Kim ran out of the fancy cabin into the cold snow, alone. "KP!" She heard Ronald calling for her. The calm wind blowing chilling snowflakes in her face made it hard to keep her eyes from squinting as she drug her feet. "Don't try and stop me, Ron! I can't just sit around and do nothing while our families are in danger!" Kim yelled back, not even facing him."I was actually gonna say you need a better jacket, but that too!" Ron dorkishly yelled as he began to pursue after her. "You don't get it! These things could be killing the people we love! We need to go put an end to this right now!" Kim finally turned to face Ron, anger starting to cover her exhausted face. Ron finally caught up to her, and put his hands on her shoulders.
"And we will. But right now, we can't just go run out and expect to take these creatures—let alone Shego out! You don't think I'm scared too? I'm terrified! These guys aren't the Dementor, they're not Drakken and they're not DNAmy!" He finally yelled at her, causing her to stare at him like she never has before. "Kim... we have to find a different way. We will save them, okay? I promise." His voice got calmer. Her tired and blank face stared at him for a moment. Then, he pulled her into a tight hug.
"We're not gonna let them die.." he whispered calmly to her, as his warmth kept Kim from freezing in this cold. She nodded her head into his chest in agreement, as he lead her back inside the warm cabin.
They walked back inside, and sat down in Ron's temporary room. His room has all the equipment they had to spare from the fire at the apartment. Kim changed her shirt, into a warm tan colored sweater. Even she had to admit, running out in the cold without proper protection was a stupid move. And running out into the cold to face demon creatures without any equipment of any kind was just as dumb. I'm Kim Possible! She thought. I don't do stupid stuff like this!
She walked over to her worn out bag near Ron's bathroom door, and pulled out her Kimmunicator.
"Kim! How are you feeling? Are you alright? What happen-
"Wade, I'm fine." The redhead slightly chuckled at the boy's rambling. "Look, I need you to do a couple things for me."
The Possible family cowered in the basement, sitting in silence. Ann was sleeping in the small bed the room had to offer. James sat in one of the chairs, looking just as exhausted as his missing daughter. And the twins were both sitting on their old couch, which they moved down to the basement after the house was rebuilt. The previous night was a rough one for the family. Nobody could sleep after what they had witnessed. Worst of all, one of their own was missing.
Ann worried most of all, especially after the last thing she had said to her daughter was about staying safe and letting them know where she was. Falling asleep was a blessing for her, especially after tossing and turning in her sleep the night before.
As the family sat in silence—other than James angrily trying to get the news radio to work—they began to hear a faint vibrating sound. The family quickly jumped to alarm, being alert to any unknown sound they heard. They quietly listened, James looking at his boys with his index finger over his two lips. It went quiet, until they heard the same sound again. But this time it wasn't just vibrating, it almost sounded like a ringtone.
Beep-beep beep beep
That's when the family realized, it was a familiar sound. And it sounded like it was coming from the basement. They instantly recognized the ringtone, as it went off a second time. The twins and their father all quickly scurried around, to find the pda. Their quick movements woke Ann, almost startling her hearing fast paced footsteps.
"What's wrong? What are you doing?" She began to panic, seeing the family scurry around the room. "The Kimmie's Kimmunicator! It's in here somewhere!" James replied, still emptying every box and clearing every shelf.
"Found it!" They both heard Jim yell. They turned and saw him stand up from under the bed, when he pulled the device out. James and Tim quickly ran over to him, and looked at it. It was covered in cobwebs and dirt with a slight dim to its beeping screen. It had to have been one of her first models. James quickly took it from the boy's hands, and wiped it clean with his palm.
On the blank screen, appeared a room. It very well taken care of, with maroon curtains covering the cold, night filled windows. They could see the very end of a bed, as well as the bottom of the open closet and the open bathroom door. All of the sudden the screen was pivoted up, to reveal their missing redhead daughter.
"Kimmie!" James and Ann both shouted in shock—Ann putting her hands over her mouth. "Kimmie-Cub, where are you!" James shouted in relief. But, she wasn't answering. "Kim, can you hear us?" Ann questioned, now flipping her feet over the side of the bed. But, she didn't say anything again. Her face was seriously, but calm at the same time.
"Mom, Dad.. this is a recorded message," She began, "I hope you find this, and know that I'm okay. There's a lot to explain, and not enough time to do it. I just want to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry I disappeared without a trace of any kind. You're probably wondering where those ugly creatures are coming from... well, I know it's gonna sound crazy, but they're the first sign of the end of the world. And I'm sure you can tell, they've probably taken over all of Middleton. And worst of all... I'm sorry to tell you I can't come home right now. The monster who did this is still out there, and we're the only ones who can stop them." She stopped, and pulled Ron into the camera. He shyly waved, as his girlfriend forced him into the shot.
"And we will stop them. Because we're Team Possible..." She stopped, and gazed at Ron with a smile. He gave her the same grin back, with his brown eyes locking with her green eyes. "And we can do anything." She said confidently, and looked back at the camera. "Please.. stay safe. I love you guys. And to the people of the world.. There is a huge threat on our planet. You can hide and protect yourselves... or you can fight with us." She finally said, about to hang up the message. Ron quickly grabbed the Kimmunicator from her hand, and put it directly in his face. "I will give my life to save Bueno Nacho! Nacos forever!" Ron yelled with his fist in the air. Kim finally took the device from him, and ended the message.
"Oh my god." Ann nearly began to cry. "We love you too, Kimmie-Cub." James said to the blank screen.
_______________________________"Dr. Director!" The one eyed woman heard from behind her, turning around to see the same young woman running up to her. She was at the top of the elevated room, both hands on the railing with the large screen playing something in the dark room. "You have to see—
The girl stopped, as she looked behind Dr. Director and saw the screen. On the screen, was a recorded message by Team Possible."I need you to find the source of this message." She told the young woman. "It was on her personal device, ma'am. It can't be traced." The nervous girl replied. "If it's untraceable, then how did Global Justice decrypt the message?" She asked back, assuming the message was only for the Possible residence. "Ma'am, this message wasn't just sent to one responder. With all do respect. Team Possible sent this to every open line in the world." The girl began to shrink, as she answered her superior.
Dr. Director stared at the girl for a moment, then looked back at the huge screen in the room. "Show me footage of Time Square." She finally demanded, followed by a nod from one of her agents below her. The screen then jumped to satellite video of the massive array of screens in Time Square, New York. On every screen and monitor, was the same video message playing by Kim Possible. "I don't believe it.." She said, not even looking shocked.
"Those kids actually survived." Her shock finally began to show.She then whipped herself around, and race walked through the automatic double doors. As she ran down the hallway, she entered another center just like the one she left a moment ago. All the agents in the room turned to look at her, as she slammed the doors open. "Listen up. Team Possible has a way to stop these ugly sons of bitches. And we're going to do everything in our power to make sure they save this planet. Find a way to contact Ms. Possible, and find a weakness for these bastards." She sternly ordered, as her voice echoed through the center. "Yes ma'am!" Multiple voice replied to her, as they all turned in their pivoting chairs back to their computers.

Kim Possible: A Beautiful Death
FanfictionIt's been barely a year since the invasion of Earth. The heroics of Team Possible and their ex-nemeses haven't gone unnoticed in the villain world. The other Rogues of Team Possible's gallery have gone silent. But things have changed. An ancient ev...