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Kim walked in the front door of her home, her mission bag draped over her shoulder. The second the door shut, she saw Ann possibly whip her head back in surprise. She threw everything off her lap, and stood up as fast as possible. Again, no pun intended. With one movement she picked up the clicker and turned off the tv, while she strutted towards her daughter.

It made Kim nearly sick to her stomach, seeing the pale white fear on her mother's face. She could tell there was dry tear marks under her eyes. "You don't call... you don't leave a note.. you don't even tell Ron's Mom you left halfway across the world. Kimmie, you cannot do these things to me!" Her mom then squeezed her into a tight hug, surprising her. She was expecting more of a yelling. She hugged back, and could hear her mom sniff loudly in her ear.

"Come here." She pulled off her daughter, and walked back to the couch. She sat down in her previous spot, and looked at Kim, who was still standing in the same spot. She then snapped her fingers with a stern face, and pointed to the seat next to her. Kim sighed, and sat her large snow covered tote bag by the door. She plopped down right next to her mother, and crossed her legs.

"Look, honey... I know you're getting older. I know... I know the missions you do get worse and worse, every single time. And I am so proud... so damn proud of you. You and Ronald both. I love and care for him, as if he were one of my own. But lately, I don't know what's happening with you two anymore. You don't tell me anything. I'm not just being nosy, I just worry about you. So much. I never know if you and Ron are up in your room like you would be fifteen minutes before, or if you sneak off on another mission around the planet! Even when it is too two, I'm worried one day you're going to have the nerve to walk in and tell me that you're pregnant—


"I'm serious Kimberly! And even if it weren't that, I'm absolutely terrified—mortified, that one day you're going to leave for something like this morning...." She stopped, now beginning to cry again.

"But not come back.." Her crying became more aggressive. The teen was at a loss for words. She had never seen her mother this afraid. Much less cause her to act like this. The only thing she could do, was grab her mother and hold her tightly. "I don't want to be the doctor that find her own daughter on an operating table." She continued, and started wiping her eyes.

"Mom.." Kim opened her mouth to speak, but that was the only thing that came out. "I-I'm sorry. Not just for this morning. But for everything. You're right. I need to be more responsible and tell you when I'm doing something as dangerous as this morning." Kim said calmly—who was actually shaking on the inside. After seeing her mom like this, she couldn't bare the thought of worrying her with the idea of creatures crawling from the ground that tried to kill her and Ron.

The teen redhead laid in her bed, sitting up against her pillow. She had her overhead headphones and a book in her lap serenading her until she felt like falling asleep. It was an eventful day. She needed sleep. At least a twelve hour sleep. But she couldn't. The only reason she was still awake, was she was afraid to fall asleep. She didn't want to wake up the next morning seeing another vision. Another nightmare.

Being eased by her music, she closed the book in her lap, with a deep sigh. She rolled her head against the wall to look at her alarm clock.
3:14. Great. "This is gonna be a rough night.." She sighed again, and laid down flat against her pillow.

Wait. Something's not right.

She quickly sat back up, her tired eyes looking directly ahead. Something around her didn't feel right. As a freelance do-gooder, it was almost second nature for her to feel when something is off. But never once had she felt like this in her own home. She quickly leapt out of bed, already on her guard. The first thing she did was check the bathroom, by dashing in with a fighters stance. She looked around carefully, only to find nothing. That's when she heard a racket outside. Almost like the sound of an engine.

She turned to her window, and leaned forward cautiously, just in case it was an intruder or some kind of psychopath. She slid her curtains to the side, and finally peaked out the window.
What the hell?

There was black motorcycle sitting out the front of the house, with a sketchy looking figure still sitting on the seat. They were revving the engine, very clearly trying to get someone's attention. Her attention. The biker had on a thick, black leather jacket with tight pants to match. Damn. They had to be cold sitting out there like that.

She watched the biker turn their helmet to look at her, staring directly at her window. Shit. Why can't this wait until morning? She thought to herself. She slid her window open, and dove directly out into the cold. She rolled on the wet lawn, standing up right before the biker. "You really need to put something warmer than that on." The surprising female voice sassed her.

"Cut the crap. I knew it was you before I even opened my window."

The woman didn't answer, she just lifted her visor glass up, to showcase beautiful, bright green eyes. "Why are you here, Shego? And why couldn't it just wait until tomorrow... I've had a rather shitty day and I'd rather not figh—

"Quit your whining and go get some damn clothes on. There's something you need to see." Her voice began to fall. Kim just stared at her, confused. She wasn't staring at her because of what she said. She was staring at her, because there was something different about her. "Now! Stop staring at me!" Shego finally yelled in frustration.

"Shego.." Kim's voice fell silent. "Let me see.."

Shego opened her mouth like she was about to speak, but froze as her jaw opened. She knew what Kim was referring to, but she didn't want to give in. "If you came to me of all people for help... believe it or not I do care."

"Right. Like your privileged ass ever cared about anyone like me."

Kim's face dropped. Shego stared into her eyes that rivaled even her own. For the first time in years they were connecting through nothing but eye contact. When Shego finally broke the connection, she looked down at the ground. Her breathing back to a mellow pace, instead of an angry hyperventilation. She then sighed deeply, and reached for her helmet. Unbuckling the bottom of the helmet, she then grabbed the top, and slowly began to lift it from her head.

Kim stared in horror, looking at Shego's now disfigured face. She put her hands over her mouth, keeping her from yelling loud enough to wake the neighborhood. Her face had the same lime tint color, but it was beginning to crack. And the cracks in her face, were glowing. Glowing bright green. She and the raven haired woman stared at each other, one with shame and the other with grief.

"W-what is.... how d-did.." Kim couldn't even make a single word with her mouth. She was too awestruck. "We've got a lot of catching up to do, Princess..."

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