! Tim!" She yelled again, once again hearing no reply.
She ran back down the stairs, darting straight into her parent's room. Or, what was left of it. And once again, she found nobody. That's when she realized, she was alone. She looked around in fright, panicking as she began to predict the worse. "No... god no..." She then dropped to her knees. Tears flooded the bottoms of her eyes, spilling out onto her cheeks. They ran down her jaw and hitting the crusty floor below her. She placed her face in her palms, and sobbed into them.

Kim Possible: A Beautiful Death
FanfictionIt's been barely a year since the invasion of Earth. The heroics of Team Possible and their ex-nemeses haven't gone unnoticed in the villain world. The other Rogues of Team Possible's gallery have gone silent. But things have changed. An ancient ev...